Chapter 8

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I take photo after photo as he slowly undresses himself... His eyes focused on the camera through the mirror... It feels like he is staring right into my soul through the screen of my camera... I am having a hard time focusing as the air is starting to get thick and i swear someone has turned the heating up... He has this small grin on his face and fuck it look sexy just looking at him makes me blush and i swear my pussy is dripping wet and throbbing and begging for some sort of relief... I ignore my need taking a deep breath... 

I tell him to pause for a moment as his shirt is pulled over his head but still around his arms... I walk around him telling to keep looking in the mirror... I tell him to take the shirt off and throw it away... While he does i take more photos... I tell him to lean on the sink looking at himself, but he doesn't he is still just looks at the lens making eye contact with me through the screen...

As annoying as it is to have him stare right into my soul through the lens i have to admit it makes for amazing photos... Everyone who is going to see them is going to feel like he is looking at them... People will go crazy... 

I tell him to turn around and to open his pants hanging them open but still on and i crouch down changing the angle telling him to look up and close his eyes... He does as i tell him opening them slowly as i keep snapping moving around to get different angles... I tell him to put his hands on the counter making him puff out his chest more while his pants hang open on his hips... I tell him to look at the lens and he snaps his head forward opening his eyes and they are black and filled with lust... 

He is breathing heavy his chest heaving up and down and when my eyes roam over his body i can see why... He is hard... I swallow hard trying to look anywhere but there... "I need a little break..." He says his voice hoarse and i nod step back and turn around... He clears his throat and i can't help but have a little grin on my face and i close my eyes taking a deep breath trying to control my own body... 

I try to push the dirty thoughts out of my mind... The thought of me on my knees in front of him with his dick in my mouth, his hands in my hair as he guides me up and down his dick... I take a deep breath and i turn around again and Chris blushes a little... "Do you need more time?" I squeak and he shakes his head and i nod... "Okay you can lose the pants and get into the tub..." I say and turn around again and i hear him strip... 

I take a deep breath as i hear the water and i check the settings of my camera and change them a little... I turn around and tell him to move the bubbles, so it covers what needs to be covered... I walk to the ladder and get on it to take a few shots from above... "Chris... Relax..." I say and swallow hard again as he seems tense but fucking hot naked in the tub...  He sighs and closes his eyes taking a deep breath and he leans back breathing out... His body looks so big and strong in the small tub... 

"Just think happy thoughts..." I say and he scoffs... "Thinking happy thoughts made it that i needed a break..." He says looking up at me with a little grin on his face and i dont stop snapping... "Oh yeah... What were you thinking..." I say without thinking cursing myself because i dont think i need or should now as the tension is already palpable... He looks at me with those dark lustful eyes a dominant aura surrounding him just from how he looks at me... "Ava... Angel... Trust me when i tell you... You dont want to know... It is not very professional." He whispers in his dark sensual tone... 

I gasp a little at the pet name and the tingling sensation it gives me... It made a warm feeling spread through my body and i blush a little... Seems like i was not the only one with dirty thoughts... I clear my throat and try to pull myself together... In our little conversation i never stopped taking photos and i pause for a moment to look at them making sure they look nice and fuck they do... 

"Can you scoot down a little bit and hang your legs over the edge of the tub... If you are comfortable with that..." I say and he nods and i bite my lip as he moves the bubbles shifting giving me full view of his dick and i just can't help but look... He smirks looking up at me and he moves the bubbles back and i start taking pictures again... "Lean your head back close your eyes and arms on the edge..." I say and he does and i take a few photos... I let out a little whimper making him open his eyes and a grin appears on his face... 

I climb down the ladder and sit on the edge of the tub pointing my camera at him snapping another few and he smirks and pushes himself of the edge moving closer to me... He moves onto his knees the water dripping down his body, bubbles clinging to him and i keep taking photos... These photos will never see the light of day as the water only comes to his thighs and he doesn't seem to care he is fully naked and nothing covering him up anymore... He comes closer and closer until he blocks the lens fully with his body and i look up at him... "Ava?" He whispers and i swallow trying my best to keep breathing as he cups my face with one hand rubbing his thumb over my cheek... I am caught in his spell and i know i have to move to get away from him, but it feels like i am frozen... 

He is leaning in and about to kiss me and i close my eyes tilting my head back a little when we jump at the sound of my ringtone and the spell is broken and i stand up and clear my throat... "You can get out and get dressed... We are done... Towel is over there..." I mumble and walk to the table in the middle of the room where my phone is... 

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