Chapter 83

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I smile as i am in the kitchen cleaning up lunch... Every day after lunch we put Jack down for a nap and today it was Chris his turn to tuck him in. Yesterday had been draining but Jack told us he really had a good time playing with Carly's kids... He had slept in his own bed the whole night for the first time... Tomorrow the bed he had picked out would be delivered and we would start on making the room just how he would like it... 

"Jack is out like a light..." Chris whispers in my ear as he steps behind me... His hands are roaming my body. "Is he now...? Well, what are we going to do with our alone time..." I whisper in a soft seductive tone. He lets out a little growl his hands gliding under my shirt finding my boobs and i moan as he pulls down my bra and plays with my nipples... "I need you angel..." He growls and he grinds into me... "Well, if you need me... Who am i to deny my husband..." I whisper and groans... 

He is toying with me... He keeps grinding into me while he massages my boobs. I can hear him unbuckle his belt and his pants falling to the floor... "You have been teasing me all morning angel... Your ass looks amazing in this skirt..." He growls as he starts to pull it up and pulls my panties to the side... I smirk "Good... Mission accomplished..." I moan and he slaps my ass before thrusting into me and i put my hand over my mouth and to muffle my scream... I know it is going to be quick and rough as he is grunting and groaning... He takes my arms putting them behind my back holding onto them to pull me harder on him...

 He is thrusting into me deep and hard... "Going to fill you up angel... going to make your pussy drip with my cum..." He groans. He moves one hand down to my clit releasing my arms and i moan as he rubs circles... His other hand is on the small of my back as he keeps thrusting into me... The feeling is intense, and he grunts are getting even louder... "Come for me angel... Come around my cock..." He growls and after a few more thrusts i come and he follows soon after... 

He pulls out and lifts me up spinning me around kissing me passionately... I smile as he releases me, and we get dressed again... "I love you angel..." He says and i giggle... "I love you too sappy..." I whisper and he smirks... All of a sudden, the buzzer to the gate goes off... I look at Chris who shakes his head to let me know he has no idea who it could be... He walks to the gate controls and picks up the phone... "Okay... Of course..." He says and opens the gate... I look at him and he sighs... "I need you to calm down... It is Ms. Jeffries..." He says and i sigh... "I can do that... I am still in my post orgasm glow... That makes me very docile..." I say smirking and he laughs... "Dont tell her that..." He says before kissing me and he goes to open the door for her... 

"Mr. Evans!" I hear her chirp and i roll my eyes but take a deep breath... If she doesn't think our home is a good environment for Jack, she can take him away... Not that i think she will... Seeing as she was happy to get rid of him... But i have to keep my feelings towards her in check...

Chris walks in followed by Ms. Jeffries. "Mrs. Evans..." She says a lot more reserved and i put a smile on my face... "Ms. Jeffries what can we do for you?" I ask getting straight to the point as she is looking around... "I am here for an unscheduled checkup... I hope that i am not coming at a bad time..." She says and i shake my head... "No of course not... We just had lunch... Jack is down for a nap though..." I say and she looks surprised... 

"A nap? He is 8..." She says surprised and i look at her annoyed and yet a little surprised that she knows his age... "Yeah an 8-year-old that is that was sick had chemo and his body is recovering from all that... He needs all the rest he can get... He doesn't get through the day without a nap..." I say and she nods blushing a little and i start to wonder how much she actually knows about his medical situation...

"Is it okay if i look around for a bit... and i need to speak to Jake..." She says and before i can say something Chris steps in... "You mean Jack..." He says and she turns bright red... "Yeah of course i mean Jack..." She says and bite my tongue to not explode... "Well, you are welcome to look around... We have nothing to hide but speaking to Jack is not happening today as we are not waking him up... He is on a schedule and we dont like to mess with that... You are welcome to come back another day to talk to him..." Chris says in a tone that means business. He wraps his arm around me as he sees i have trouble keeping my cool... 

"Mr. Evans..." She starts to say in a sweet sultry tone, and it takes everything in me not to roll my eyes... But Chris cuts her off. "Ms. Jeffries... You can have a look around... You can even check up on Jack as long as you dont wake him... You can see he is peacefully sleeping but under no circumstances will you wake him... Dont make me call your supervisor..." He says and she sighs in defeat... "Fine but i have to make a note of that in my files..." She says a little annoyed... "That is fine..." Chris says and i feel a little panicked because someone reading that might think we were not willing to let Jack talk to her which is not true... If he was awake, we would have no problem with it... Chris gives me a little squeeze to calm me down and i take a deep breath.

We lead her through the house, and she makes some notes... We check the backyard, and she notices the pool... "You need to put a fence around that... And maybe get the boy some swimming lessons..." She says in a snarky tone because she finally found something that is not up to her standards... You could see it on her face... The envy towards us because of our home... "Of course, that will be no problem... We will call the contractor who put up the fence around the property and have him put a fence around the pool... We were planning to redo the backyard and the pool anyway..." Chris says... "Right..." She responds and we walk back inside... We make our way upstairs... "Where is your bedroom?" She asks and we both look at her confused... "It is over there but surely you dont need to go in there..." Chris says... "I need to check everything Mr. Evans... Do you have something to hide...?" She says with a grin on her face...

"Nope... Nothing to hide..." I say opening the door and she looks in... "Do you need to see the guestrooms to?" I ask and she shakes her head... "Why not...? Who knows what we hide in there..." I say and she blushes... "That won't be necessary..." She says and we walk to Jack's room... I open the door for her to look in and let out a sigh of relief that Jack sleeps through it...

She finally leaves and i let out a deep sigh... "I am going to take a shower..." I say and Chris nods... "I am going to use your office... I need to make a few phone calls..." He says and i look at him confused... "I will tell you later but i have a weird feeling about all this..." He says and kisses my cheek... "Dont worry angel... Everything will be okay..." He says and we each go our own way... 

I am just drying off and getting dressed when i hear Chris curse loudly... "Son of a bitch!" 

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