Chapter 29

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The first day is over before i even know it... It was amazing. Everyone is so nice... I had some amazing pictures of everyone i didn't leave anyone out... I was planning on making a book for everyone to remember this project... 

But it had been a long day and i was exhausted... I just wanted to go home have something to eat and sleep... I laid my head on Chris his shoulder as we sat in the back of the car while Alex drove us all home. "You guys are uncharacteristically quiet..." I mumble and all 3 scoff... "Long day..." Seb mumbles and i smile... "Can we just cuddle in bed..." I whisper to Chris, and he looks back at me and smiles... "That sounds good but first i got to eat something..." He mumbles and i groan... "Foooood..." I say and they all laugh... "I took the liberty to have the catering service make you something you guys can just warm up..." Alex says and i smile... "I like you more and more Alex..." I mumble and i can see he is smiling proudly again... 

We arrive at the house and i thank Alex as he hands us the bags of food before he leaves saying he will be back in the morning... I sit down at the kitchen counter... Seb and Mackie get us some drinks while Chris warms our dinner up... I am looking at the photos i took on the screen of my camera and smile at my favorite of Chris in his suit... I have one of all 3 of them hanging around waiting for the crew to have reset everything as one of the extra's had fucked up... But no one got angry... It happened and i think the person who screwed up was feeling shittier about it than anyone else... The vibe on set was relaxed and it was fun to take pictures... 

Before they started Joe and Anthony had introduced me and told them what i was doing there... To give me access to everything... I was asked if i had anything to say and i just told everyone to say if they didn't want to be in the photos that i would respect that... I got questions about my face and i was just honest as i didn't want to have people gossip about me... The girls from makeup were very sweet offering to cover it up but i declined with the hot and humid weather i didn't want makeup on my face... 

I chuckle looking at one of the photos of Mackie where he was showing off and all 3 look at me... "Something you want to share with the group..." Mackie said and i grinned showing them and Mackie smirked. 

"How long until dinner?" I asked Chris... "10 minutes..." He said and i nodded... "I am going to load the pictures onto my laptop..." I say and walk off to my office... I set everything up to load onto the laptop and walk back to the kitchen... I wrap my arms around Chris his waist and smile... "I was thinking... I saw a jacuzzi when i went exploring the other day... Maybe after dinner we could use it and relax a little..." I whisper in his ear, and he looks at me and grins... 

"That sounds like a great idea..." He whispers back and i smile... "You guys know it is not polite to whisper in company..." Mackie said and i giggled sticking my tongue out at him... After dinner i go to my bedroom and take a quick rinse under the shower to get most of the dust and dirt off of me and sigh grabbing my bikini... Why did i suggest this again... I had already suggested to just cuddle in bed... With more clothing on... Now i had to squeeze myself in a bikini... But the thought of warm water to relax my body was too good to pass up...  I had put my body in the weirdest positions to get the photos i wanted and i was aching all over... 

I put my bikini on and sigh looking at myself in the mirror... Maybe i should start working out with the guys... To get myself in better shape... I sigh and wrap the towel around me and i walk out of my room and towards the jacuzzi... I let out a little sigh of relief as Chris is not here yet and i quickly turn on the jacuzzi and lose the towel getting in to hide my body... A few minutes later Chris walks in not a care in the world wearing his swimming trunks and just carrying the towel in his hand... I smile but blush as he gets in and sits down beside me... He catches me by surprise as he pulls me in his lap and i smile running my hands through his hair... He had taken a shower to as his hair is already wet... 

Leaving the house with brown hair and a beard and coming back freshly shaven, a new haircut and completely blind. I had taken a before and after photo and it was like he was completely different... He was still Chris but just looked completely different and i was a little sad about it... I l liked his brown hair and beard... 

"Did you like your first day?" He asked smiling at me as i kept playing with his hair his arms wrapped around my waist and i am hyper aware of their placement... I feel a little awkward but i try to push it to the back of my mind. I nodded... "Everyone is so nice... I got some great pictures..." I whisper and he smiles and nods... "How was your day?" I ask and he smiles... "Good... It is nice to be back..." He says and i smile... He moves his hand up and cups my face... 

"How is your face feeling?" Chris asks rubbing his thumb over my good cheek and i sigh... "It is fine... It is getting better..." I whisper... The bruises started to change color already... It had gotten worse the first 2 days, but the swelling had gone down and now it just took time... 

My nose was feeling a bit better but still a little bit sore as it had been broken. He pushes some hair out of my face and i smiled... "God i want to kiss you so bad... But i dont want to hurt you..." He whispers with pain in his eyes and i smile and sigh... I move my hands out of his hair and to the sides of his face... He doesn't move as i gently press my lips on his for a soft sweet kiss... God i wanted more... i deepen the kiss ignoring the pain of my broken nose... His tongue is begging for access which i grant him and i let out a little moan as his hands roam my body and i start to feel little self-aware so i stop his hand and he breaks the kiss... "What is wrong... Did i hurt you?" He whispers and i shake my head and blush and hide my face in his neck letting out a sigh...

"Ava...? What is wrong...?" Chris whispers rubbing my back and i hum... "Nothing just tired..." I mumble... "Do you want to get out?" He asks and i hum a no... I didn't want to get out i was comfortable in the warm water sitting in his lap... "Just a little while longer..." I whisper and he chuckles... "Okay..." He says and i smile. 

But all i could think was there is going to be a moment i have to get out... A moment i couldn't hide anymore... I sigh and move my head out of its hiding place and look at the towel lying next to the jacuzzi trying to think of a way to get out... I dont know why i was so insecure all of a sudden... I never have been skinny but i was never this insecure... Was it because every girl i have ever seen him with was nothing like me? 

"Ava...?" Chris says pulling me out of my focus on the towel... "Let's get out and go to bed..." He whispers and slide of his lap..."You go... I'll be right there..." I whisper blushing and he sighs... "Ava... You dont have to hide your body from me..." He says seeing right through me and i am sure i am bright red now... I sigh and hide my face again and he sighs hugging me... "I love your body Angel... You are perfect to me..." He whispers and i dont know if i believe him...

He releases me and he gets out and holds out his hand for me to take and i hesitate... I take a deep breath and take it... He pulls me up out of the water... I blush not able to look at him and i wrap my arms around me and he takes my towel and wraps it around me and i relax a little finally able to look up at him and he smiles. 

He dries himself off and he takes my hand, and we walk to my bedroom... The rest of the house is quiet... Seb and Mackie are probably already in bed. I smile as i walk into my closet finding some of his clothes... "I hope you dont mind..." He says and i turn around shaking my head seeing Chris in the doorway of the closet... "Go change I'll wait for you in the bedroom..." He says and as he is just about to walk out i take his hand pulling him back in and pull him closer the towel dropping to the floor... I cup his face and attach my lips with his and he smiles into the kiss as his hands roam my body... 

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