Chapter 35

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We were on a plane making our way to Washington... I am cuddled up to Chris as he, Seb and Mackie are playing cards... They had asked if i wanted to play to but i was exhausted... Ever since Chris and i had slept together it was like the damn had burst... Every free moment was spent by him being inside of me... God i couldn't get enough... We had talked about keeping it professional on set, but we already failed... But i was now standing firm as i didn't want to have it affect my work... Which Chris said he understood, and he respected that... It did mean that as soon as we were off, we were all over each other... Mackie and Seb often protesting at the public displays of affection which only made Chris and i do it more because it was to funny seeing them act like little kids...

My face was finally back to normal and i looked like me again when i looked in the mirror... I heard the guys talk as i closed my eyes and i smiled at their antics and banter... Chris was planting a kiss on top of my head every now and then and every time he did i let out a little hum...  We would be staying in Washington for just a week and to my surprise Chris and i were sharing a room... The people that arranged everything didn't bother anymore to get me my own room... I had found out that no matter how professional we kept in on set everybody seemed to know that Chris and i were together... 

I sigh as the pilot says we will land in Washington soon and i sit up for the landing... It is dark outside, and we get ushered into a car and taken to the hotel immediately and i sigh thinking this is a better way of traveling than still having to go through an airport... I sit next to Chris into the car putting my head on his shoulder again... "Are we getting a drink in the hotel bar?" Mackie asks and i can feel Chris shake his head... "No, we are going to bed..." Chris says and i can hear Mackie and Seb chuckle... "Maybe let her sleep for one night Evans..." Mackie says chuckling and i can't help but smirk with my eyes closed... "Shut up Anthony..." I mumble and they all chuckle... "Just looking out for you Ava..."  He said laughing and i smiled... "Just mind your own business and dont ruin mine... Because i have no complaints..." I mumble and they all laughed again... 

We arrive at the hotel and Chris checks us in and we make our way to the floor we all are on after saying goodnight we enter the room and Chris puts our suitcases down and i grab my camera bag putting it on the table... I feel Chris wrap his arms around me hugging me from behind resting his chin on my shoulder... "Do you want something to eat or drink?" He asks and i turn around in his arm... "Do you?" I whisper wrapping my arms around his neck and i start to laugh as his stomach protests... "There is your answer..." He said smirking and i chuckled... 

Chris ordered some boring meal because of his diet, and he groaned as i ordered steak with fries and a salade... "Dont worry... We can share... I won't tell..." I said smirking and he laughed and kissed me... "You are evil..." He mumbled and i chuckle... "Oh yeah... so evil sharing my food..." I said rolling my eyes... "I am going to take a quick shower..." I whisper and he groans as he has to wait for the food because it would not take long for it to be here... I winked at him as i took of my clothes all my insecurities around him gone and he groaned as i walked into the bathroom naked... 

I smiled as the hot water ran over me and i could hear the door open and when i turned around Chris was watching me leaning against the door post... "Enjoying the show..." I whisper as i let my hands roam my body soaping myself up... "I am Angel..." He growled and i smirked as i washed my tits a little longer than you normally would... Chris let out a little groan... "I was planning on letting you catch up on some sleep tonight... But if you keep this up..." He said and there was a knock on the door... "Oops saved by the knock..." I said smirking and he chuckled shaking his head and walking towards the door accept the food... I quickly finished my shower as my stomach started to rumble to... 

I waited until i heard the door close again and i walked out and smiled as Chris was setting my suitcase up on the bed opening it for me so i could put on some clothes... "So, what are you filming tomorrow...?" I asked as we sat down to eat, and he smiled as i fed him a piece of steak... "The moment Mackie's character meets Steve..." He said eating his chicken... I nodded and smiled as Chris told me what the scene was going to be... "What?" He asked and i shook my head and blushed... "Angel?" He said and i blushed even more... "Just happy..." I mumble and he smirked leaning in kissing me and i giggled into the kiss... "Happy to..." He said and kissed me again...  I fed him another piece of steak and some fries making him smile and for every bite of food i fed him he gave me a kiss making me smile... "You are going to have to train more if you keep kissing me every time i give you food..." I said and he smirked... 

Chris put the cart with the plates outside and walked back over to me crawling over me laying me down and i giggled as he started to plant kisses all over my face... "Time for bed..." He said standing up and he picked me up bridal style carrying me to bed... I smiled as he gently put me down and jumped over me onto the other side of the bed pulling me into him cuddling me... He pulled the sheets over me and i let out a sigh... "I mean it Chris... You really make me happy..." I whisper and i smiled as he planted a kiss on top of my head... "I love you angel... You make me really happy to..." He whispers and i close my eyes letting out a little sigh... "Love you to..." I mumble and i slowly drift off to sleep...

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