Chapter 117

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It has been a few weeks since the whole incident and everything is back to normal... Chris and i had a long hard talk... I didn't know he had been so worried and after letting him get it all oud i explained that the woman only added stress and that i was fine with just Gary and King... I liked them they did as i asked of them and although they were protective, they didn't nitpick everything i was doing... They would never tell me what to eat or drink... If had a craving and Chris was not available to get it for me, they would... I had to say that other than that hiccup with Ms. Langston, Chris is amazing... He would move heaven and earth to get me what i wanted or craved...

It had been a long conversation but i had been good and i think it had been a good thing... Chris was just scared and went overboard and i guess that was better than him not caring... But i told him that i was fine and that i really was being careful and i promised that as soon as i felt something was off i would let him know... 

But i was feeling good... Even though i was tired quickly... With my afternoon nap and Gary and King going above and beyond i was making it work... I loved being back at work... Everything was amazing other than the heat... I couldn't stand the heat... But i forced myself to power through... Jack was doing amazing in school and absolutely loving it... Jack was loving set life hanging out with his aunts and uncles... His favorites being Seb and Mackie... It really was like having one big happy family...

They had watched him one night so Chris and i could have date night and although the house was a mess seeing them on the couch asleep with Jack between them also asleep was adorable... I told Chris to take a picture and post it and it had blown up the internet... People were absolutely loving it... 

Tomorrow we would find out the gender of our babies... Girls or boys... I am so curious... We would not find out though... We would get an envelope and hand it over to Seb and Mackie and they would throw us a gender reveal... We hadn't planned on that, but one day during dinner it had come up... Seb and Mackie had almost begged if they could do it and i thought it was sweet, so we agreed... 

My belly was growing fast, and it was definitely getting harder to move around and i was so grateful to have help at work but i was starting to wonder if i could finish this job... One thing we did know is that the babies would be born here... In the long conversation Chris and i had he said he was worried about traveling back to Boston and although i would rather have them born in Boston i had to admit the idea of traveling back didn't seem like a good idea to me either... 

"Ava... Please sit down..." King said pointing at the chair and i chuckled... "Fine..." I said sitting down and i let out a sigh rubbing over my belly... It was a hot humid day and although i was sitting in the shadow i was uncomfortable... Gary handed me my water bottle and i chuckled again... They never would tell me what to eat or drink but i had noticed that lately they would make sure i would... I take a sip of water as the yell action and i watch everyone act their asses off... They were struggling to in those costumes in this heat was no joke either... 

The scene ended and had to be reset and Chris walked over and i smiled as he leaned down kissing me before kissing my belly... "How are you feeling angel?" Chris asked and i huffed... "Hot..." I say letting out a huff again and he smirked... "Very hot..." He murmured and kissed me again and i chuckled... "How are you doing you must be overheating to?" I say and he smiles... "I am fine angel... Why dont you go into the air conditioning of the trailer?" He asked and i let out a sigh... "Because that is all the way over there... And i am here sitting down and i dont feel like walking all the way there..." I mumble and he sighs... "I will ask them if it is possible to put it closer..." Chris says and i roll my eyes... 

"I am being dramatic Chris..." I say a little annoyed and he chuckled... "How are our babies doing..." He says as he is crouching down to my level and rubbing my belly again... I knew he was changing the subject knowing i could not be annoyed if we talked about our babies... "They are doing good... I think... I dont know... I have never done this before..." I say letting out a sigh and he smiles... He plants another kiss on my belly and i smile... "Can you rub my back tonight? My back is killing me... And my feet..." I groan and Chris smiles... "Anything you want angel..." He says and i smile... 

"It is so hot, and it is not even noon..." I complain and Chris looks at me worried... "Angel it will make me really happy if you get out of the sun and into the air conditioning for a while..." He says and i sigh... "Fine..." I mumble and he smiles... "I walk with you..." He says and i smirk... "Want to have a quicky..." I say smirking and he chuckles... "Let's get you out of the sun first..." He says and i sigh... "You said anything i want..." I say pouting... Chris just smirks shaking his head and he takes my hand and starts walking... 

"Not so fast please..." I say and Chris slowed down... When we reached the trailer Chris opened the door and helped me up the step... As soon as the door closed behind me i pulled him towards me and kissed him passionately making him groan... "Angel i have to get back to work..." He murmured and i moaned... "But sappy i am feeling so uncomfortable..." I say pouting... "I see you all day walking around like sex on legs and it makes me so horny..." I whisper and he groans... 

He let me go and locked the door and stalked back over to me kissing me walking me towards the couch... He kissed me again before spinning me around and bending me over lifting my dress... He pulled down my panties and i let out a little moan as he squeezed my ass... "We have to be quick angel..." He growled and i moaned and nodded biting my lip... I heard his pants fall down to the floor and he run his tip up and down my folds before gently pushing into me and i let out a whimper... 

"Fuck yes... Just what i needed..." I moan and Chris grunts... He starts to move, and we quickly pick up the pace me pushing back on him... It is desperate and raw and quick but fuck it feels good...... We are chasing our high the goal is just to chase our release... To come... Chris grunts and i feel his hand glide around me and he starts to rub circles on my clit, and it doesn't take long after that for the bomb to burst and my orgasm washes over me... My body is shaking and i slap my hand over my mouth in order to not scream and a few seconds later Chris finds his release... 

After catching our breath for a second, he pulls out and i hum as he puts my panties back in place and fixes my dress pulling me up before getting dressed himself again... He smiles and kisses me... "Feeling better angel?" He asks grinning and i give him a lazy smile... "Yes... But i am going to take a nap..." I mumble as i start to feel sleepy and Chris grins... "Okay angel..." He says following me into the bedroom and he tucks me in helping me with all the pillows before kissing me again and going back to set...

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