Chapter 149

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Chris pov...

We arrive back at ma's house and Ava and Jack have been singing along with the Disney songs i had put on, in the backseat... Ava wanted to sit with him and i drove us back just watching them with a smile on my face while my heart felt like it was breaking. I can't help but be scared of what the future holds... I just can't believe it is back... The happy boy sitting in the back with his mother singing along with not a care in the world is sick again... He has to go back to the hospital and although he will have us by his side... I can't imagine what it is going to do to his mental state... I also wonder if we have missed the signs. But i keep telling myself because we are early there where none... I keep telling myself we will be okay. That we caught it early... That he will have to fight, and it will not be easy, but he will get better... He has to... We can't lose him.

We have to shatter his world today and part of me doesn't want to as he looks so happy sitting in the backseat with Ava singing along with the music. How are we going to tell him that he is sick again. How are we going to tell him that we have to take him back to the place he hates... Were he was so miserable... I keep my eyes on the road trying my best to focus as the last thing we need is to crash....

We arrive home and get out of the car and watch as Jack runs into the house... "How are we going to tell him... How are we expected to break his heart when he is just so happy..." Ava whispers as i walk up to her... I put my arm around her... "I dont know angel... I think we just have to rip the band aid off..." I say as i lead her inside... 

We walk into the house, and it is quiet. Ma is sitting at the kitchen counter reading the newspaper... "Hey." She chirps... "Jack run of to get changed to go play in the yard..." She says smiling and we nod... Ma looks at us and squints her eyes... "How are the twins?" Ava asks and ma's squint turns into a smile. "They are sleeping... They are such easy babies. I can't believe it sometimes... I thought taking care of twins would be a lot harder..." She says laughing... We smile at her but i guess we are not convincing...

"Chris... What is going on..." She says and just as i am about to open my mouth Jack comes zooming by... "Hi going to play outside... Bye..." He squeals and i can't help but chuckle... "Chris? Ava... Somebody better tell me what is going on because your faces smile but your eyes dont..." Ma says standing up putting her hands on her hips...

I want to speak but i just can't... I just can't seem to get the words out of my mouth... I want to tell her... We need to tell him... "The cancer is back..." Ava blurts out and ma's face goes white, while Ava starts to softly sob again... "What... No! He is happy... He is healthy... He is not sick!" She says in total shock pointing to the back door were Jack just run through to play outside... I finally found my words again and i take a deep breath while wrapping my arms around Ava to console her... 

"There is a small spot on his brain... He needs to go in tomorrow for some more tests and a biopsy... We caught it early. He has a good chance, but it is back..." I say and tears stream down my face... 

"Oh sweethearts..." Ma says and walks over to us and i pull her into our embrace. "We will get through this... Whatever you need we will get through it like a family..." Ma whispers and we just cry... "What is going on?" We hear all of a sudden and Jack is standing in the door opening... 

"Hey bud..." I say wiping away my tears... "I wanted a snack..." He says looking guilty as if he had done something wrong by walking into the kitchen. I take in a sharp breath... "Why is everyone crying?" He says looking scared... I take a deep breath and walk over to him... I wrap my arms around him and lift him up while holding him tightly and for a moment i never want to let him go... For a moment i want time to stop... For a moment i wish i had healing powers and could take it all away... That i could snap my fingers and he was better... That he just can go on with his life... That he could go to school after summer break. But all that is now unsure... It will break his little heart as he was so excited...  I set him down on the counter and look at ma and Ava... I know we will have to tell him rather sooner than later so he can process it... Ma and Ava are still holding onto each other... 

I look at Jack taking a deep breath running my hand through his hair... But before i can even say anything he speaks "I am sick again, am i?" He says and he doesn't sound like a little boy... He sounds like a grown up... He puts his hand on my face as tears are streaming down my face... "Yes bud... You are... I am so sorry bud... But you have to go back to the hospital tomorrow..." I say and he puts his little hands on my face... "It is okay dad..." He says softly and i pull him into another hug as i hear Ava and ma sob behind me... 

When we pull back from the hug Ava walks over and puts her hands on his little face... "We are going to do everything we can to get you better, sweetheart... We will be with you every step of the way... You will not be alone this time... We all love you so much and will do everything we can to get you better..." Ava whispers kissing his cheek and Jack looks at her with tears in his eyes and they hug... "I can't go to school after the summer break, can i..." He says and starts to sob uncontrollably... "I dont think so sweetheart..." Ava says holding him tighter... "I want to go to schoooool... I want to be a normal boy..." He says absolutely distraught. He didn't cry about the cancer being back. He cries because he can't be a normal boy and go to school... It is absolutely heart-breaking hearing him cry because he just wants to be normal... 

"I am so sorry sweetheart..." Ava whispers over and over rocking him back and forth trying to console him... I just stand there and watch trying to console ma while not breaking completely down myself... "It is not fair..." Ma whispers and i nod... "No... It is not..." I mumble...

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