Chapter 28

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I wake up and look at the time and groan... It is only 3 in the morning and i had set the alarm for 4 giving me an hour to get ready... Chris is spooning me his arm draped over me holding me close... I sigh and carefully turn in his arms cuddling into him and he starts to hum... "Is it already time to get up..." He says in a raspy morning voice and i think i am going to die because fuck it sounds sexy... "No... Go back to sleep..." I whisper planting a kiss on his chest and he hums sliding his one arm under me pulling me even closer if that is possible... "You should wear a cap today... It is going to be hot out and you will need protection from the sun..." He murmurs and i smile... "I brought the Nasa cap you bought me..." I whisper and he smiles with his eyes closed...

"Good girl..." He murmurs and i bite my lip to suppress a moan... Yep new kink unlocked... I think to myself and a giggle escapes my mouth... "What are you giggling about Angel..." He murmurs and i sigh... "Nothing... Go back to sleep..." I whisper and he sighs pressing a kiss on my forehead... "Cant..." He whispers and i smile as i am wide awake but perfectly content laying in his arms it almost makes me wish we could just stay here all day... But the craziness is going to start today and i am also excited...

I let out a massive sigh and Chris chuckles... We just lay there cuddled up until the alarm goes off and Chris groans protesting when i untangle myself from his arms... I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower... "I am going to shower in my own room..." Chris says at the other side of the door... "Okay..." I say and i hear him leave the room...  I take my time scrubbing my whole body and when i am done and dried off i dress in Jeans and a t-shirt... I put some shorts in my bag in case it gets too hot for jeans and an extra shirt... I put my hair in a ponytail and put on the cap smiling... I grab my sunglasses to at least hide my face somewhat and that is the only thing i am really nervous about... The reaction from people because of my face... 

I look at the time and groan... It is almost 5 and i had hoped i would have time for a cup of coffee but no this means tomorrow i have to get up earlier to have the time because getting out the door without my coffee is a big no... I sigh and i know there probably will be coffee on set and other wise maybe i can ask our driver to stop at a Starbucks or something...

I walk into the kitchen and smile as i pass the front door seeing my bags sitting there and i know Chris had put them there... "Morning..." I greet as i walk into the kitchen were everyone is waiting for our ride... "Morning..." They all mumble and i chuckle... "And here i was scared that i would be the grumpy one in the mornings..." I said and Chris smiled winking at me... 

The doorbell rings signaling the car is here and we all make our way out... I chuckle as each of them grabs one of my bags putting it in the trunk and the driver opens his door and i start to smile as i see 4 cups of coffee... "Ms. Watts... I was told you would like to have your coffee black..." The guy says and i nod taking the cup of coffee smelling it and having a smile from ear to ear... "I will be your assistant for this movie... Anything you need just ask and i will get it for you..." He said and i looked at him stunned... 

"Assistant...?" I say and he nods... "I think you have the wrong person..." I say but he shakes his head... "No... The Russo brothers assigned me to you Ms. Watts..." He says smiling... "Oh... Okay..." I say and stick out my hand... "Ava... Please... What is your name?" I ask and he smiles... "Alex..." He says and i smile... "Well Alex... You already are my hero because i didn't have time for coffee this morning so i know we will get along great..." I say smiling and Alex seems proud of himself... He hands the others their coffee and while Seb gets in the front seat i get squeezed between Chris and Mackie who both start to wake up drinking their coffee and they start to goof off... I just sip my coffee wondering how my new assistant knew how i liked it.

About 45 minutes later we arrive at the set and i feel myself get all giddy and Chris smirks... We split up as the guys have to get ready for the day and Alex takes my bags and shows me to my own trailer were i can work and take breaks... The trailer is nice and cool due to the air conditioning... I am thankful because it is already hot and humid outside... Alex puts my stuff down and helps me set everything up... I tell him i have one rule... Dont mess with my equipment and he nods saying he understands... 

When i am settled in he takes me to the Russo brothers to introduce me and i start to feel a little nervous... "Excuse me... Ms. Watts has arrived..." He says and i chuckle as both men turn around simultaneously... "Ms. Watts it is so nice to finally meet you in person..." They both say and we shake hands... Joe looks at my face worried and i sigh... "They guy i was dating was not so happy i was going away for so long..." I explain and they looked at me shocked... "Are you sure you can work?" Anthony asked and i smile and nod... "Tricked the guys into a little practice session yesterday so i am good to go..." I say and they both laughed... "Yeah we got the news you were all in one house now... Good luck with that..." They say and i chuckle...

"Can i have a moment of your time to discuss something with you both in private..." I say and they nod... I had talked to Chris about it yesterday while we were going over photos that i wanted to be honest to the brothers to not seem like i was hiding something or was unprofessional... Chris had protested in the beginning but i told him i didn't want to give off the wrong idea and did want to be secretive... If he was not on board with that we just had to wait with starting something until we were both back home... He had looked at me as if i told him i had killed his mother and he finally gave in...

Alex leaves but before he does i ask him if he can get me another coffee... "So, i want to be honest and up front..." I say taking a deep breath... "Chris and i... Well, we are trying to figure out what we are and such..." I say and they both smile... "As long as it does not interfere with our work, his and yours we dont care..." Joe says and i nod... "Just wanted to be up front and dont worry i can stay professional..." I say and they both smile... "We appreciate that..." Anthony says and i smile... "So, what do you expect from me?" I ask and they laugh... "Just take pictures of things behind the scenes... It will make its way on the extras put together in a montage... Just dont leak anything." They say and i smile... "No leaks from me..." I say... 

I go back to my trailer and smile as Chris is waiting inside... "Remind me that i start locking the door..." I say smirking and Chris chuckles... "Shouldn't you get ready?" I ask and he sighs pulling me in his arms... "They are working on Mackie and Seb right now so i have time... I wanted to know how it went with Joe and Anthony...?" He says and i smile... "Great... No problem as long as we keep everything professional on set... They were sweet asked if i was able to work... Laughed when i told them i already tricked you and the others into a little photoshoot" I say smirking and he smiles... 

I step out of his reach and put grab my camera and stuff everything in a bag for me to carry around all day... "Well show me to where the magic happens Mr. Evans... Time for me to get to work..." I say smiling and Chris laughs takes my hand and leads me to were Seb and Mackie are...

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