Chapter 14

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2 weeks go by Josh and i had made up a few days after our argument... We went on a couple of dates, and he seemed like his old self again.... I have had lunch with Scott and as promised he hadn't mentioned Chris... It was nice to talk to Scott again and we had fun and lunch turned into dinner and after a few drinks i had taken an Uber home... 

I am sitting in my office going over some shots i had taken of this cute family with their twin babies... I smile as they looked so happy... The babies are adorable in their matching dresses and pink bows... The mother absolutely glowing and dad looking at his girls with a proud smile... I sigh and wonder if i ever would have that... A family... 

All of a sudden, my assistant walks up to me all excited... "Ava... Marvel is on the line..." She whispers pointing to the phone on my desk and i think she is going to combust as she is practically buzzing from excitement...... I look at her confused and she lets out a little giggle and i shake my head smirking... 

I take a deep breath before i answer the phone... "Ava Watts..." I say and i almost drop the phone when i am told to please hold for the Russo brothers... "Ms. Watts... You are on the line with Joe and Anthony Russo..." A voice says and i think i am going to have a stroke or something... "Gentlemen what can i help you with..." I ask after i had taken a deep breath... 

"We are in a bit of a predicament... The usual photographer that follows us around on set taking behind the scenes pictures has broken his leg and well as you might understand he is not able to fulfill his task this time..." One of the brothers explains and i have to swallow hard... "Okay..." I say trying to sound aloof and not freak out... 

"We have seen your work including the last shoot you did with Evans... You know some of our actors and we know they would feel comfortable having you around to take photos..." One of the brothers says and i hold my breath... "So, we were wondering if you would be able to fulfill the task... You would spend your days on set taking behind the scenes photos and do photoshoots with the actors for promotion and press purposes... It is for a duration of 4 months maybe even longer if we are delayed..." One of them says and i take a deep breath... 

I ask some questions and i know this is an amazing opportunity... This is a ones in a lifetime thing not to mention i will be behind the scenes of a Marvel production... But i can't help but think that Chris is behind this... After discussing details i ask when they expect and answer and i get 48 hours and they leave me a number to reach them on... I want to do this... God i want this so bad... The only thing stopping me... Chris... I sigh putting my head in my hands... 

"You are going to do it right?" My assistant asks and i look up... "Have you been eavesdropping again?" I ask smirking and she blushes... I chuckle and she sits down in front of me... "Look i dont know what is going on between you and Chris... You dont have to tell me but dont let him be the reason for missing this great opportunity..." She says and i sigh... I know she is right but i feel a shit storm coming... Josh is not going to be happy... Can Chris keep it professional... Fuck so many things running through my mind... 

I sigh, stand up and start to pace up and down... "Ava... You can't pass this up..." My assistant says and i nod... "I know but first i need to get some answers..." I mumble and grab my keys... "Go home and please lock up..." I say and she looks at me confused... "Where are you going!!!" She yells after me... "To get some answers..." I yell back and i walk out the door and to my car...

I am sitting in my car in the driveway of Chris his house for half an hour now... I need answers and i know they are behind that door but i can't seem to get out... It feels like i am glued to my seat and unable to move... All of a sudden, the front door opens... Chris appears in the doorway looking at me... He stands there for a few seconds confused why i am not getting out of the car. I need to get out this is pathetic and i scold myself for not moving... He starts to walk over to my car and i follow him with my eyes until he is standing next to my door opening it... "Ava?" He says but i dont answer and he crouches down to my level... "Ava... Are you okay?" He asks and i turn my head towards him but still dont say a word... 

"Do you want to come inside...?" He asks his voice soft and gentle and i sigh... "I dont know..." I murmur... So many conflicting emotions running through my mind... "Ava what is wrong...? Please tell me you are making me worried..." Chris asks and i shrug my shoulders...  "I shouldn't be here but i need answers..." I mumble and Chris looks at me even more confused... "Please come inside... It is cold..." Chris says holding out his hand for me to take... I look at it and hesitate for a moment before i take it and Chris stands up and i step out of the car... 

He looks me over not in a sexual way but to make sure i am really okay and i roll my eyes... He closes the car door, and he walks towards the house and i pause for a second and he looks behind him and waits for me to catch up... I sigh... I want answers and this is the only way so i follow him inside and into the kitchen... "Do you want something to drink?" He asks me and i shake my head... "No i am not staying long... I just wanted to ask you something..." I say taking a deep breath and he looks at me confused again...

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