Chapter 93

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I am cleaning the kitchen as Chris walks in and i look up at him... "Out like a light as soon as his head hit the pillow..." Chris says smirking. I chuckle... "A day in the pool will do that..." I say smiling. Chris walks over to me and slowly turns me facing him... He doesn't say a word but cups my face and gives me a soft kiss before his hands start roaming my body and i let out a little hum... He softly massaged every inch of me and i closed my eyes enjoying his touch... I lean my head to the side as he starts to kiss my neck and i put my hands on his upper arms steadying myself. 

"It was torture watching you walk around in this little thing..." Chris murmurs in my neck as his fingers run in the hem of my bikini bottom... I can feel shivers run through my body as my core heats up and i feel myself getting wet... I just hum as he continues kissing my neck... "Absolute torture..." He whispers again and i let out a little moan... His hands glide up on my back and he unclasps the top of my bikini and removes it from my body... He immediately cups my boobs softly squeezing them... It feels so nice... So gentle and so loving... It is like he is worshipping my body taking his time with it... 

He kisses his way down my neck over my collar bone and i moan running my hands up his arms into his hair as he is kissing my boobs all over... I let out a little gasp as he runs his tongue around my left nipple before sucking on it while he toys with the other between his fingers... They get hard under his touch and i can feel him smile on my skin.... 

"Always so responsive to me... God i love you body... So soft... So curvy in all the right places..." He whispers and i let out a little sigh... I still have my eyes closed as i am just reveling in his touch... I just want to feel it all... He switches what he is doing now his mouth toying with my right nipple while his fingers toy with the left rolling it between his fingers... 

I take a deep breath as one hand travels down my body and he rubs me over my bikini bottom making me moan... "Let me check..." He whispers and he dips his hand in my bottom and runs his fingers gently between my folds... "So wet for me already angel..." He whispers and i moan again... Without warning he drops to his knees and plants a kiss on my clothed core and i gasp... "Oh Chris..." I moan and he smirks as he plants another kiss on my core again... I can feel him slowly pull my bikini bottom down kissing his way down my legs... I step out of it, and he throws it to the side. He kisses his way up again until he is standing up... I feel like i am in heaven... All my senses are in overdrive as he is literally worshipping my body... My body is buzzing and screaming for more.... 

"Time for dessert angel..." He whispers before attaching his lips with mine and he lifts me up and puts me on the counter... He gently pushes me laying down and i gasp as the cold stone of the counter hits my naked back... ButiIt only adds to the pleasure he is providing me... 

He attaches his lips to mine kissing me passionately before kissing his way down again his hands following the trail his lips are leaving... "My angel... My perfect angel... So soft so sweet so perfect..." He murmurs on my skin while kissing his way down... I can feel him gently grabbing my legs pushing them up against my chest before he plants a kiss on my now naked core... 

I gasp as he licks me up and down flattening out his tongue... My body jerks as he toys with my clit flicking it with his tongue... I moan and put my hands in his hair and i can feel him smile in my core... He runs his tongue down again toying with my entrance and i moan again... "Such a sweet pussy... God you taste so divine..." He murmurs as he sucks on my clit and i gasp arching my back off the counter... "That's it angel... Just feel it... Give in to the pleasure..." He murmurs and i can feel two fingers enter me... He is scissoring them inside of me and it feels amazing in combination of his tongue toying with my clit... I pull on his hair wanting him closer as i move my hips grinding on his face... He is building up my pleasure but every time i think i am coming he holds off and pauses for a bit letting me come down before building the pleasure up again...

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