Chapter 75

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We walk through the kids store... Chris is carrying Jack which Jack absolutely seems to love... He has his little arms wrapped around his neck looking around him pointing things out... I dont know if it is cute or sad because it looks like everything is new for him. The ride here had been interesting as Jack was in awe with our car... He had never sat in a big car like this and looked around in awe... He was smaller than kids of his age, so we decided we needed a car seat for him in the car to make sure he was safe... The store we went to had everything, so we put it on the list... I had grabbed a cart and while Chris was carrying Jack i pushed the cart.

"What do you like sweetheart?" I ask Jack smiling at him and he shrugs his little shoulders... "What do you say we just look around and if you see something you like you let us now..." Chris says and we walk around... I take some jeans and comfy pants and some of the basics putting them in the cart... He just needs everything new... I just want him to have the best... He deserves the best...

Chris and Jack keep walking as they look through the clothes and Jack is giggling at something Chris was saying... I smile watching them... I just can't believe he is here with us... I never imagined this morning that we would have him with us today... Nobody knows... Not our family's not our friends... Nobody even knows that we had gotten married let alone are fostering Jack... I dont think they even know about Jack... Seb and Mackie do because they popped into his hospital room for a bit... But that is it, they dont know we decided to foster him... Everything just went so quick... But the most important thing is that he is with us... Because for the first time since meeting Jack i feel at peace again... He is where he belongs... 

I grab a bunch of underwear and socks... The nurse told me his size but also told me it would be wise to by some sizes up because she would expect him to start growing quick... So, i grab some sizes bigger to... I look up and Chris grins at me as he holds up a shirt with a cartoon on it and i smile... Jack had made his first choice and he was smiling and seemed so proud of himself. 

Jack gets more comfortable and starts to enjoy himself and he points out some more stuff... I take a bunch of pj's and when we reach the shoe section the cart is already almost full... Jack just can't believe it is all for him... He chooses a few pairs of sneakers and i smile as he looks at a pair of rain boots with a smile on his face... "You want those?" I ask and he blushes... "You like them sweetheart?" I ask and he nods a little so i smile and grab his size and put them in the cart...

Then the fun stuff comes... Toys... I put a pair of the sneakers on his feet and Chris puts him down so he can pick something out... I wrap my arms around Chris his waist and lay my head on his chest as we watch Jack walk around a little overwhelmed by all the toys... Chris drapes his arm over my shoulder and kisses the top of my head... "Maybe we should help him... He seems overwhelmed... I dont want him to feel uncomfortable..." I whisper and Chris kisses the top of my head again... "Let him look around for a bit angel... He has to choose some things for himself..." Chris says and i let out a big sigh... 

"Do you think he is happy he is coming home with us?" I ask and Chris chuckles... "Look at the big smile on his face angel... I think he is happy..." Chris says and i nod hugging him a little tighter... I start to smile when he picks something out and where most kids would have gone crazy throwing stuff in the cart all Jack wanted was this stuffed dog... It breaks my heart because i start to think about what the doctor said... He has to learn how to be a kid... 

"Maybe you should pick some stuff out for him and i take him to look at beds..." I whisper and Chris nods smiling... I pick Jack up as he is clinging on to the stuffed dog and i kiss his cheek making him giggle... "Let's go pick out a bed..." I say and we leave Chris to pick out toys and i chuckle as Chris gets in touch with his inner child rather quick... 

"I can pick any bed...?" He whispers as we are surrounded by beds... "Yes... And you know what the funniest thing is going to be..." I say and he shakes his little head... "We get to watch Chris put it together... That is going to be so much fun..." I say giggling and Jack giggles with me... 

"I heard that..." Chris said and we turn around and he has this big grin on his face... "Oops..." I say smirking and Jack giggles... "Have you seen a bed you like?" Chris asks and Jack nods but blushes a little... "It is okay sweetheart... You can pick anything you like..." I whisper and he points to the bunk beds with the tent in the form of a castle... I smile and Chris nods and he goes off to arrange for it to be delivered... I pick out some sheets with Jack and then my eyes fall on the cart and i chuckle as i see the amount of toys Chris picked out... 

Chris comes back holding a car seat and puts it on top of the cart and we take the cart and go to pay as i can see that Jack is getting a bit overwhelmed and i know it is enough for today... Chris installs the car seat and while i put Jack in it, Chris loads all the stuff in the back of the car... 

"Ava..." Jack whispers... "Yes sweetheart?" I say looking at him with a smile as he can barely keep his eyes open... "Can i really stay with you forever?" He mumbles as his eyes fall shut and he is asleep... "Yes, sweetie you can..." I whisper and kiss his forehead and lets out a little hum while a little smile forms on his face. It gets too much for me so i close the door, so he doesn't see me cry... Chris walks over and wraps me in his arms... "Sorry... I... He..." I say and Chris kisses me... "I heard angel..." He says and i cry for a second before i pull myself together... Chris opens the car door for me and i get in... He puts the last of the stuff in the car and brings the cart back before getting behind the wheel... He looks over his shoulder at Jack who is out like a light... "He is still holding the stuffed dog..." Chris says and i smile... Chris starts the car, and we make our way home...

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