Chapter 79

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I wake up and both Chris and Jack are no longer in bed... I sit up and hear laughing coming from downstairs... I get out of bed and walk downstairs and smile... Chris is attempting to make pancakes an trying to throw them in the air to catch them... Jack is sitting at the counter watching him and giggling as Chris is showing off... He is freshly showered and wearing his new clothes. "Good morning." I say smiling and my boys look at me... "Look!" Jack says jumping of the stool and he twirls around proudly showing off his clothes... "You look amazing sweetie... So handsome..." I say getting to his level hugging him as he blushes and giggles at me praising him... "Did you have a nice shower?" I ask and his smile gets even bigger... "Yes, Chris helped..." He says and i look at Chris who smiles... 

"And how did you sleep?" I ask and he blushes... "Good... Chris said i couldn't wake you... That you get cranky when we wake you up..." He whispers and i look at Chris who smirks... "Is that so..." I whisper and Jack nods giggling. "Well i only get cranky when he wakes me up..." I say winking at him and Jack giggle... "I heard that..." Chris says smirking and i smile as Chris holds up a cup of coffee for me ... I kiss Jack his cheek and stand up... "So, what is he making for breakfast?" I ask Jack and he runs back to the barstool... He tries to get back up again, but he is having trouble as his body is still not as strong as it should be yet... So, i help him up and sit down next to him and Chris puts the cup of coffee in front of me... "Pancakes... My favorite!" Jack squeals and i laugh...

I take a sip of my coffee and hum... "I called ma..." Chris says and i look up at him... "She is coming over for dinner..." He says and i swallow hard and nod... "It will be okay angel..." Chris says and i nod... 

"Why do you call Ava angel?" Jack asks and i chuckle... "Yeah why Chris...?" I say smirking because i never really asked myself... "Well because she is an angel... Angels are sweet and caring... And beautiful... And Ava is all that..." He says and i blush... "My mommy is an angel in heaven..." Jack whispers and we look at him and for a second we are stunned... But i nod and smile... "Yes sweetheart... She is always watching over you from heaven..." I say running my hand over his little head before planting a kiss on it... His hair started to grow back again as he lost it all due to chemo... He had brown hair... I had seen a photo from his file from before the chemo and he had the most beautiful thick brown curls... 

"Do you think mommy will be happy i am living her now...?" He whispers and i smile... "I think so sweetheart... Mommy would want you to be happy, healthy and cared for..." I say and run my hand over his head again... "She won't be mad...?" He whispers and i shake my head... "No sweetheart... Why do you think she would be mad?" He shrugs his little shoulders and i dont really know what else to say... Chris looks at Jack... "I think mommy is your guardian angel and i think she has put us together knowing we would love you very much..." Chris says and Jack looks up at him and smiles... 

Chris puts a plate of pancakes in front of him and i smile as he starts eating... "Remember sweetheart... Take it easy..." I say and Jack nods and slows down his eating... "Who is ma?" He asks with his mouth full and Chris chuckles... "Dont talk with your mouth full bud..." He says and Jack looks up at him and i think he never really been taught proper manners, but he nods and keeps his mouth closed... "Ma... Is my mom..." Chris says and Jack looks at him in shock... "You have a mom?" He says after he had swallowed the food he had in his mouth and i chuckle... 

"Yes..." Chris says laughing... "She is coming to visit... To meet you... Is that okay?" I ask him and he looks a little hesitant... "Is she nice like you..." He asks and i blush at the compliment and nod... "She is really nice..." I say and he takes another bite... "Will you be here?" He asks me and i nod... "Of course, sweetheart..." I say and he nods again... 

Chris puts a plate in front of me and i start eating to... He sits down next to us with a plate of pancakes himself and i smile as this feels nice... After breakfast i go and take a shower i walk past the picture of Jack's mom and sigh... "I promise to take good care of him..." I whisper as if she can hear... 

After my shower i do another load of Jack's laundry and fold what is ready and put it in his closet. I put his toys in a closet in his room before i walk back down and smile as Chris and Jack are sitting in the middle of the living room with Legos and they are building something... I smile and grab myself another cup of coffee. I sit down on the couch and just watch them... Chris is in his element... The little kid inside of him coming out... I take a few pictures with my phone and Chris looks up and i smile... Jack doesn't notice... He is too caught up in his Legos. Chris pushes himself up and sits down beside me pulling me into him and kisses the top of my head... 

"How did you sleep?" He whispers and i grin... "A little restless... He moves a lot in his sleep..." I whisper and Chris chuckles... "Tell me about it... He kicked me in the stomach..." Chris whispers and i chuckle and poke him in his stomach... "Thank God for all those muscles to protect you..." I whisper and Chris grins... 

"Look!" Jack squeals holding up a house he had built from Legos. "That is amazing sweetie..." I say smiling and he continues... "What did you tell your mom?" I ask and Chris smiles... "Just that we had a surprise and if she wanted to come over for dinner..." Chris says and i nod... "I just hope she will accept Jack..." I whisper and Chris kisses my temple again... "She will... She will love him just like we do..." He whispers and i sigh laying my head on his shoulder. 

After a morning of playing Jack is tired and barely able to keep his eyes open... So, after i got some lunch into him i put him into bed for a nap... I made a mental note to keep a better eye on his energy levels... His little body still needed lots of rest... Around 4 the buzzer of the gate goes and i take a deep breath. "It will be okay angel..." Chris says and i nod... He buzzes the gate open and i stand up... Chris walks to the front door and i can hear a car door open and shut... 

"Hello sweetheart..." I hear Lisa greet Chris and a few minutes later they walk into the kitchen... "Hello sweetie..." She says and i smile as she hugs me.  Chris makes us some tea as we sit down, and she looks at us both... "So, what is the surprise..." She says a little impatient and i look at Chris who walks over to me and pulls me in his side... "Okay, okay we will tell you but i need you to stay calm..." Chris says and Lisa looks at us serious all of a sudden. "Chris... What is going on..." She says and Chris takes a deep breath... "We got married yesterday..." Chris says smiling and i blush... As Lisa looks at us in shock...

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