Chapter 155

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I smile as i watch Jack chase my twin boys through the yard... They are squealing... Two arms wrap tighter around me and i cuddle more into Chris who is sitting behind me on the sunbed... "Did you think we would be here... Watching this?" I whisper and Chris plants a kiss on my shoulder...

The surgery had been a success but for a week Jack would not wake up... It was the scariest times of our lives... I dont think we could have gotten through it without everyone's support. I never left his bedside as i promised him i would be there when he woke up... The doctors told us to be prepared for any outcome... He might never wake up, or not be himself again if he did... But after a week he finally opened his eyes i just knew we would be okay... Hearing him say his first words after surgery just made my whole world light up... He would be okay, and he was... He was himself and the doctors were astonished that there was no damage... A week later we could take him home... He still had checkups from time to time, but he has been happy and healthy ever since...

We are now 7 years later, and he is a sweet, considerate young boy who is slowly but surely turning in a great young man... Way too fast for my liking... They all did... Jack is doing amazing at school... I never forget how eager he was to start school and how he strutted into class the first day we dropped him off... He was well liked by his classmates, and he did so amazing he just took it all in getting amazing grades and i am not surprised that now it is time to apply for colleges he was advised to go for the big schools... Harvard medical school... That was the goal and i had no doubt he was going to make it happen... 

"Hmmm i am more surprised that i am watching this... Never would have thought that... He grumbles in my ear and i smirk as he starts to rub my belly... "I know... I did not either... It is not like we have planned this... You were supposed to be sterile..." I say letting out a chuckle... "Oopsie..." He whispers in my ear and i laugh... "I just can't believe they fucked up and it did not happen sooner..." I hum and he smirks and plants a kiss on my shoulder... I still did not understand how it all happened sometimes. Chris had gotten an all clear from the doctors... He was told he was good to go...

But here we are.... Pregnant... 7 years later... Thank God with just one this time and i have to admit i am doing much better than when i was pregnant with the twins... I had been panicked and did not take it well at first... But after the first ultrasound i turned around and i was now happy... We are expecting a girl... I could not believe it, a little girl... I already knew she was going to be her daddy's princess... She would have him wrapped around her little finger the moment she came into this world... 

"It was not the time before..." Chris murmurs and i smile... We never adopted more kids like we had planned to... I just wanted to focus on my boys. I felt guilty for not being there as much for the twins in the beginning as most of my time got pulled to Jack. But as soon as he had gotten the, all clear from the doctors everything went back to normal. We talked a lot about it and agreed... 3 was enough... The boys were a handful... I loved it... But i guess live had other plans for us... I loved my life with my boys...

But they did not seem to hold it against me... They were babies after all. But still i just wanted to watch them grow up and enjoy every second of it... Watching them grow up in our little slice of heaven... A few months after Jack's surgery the house was done and a month later it was fully decorated again, and it felt like home again... Lisa was living in her little house absolutely loving it her little house close to her family... It was actually a perfect arrangement... The boys loved having grandma close... They adored her...

Josh had been under the radar for 2 years until he was finally arrested... Unfortunately, he only got arrested because in a fit of rage he killed his then girlfriend... After he had ruined our home, he went on the run and apparently had settled down in Texas under a false name... For 2 years he just went on with life like nothing had happened and he could still have lived like that if he had not killed his girlfriend... From what i understood it was over the dishes or something... He killed her in a brutal way over dishes... 

He was now in prison in Texas for life... They had asked us if we wanted to file charges against him for the house and have him brought back to Boston... After a long talk and finding out he would never get out again we decided against it...  We were done... We were happy and neither one of us wanted to go back to the past... He was locked away and although i was sad for his girlfriend and her family i was happy he would never be able to get to me or my perfect family... I just hope he gets what he deserves in prison. 

"Jackie!!!" Aiden squealed as Jack finally catches him and throws him over his shoulder kicking and screaming... Jack had grown into a strong boy working out with his dad... Owen came running up to Jack trying to free his brother. Chris chuckled as Jack just simply held him off... The twins were always inseparable. We made sure they were each their own person but most of the time they sticked together... The were doing great in school and were well liked but always preferred each other to play with... The were copies of their dad... They had his love for acting and were always in the school plays... They were going to be the best big brothers ever to our little girl... When we told them they were shocked at first but now they were excited... 

Chris kept rubbing my belly as our little girl kicked... "What do you think about the name Sophie..." Chris murmured in my ear... We were still discussing names... "Sophie..." i murmur letting it run through my mind... "Sophie Evans..." I murmur again... "I like it..." I whisper and i feel Chris smile as he plants kisses in my neck... 

"I think she likes it to..." Chris murmurs as she kicks again and i giggle... "Chris..." I whisper and he hums... "Thank you..." I whisper and he turns my head to the side to make me look at him... "For what angel?" He says and i smile and peck his lips... "For making me happy... For giving me our boys and soon our little girl... For being you... For loving me... I love you sappy..." I whisper and he smiles..."You make it easy... I love you so much angel..."  He says and kisses me again...

"EEEEEEW THEY ARE KISSING AGAIN..." We heard and started to laugh as Aiden was pointing at us shouting at his brothers... "EEEEEEEW..." Now all yelled out and i laughed and kissed Chris again... 

*** The End***

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