Chapter 108

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"Mom...!" Jack squeals as we walk into Lisa's house and he runs up to me and hugs me tight... "Hello sweetheart... Did you have fun with grandma?" I ask and he nods... "Hey what am i chopped liver?" Chris says smirking at Jack and Jack giggle and hugs him to and Chris lifts him up and we walk to the kitchen where Lisa is sitting at the counter with a cup of tea for her and Jack and a plate of cookies... 

"Hello sweethearts... How was the checkup..." She asks standing up hugging me and i blush... "You look absolutely glowing... How are you feeling?" She asks leading me to the table for me to sit down on one of the chairs... "Again... What am i chopped liver?" Chris joked and Lisa rolled her eyes smirking at me making me giggle... She stood up and turned to Chris who had put Jack down who immediately walked over to me for a cuddle...

"I am sorry dear... How are you doing son... Come here..." She says walking over to him with her arms up in the air making a pinching motion with her fingers and i laughed as she pinched his cheeks... "Who is my good boy... Are you my good boy..." She said in a cooing sound and both Jack and i laughed hard as Chris smirked trying to get away from her, but she wouldn't let up and followed him... "Come here give you mom a cuddle... Let mommy give her boy a big cuddle..." She cooed and Chris laughed... "Okay, okay... Point taken..." He said laughing but Lisa still wouldn't let up... "No, you felt ignored so let me give you some love..." She said laughing and Chris walked towards her pulled her into a hug and i smirked as he was rocking her from side to side... "Better?" She asks when they pull apart and he snickered... "Yes..." He said smirking and Lisa rolled her eyes again... "Is it okay if i pay attention to your pregnant wife now?" She asks him and he nods with a big grin on his face...

"We have some news..." I say looking at Lisa with Jack in my lap cuddled into me... "Is everything okay?" Lisa asks a little anxious and Chris stands behind me putting his hands on my shoulders giving me a light squeeze... 

"Jack, you know there is a baby in mommy's belly right..." Chris says and Jack nods looking at us... "Well, we had a checkup today with the doctor to see if everything was okay... And there is not one... But two babies..." I say smiling at Jack and while Lisa squeals jumping up and down all excited Jack looks at me a little shocked... "2 babies... I get two brothers or sisters...?" He asks as Chris hugs Lisa who is now emotional and crying happy tears... 

"Yes..." I say and Jack's face lights up... "Cool...!" He says and cuddles into me again and i smile hugging him kissing the top of his head... "You are such a good boy... You are going to be an amazing big brother..." I whisper hugging him a little tighter... 

"What is going on here?" We hear and look up and Scott is walking in... "Mommy is going to have two babies..." Jack squeals and Scott laughs... "Yeah right very funny..." He says slapping Chris his shoulder and we all look at him... "Wait... It is not a joke...?" He says looking at me and then at Chris... "Nope..." Chris says with the biggest grin on his face... "Identical twins..." He says proudly... 

"Wauw that is amazing... Congratulations!" Scott says hugging Chris and i feel a sadness come over me... Everyone has such an amazing reaction to this news and i just freaked out... I didnt smile... I didn't have this excited reaction... I just freaked out... "What is wrong mommy...?" Jack says as tears start to run down my cheek, and he puts his little hand on my face... "Nothing baby... Happy tears i lie... Can you go to your dad... I need to go to the toilet..." I say and Jack nods sliding down my lap... I avoid looking at Lisa, Scott and Chris to ashamed and i walk towards the bathroom... 

I close the door behind me locking it and sink down to the floor and start to cry putting my hand over my mouth in an attempt to muffle the sound... I dont know how long i am in there when there is a knock on the door... "Sweetheart... Everything okay?" I hear Lisa say at the other side of the door and i try to pull myself together and stand up... "I am fine... I'll be right out..." I say trying to sound as normal as possible... "Sweetie i can hear you have been crying... Can you please let me in..." Lisa says and i hesitate for a second but unlock the door... 

"What is wrong sweetheart..." She says walking in and over to me and i fight my tears, but it is no use... "Everyone has this amazing reaction... And i... I... I just freaked out... I didn't even smile... I wasn't even excited... All i could think about was... I can't do this...  I am going to get huge... We are leaving in two weeks... What am i going to do with the job i have just taken with Marvel..." I say sobbing... 

"Oh honey... Are you excited and happy now...?" She asks and i nod... "I am..." I whisper and she smiles... "You, freaking out was just the shock talking sweetheart... It is not a small thing having 2 babies instead of one... I can understand that reaction..." She whispers still holding me... "You dont think i am a bad mother..." I whisper and she pulls out of the hug and cups my face with both hands... "Of course, not sweetheart... You are human and this news is big news... You are going to do great..." She says and i smile... "I am just so scared..." I whisper and Lisa gives me a little smile... "I know sweetie... It is your first time being pregnant and to find out that the first are going to be twins... Well i wouldn't know how i would have reacted..." She says smiling and i smile a little back at her... 

"Did the doctor say you could work?" She asks and i nodded... "Yes.... Just to take it easy and take care of myself..." I whisper and start to giggle... "Chris is saying we should hire more assistants one to carry a chair behind me in case i need or want to sit down..." I whisper and Lisa and i both giggle... 

"Well... As silly as that sounds... I dont think that is a bad idea..." She says and i giggle again... "If i let Chris do what he wants to do i end up with more assistants than RDJ..." I whisper and i chuckle as Lisa laughs... "I would pay to see the look on Robert's face when he realizes that..." She says and we both giggle again... 

"Lisa...?" I whisper and she looks at me... "Yes sweetheart..." She says and i take a deep breath... "Would it be too much to ask to have you in the delivery room... I know Chris will be amazing support but i really would like you there to..." I whisper and she looks at me and smiles tearing up... "Oh sweetheart it would be my honor..." She says pulling me into a hug... "And if you need me in Atlanta let me know and i will be on the first plane..." She whispers and i smile holding onto her a little tighter...

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