Chapter 124

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"She is waking up..." I vaguely hear and when i open my eyes a doctor is leaning over me while Chris watches me anxiously... "What happened..." I mumble and Chris lets out a sigh of relief that i am talking... "You passed out Mrs. Evans..." He says and i groan... "What is wrong with me...? Are the babies, okay?" I mumble and he smiles... "Your boys are okay... But you have been out in the sun to long... over excerpted yourself which resulted in a heat stroke... The final nail in the coffin was the stress our nurses gave you..." The doctor says blushing as he seemed to be ashamed and i groan... "I wasn't in the sun that long..." I mumble ignoring the mentioning of the giggling girls and the doctor sighs... 

"With the heatwave we are having and you being pregnant it doesn't take much..." The doctor says and i look at Chris and start to cry... "I am sorry... I didn't..." I start to say but Chris takes my hand and kisses my forehead... "It is okay angel... You didn't know..." Chris whispers trying to calm me down...

"I will not go back to work... I will stay home... I promise..." I say panicked as i am afraid Chris will be angry...But Chris kisses my forehead again... "Yes, to the no more working... No, you will not stay home... You can stay in the trailer... I dont want you alone at the house..." He says and i nod giving in... As much as i love my work the babies are more important and i am done fighting it... 

"Can i go home?" I ask and the doctor shakes his head... "We want to keep you overnight for observation and you are still on fluids..." He says pointing at iv and i sigh before looking at Chris... "You should go back to work..." I whisper but Chris shakes his head... "No i am staying..." He says and sits down... "Sappy... You didn't even have time to lay down with me let alone to stay with me here... Besides Jack..." I said but he cut me off... "Jack is having fun with his uncles and they have rearranged the schedule so that i am not needed for the next couple of days..." Chris says and i groan... I didn't want to become a nuisance... 

"Chris i am fine... They will take good care of me here..." I protest but Chris shakes his head... "No angel... You passed out partly because of the staff here... I am not leaving you alone... No offence..." He says looking at the doctor who turns bright red and nods... "Again, we are so sorry for their behavior... We pride ourselves on our professionalism they have been delt with..." The doctor says and i sigh...

"It is fine i am normally used to it... It just got too much..." I mumble and the doctor nods, but Chris still looks annoyed... There is a knock on the door and Robert puts his head around the corner with a smile... "Can i come in?" He asks and Chris and i smile and nod... "I brought some clothes for the captain..." He says and Chris takes the bag from him... "I am going to change angel be right back..." He says before kissing me and i nod... The doctor excuses himself and leaves... 

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" Robert asks and i blush... "I am good now... They want to keep me overnight... But i can't work... It was heatstroke... I have to take it easy now..." I mumble and tears start to come as i feel like i am disappointing everyone... "Oh honey that is okay... The most important thing is that you and the little mini-Doritos are okay..." Robert says sitting down next to me hugging me and i start to cry... 

"I feel like i am disappointing everyone..." I say sobbing and he sighs... "No honey nobody is disappointed... We all want you and the mini-Doritos to be okay... Everyone understands that they are the most important thing..." Robert says and i just sob when Chris walks back in... "Everything okay?" Chris asked worried. I wipe away my tears and nod and Robert releases me from the hug... "I will leave you to rest... Take care and dont worry about work... We will be fine..." Robert says and i look at my fingers and nod... "Take care of her and the boys Dorito..." Robert says and Chris nods smiling... "Thanks for the clothes..." He says and they hug before Robert kisses my cheek and leaves... 

"Try to get some sleep angel..." Chris says sitting down next to bed and i sigh and nod turning on my side... "Can you bring the bed down?" I whisper and Chris smiles and presses the button lowering the bed... I sigh and take his hand putting it on my belly... "Can you please rub it..." I mumble and Chris smiles moves his hand and i hum... But just as i am about to fall asleep there is another knock on the door and a nurse walks in... "I am sorry to interrupt... I need to do some checks... After that you can sleep... Okay sweetheart..." She says and i sigh... "Can i stay laying down like this... I am finally comfortable..." I mumble and she nods... She checks my temperature and blood pressure... "Everything is fine now, so you can go to sleep sweetheart... I will be here if you need anything... I was told to be your only nurse so you know if another nurse walks in you can just ask her to leave and call for me..." She says smiling and i nod while Chris thanks her for that and asks her for another pillow to put under my belly and she smiles and nods... 

The nurse leaves and i sigh... Chris leans down and plants a kiss on my belly... "Are you okay?" I whisper and he nods... "I am angel... But you can't scare me like that again okay... No more passing out..." He says and i nod... "Sorry for losing my cool..." I mumble as the nurse comes back in and she smiles... "Dont be sorry about that sweetie... My colleagues were very unprofessional... They are nurses in training and i think your husband walking in fully dressed in the suit made their day and they forgot that they were nurses and went straight to fan girls..." The nurse says and i chuckle... Chris just blushes taking the pillow from her, and he helps putting it under my belly... 

"Now get some rest and just press the button if you need me... I will be here all night and if you have to stay longer i will introduce you to the nurse taking over before i leave..." She says and we thank her before she leaves... I wince as the babies start to kick and Chris smiles putting his hand on my belly again... I have never been so happy that they kicked, and Chris kisses my belly again... As he keeps rubbing my belly i close my eyes and try to get some sleep...

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