Chapter 122

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I have been taking photos of this massive scene they are filming but i am not feeling well... I have not been feeling well all morning, but it is getting worse... I look around and everything is vague... I can't seem to focus...  I sit down and a wave of nausea hits me... I have been just overdoing it... I just need to sit down and take a breath... I tell myself and take a deep breath and waddle over to the chair King had put out for me... "Are you okay Ava?" He asks with worry in his voice and i sigh and nod but i am really not... I put my head down and try to breathe... I am feeling lightheaded and feel like i am going to throw up... My vision is vague and i can't focus on anything... Maybe i should lay down... The thought of comfortably laying down grows on me and i couldnt care less about taking photos anymore... But the trailer is all the way back and although it had been moved further to set it might as well be miles away...

"King... Could you do me a favor..." I sigh and take a deep breath hoping it will clear the nausea up... He smiles and nod looking at me worried as i am breathing heavy hoping it will clear up the nausea... "Of course..." He says and i sigh... "Can you pull the trailer here..." I whisper and he laughs a little... "As much as i would like to be able to do that... I can't... But we can help you go to the trailer... I can even carry you if you want..." He says and i groan and shake my head... 

I dont know why but lately i couldnt stand people touching me... The only one i could tolerate were Chris and Jack... I just didnt want people to toch me and that proved to be a hard thing here as everyone wanted to feel the babies kicking... I hated it... I absolutely hated it and was avoiding people and told King and Gary to please stop people if they notice they would...

Out the corner of my eye i see King make a motion with his arm but i ignore it and focus on Gary... "Gary... You are strong... Please pull the trailer closer..." I beg looking up and Gary shakes his head... All of a sudden Chris appears and he looks worried... "He super soldier... Can you pull the trailer closer?" I ask him trying to smile but i can't... I just can't... Chris looks at King and Gary a little confused and worried but they both shrug their shoulders... 

"I am not feeling so well..." I admit knowing that was the deal... I would tell Chris when something is wrong and something is wrong... My voice is small and Chris sighs... "Okay let's get you to lay down angel..." He says and i sigh again...

"Do you have time to lay with me?" I ask Chris pouting, but he looks at me with a guilty look in his eyes and i know it is a no... "I am sorry angel..." He whispers and i sigh feeling the tears coming... "If we ever doing this again you are not working..." I mumble and i know i am not being fair... I know i am acting like a child but i feel like crap and i hate he can't lay down with me... The feeling of having to throw up gets stronger and i take another deep breath... I dont want to throw up... I want this feeling to go away... I feel like i am sweating profusely and all i want is to get out of my clothes... My clothes are uncomfortable and i just want this to stop but i dont know how.

Chris holds out his hand and helps me up... "Come on angel... I can tuck you in..." He says and i nod and gag a little... He walks me to the trailer and helps me up the step... He pulls the blankets back and helps me to lay down and get comfortable as he starts to put the pillows around me but i push them all away from me as discomfort is taking over... "Angel... What are you doing?" He asks as he tries to put the pillows back again but i push them off again and the pillow annoy me...

"Chris i am really not feeling good..." I whisper and Chris looks at me worried... "Okay angel i will get the medics to check you out..." He says and i nod giving in as i start to feel worse... I try to breath to keep it down but i fail and crawl to the side of the bed... "Going to..." I start to say but i can't even get the sentence out before everything i had eaten today comes up and i throw up next to the bed... "Shit..." Chris says and he runs out and i hear him yell at King and Gary to get a medic... He runs back in with a bucket putting it under me as i am still throwing up and he pulls my hair out of my face and rubs my back... 

"I'm sorry..." I softly say between throwing up as tears no run down my face... "Shhh... It is okay angel... Let it all out..." He whispers rubbing my back over and over as i keep throwing up... My body is just shocking every time my food comes up again and start to panic... "Please help me... Make it stop..." I say begging him, tears running down my cheek as i try to spit out the fowl taste of vomit when i finally get a second to breath but as soon as i said it i throw up again... "If i could i would angel..." He whispers and i can hear the worry and panic in his voice... As hard as he tries to keep calm i can feel his anxiety... 

"Can you get me water and a washcloth... A wet washcloth..." I mumble before throwing up again and Chris disappears and comes back with a cloth and i take it and wipe my face for a second i feel some relief by the cold cloth on my face... But that relief disappears as soon as i throw up again and i am surprised something is still coming out... "Something is wrong..." I mumble as i feel so sick even after throwing up... Getting all my food out gives no relief... I hear the door of the trailer and a few seconds later 2 medics appear... 

"Please dont leave me alone..." I beg Chris and he nods... "I won't angel... I am here..." He whispers and i give in as i feel the medics starting to do their thing... They ask me questions but i can't even talk long enough to answer as i keep throwing up...

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