Chapter 107

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"I am sorry what now?"  I say looking at the doctor as if he had grown to heads... "You are expecting twins... Identical twins..." He says smiling but his smile quickly disappears as i feel the blood drain from my face... "It will be okay angel..." Chris says and i look at him... "That is easy for you to say... You are not going to have push 2 out..." I say loudly and he chuckles... "That is not funny Christopher...!" I say as i start to panic... "Oh god... Oh god... I can't do this... I can't..." I say as it gets harder to breathe...

"Mrs. Evans... You have to breathe..." The doctor says and i shoot him a look... "Look at me angel... Breathe with me..." Chris says taking my hand and he takes in a deep breath... "In... and out... In... and out..." Chris keeps repeating and i calm down a bit... "I'm sorry... I am just in shock..." I mumble and Chris smiles stands up and kisses me... "It will be okay angel..." He says and i groan... "And again, that is easy for you to say..." I mumble and he sighs... "Angel... You are the strongest woman i know... You got this..." He says and i take a deep breath... "I am scared..." I whisper... 

"I know angel... But i promise you i will help you in any way i can..." He says and i give him a little smile... "What about filming... We are leaving in 2 weeks... Doctor can i work..." I whisper and the doctor chuckles... "Just take it easy rest when you can... Dont overdo it... Have regular checkups there, listen to your body... And take good care of yourself... Then i dont see a reason why not... You are healthy... Your bloodwork was good, and you and the babies are healthy... The most important thing is to not overdo it..." He says and i let out a sigh... 

"We will make it work angel... We hire you more assistants to carry your stuff and one to follow you with a chair if that is necessary... They will work with you... They really want you... They will give you what you need..." He says and i chuckle because the idea of an assistant following me around with a chair is comical to me... 

"We will get you a nice trailer where you can rest if you want to... Something more comfortable than the last time..." Chris says and i nod... "I think you will be in good hands..." The doctor says smiling before he turns to Chris with a stern look on his face. "Just make sure she gets her rest, eats right... No heavy lifting..."   The doctor says to Chris, and he nods... The doctor says he will make some recommendations for a doctor in Atlanta which makes me a little surer about all of this... 

We leave the doctor's office and Chris holds my hand tight as we are still processing what we just learned... "Chris... What if i can't leave Atlanta and have to give birth there... I want your mom with us... I need your mom when i go to give birth..." I whisper as we walk to the car... "We will make a plan for there and for here angel... Dont worry... We will fly my mother in if you have to give birth there... I will extend the lease on the house for a few months longer so we can stay there if necessary..." He says and i nod... "Are you not scared?" I whisper and he stops walking and pulls me in his arms... "Yes... Yes, i am scared... But i am also excited... We are not getting one... But two babies..." He says with the biggest smile and his face and for the first time since we heard the news of our twins i smile to... 

"2 babies... Identical twins..." I whisper and Chris grins... "I wonder what Jack is going to think about it..." He says with a big smile... "Jack is going to be ecstatic... I wonder how the family will react..." I say smirking and Chris start to laugh... "They are going to be loud..." Chris says laughing and i giggle... "Chris... I love you... I love your family... But they are always loud..." I say and Chris smiles proudly... "Yes, they are... Now let's go home..." He says and with his arm over my shoulder so i am safely tucked into him... "Can we go and get something to eat?" I whisper and Chris chuckles... "Yes... What do you want..." He says and i smile... 

"Can we go to Boston Market..." I whisper batting my eyes at him and he chuckles... "Anything you want angel... Anything you want..." He whispers and opens the car door for me. 

Chris chuckles as i order Rotisserie skinless chicken and the mac and cheese with meatloaf some steamed vegetables on the side and a brownie for something sweet as dessert... Chris goes for the BBQ ribs with steamed vegetable no dessert as he is in training again to become Steve Rogers... He has been hitting our home gym every morning and you could see him bulk out in front of you... It is ridiculous how quick he is back in Steve Rogers shape... I know it is not easy and hard work, but he makes it look so damn easy... 

"I wonder what Jack is going to think when you are a blond and clean shaven again..." I say as we are waiting for our food and Chris looks at me with big eyes... "OMG... I never thought about that... What if he doesn't recognize me..." Chris says looking at me all tense and i chuckle... "He will... He recognized you in the hospital... He knows you are Steve Rogers..." I say smirking and he lets out a sigh... "Right... You are right..." Chris says and relaxes a little again... 

Our food comes and we eat... I ordered way too much... So, Chris asks our waitress to wrap the leftover up... We drive to Lisa's place to pick up Jack... "Do you want to tell your mom now... Or do you want to wait and tell Jack first...?" I ask and Chris smiles... "Let's tell Jack and mom together..." He says as his hand lays on my thigh and he gives me a little squeeze and i smile... "Okay..." I say and Chris smiles and i can see he is all giddy and excited to tell his mother and Jack...

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