Chapter 55

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Chris is asleep his head laying on my chest his body finally relaxed... I just keep running my hand over his head enjoying the feeling of the buzzcut under my fingers. He hadn't said much... Just that he was tired... But when i pried a little bit, he told me that he was so scared that that part of his life eventually would chase me away... I knew that it had happened in the past... I came to realize that that was maybe why he didn't have serious relationships after that... I told him not to worry that i was not going anywhere...

I just hoped i had assured him that that was not going to happen... He had fallen asleep finally given into the exhaustion... I try a few times to get out from under him but the first attempts he just tightens his grip in his sleep as if to say dont leave me... But as he sinks into a deeper sleep i manage to wriggle my way from underneath him... 

I walk down and sigh looking at the chaos in the kitchen... I chuckle and shake my head... I continue cooking and after i had put the lasagna in the oven i cleaned up the mess... I get the lasagna out the oven when it is done but decide not to wake Chris up to just let him sleep... I put it out to cool off we could reheat it later... 

I take a deep breath and look around me... As i dont want to wake Chris seeing he needs his sleep... I grab my laptop and do some work... I already send all the pictures i had selected to Russo brothers, but i wanted to surprise everyone working on set with a book with some of the pictures in it... I wanted to make sure that everyone would be included and had at least one picture of themselves in it... I was fully focused fully in the zone... In this remote cabin and with Chris sleeping it was not hard to get some work done... No distractions... I know it was our vacation but with Chris asleep and not knowing what else to do i was happy i brought my laptop with me.

I dont know how long i had been working at the dining room table when i felt two arms wrap around me and a kiss being planted on my head... "Hey..." I whisper taking his hand planting a kiss the back of it... "What are you doing?" He asked as he sat down on the seat next to me... "Working on the book i am going to give everyone... How did you sleep...?" I ask Chris as i turn to him so i focus my attention on him... 

"Good angel, just missed you when i woke up..." He whispers and i smile take his face in my hands and kiss him... Soft, sweet and caring... "Sorry baby couldn't sleep... Are you hungry?  I finished your attempt at lasagna..." I say with a smirk on my face and Chris chuckles... "Lasagna at 3 in the morning why not..." He whispers and kisses me again... "3?" I say shocked and i look at the time and to my surprise it really is 3 in the morning and i just lost track of time... 

Chris chuckles and i let out a little yelp as he pulls me out of the chair and into his lap and wraps me in a hug... "Sorry for my little breakdown angel..." He whispers... "No..." I say a little louder then intended... I take his face in my hands again. "No?" He says confused and i nod... "We are not going to apologize for having feelings and emotions... Deal?" I say and he smiles and nods... "Okay..." He whispers his voice sounding so vulnerable and i see a tear run down his cheek... "Oh baby... It is okay...." I whisper kissing his tears away... "You can always cry around me you dont always have to be all tough... There is no shame in feeling down and emotional sometimes... No need to say sorry for that... I am always here to listen to comfort you to hold you..." I whisper and kiss him again. "What did i do to deserve you..." He whispers letting out a massive sigh and i smile... "You are just you and that is more than enough... Now let's eat because i am starving..." I say and he looks at me confused... "You didn't eat yet?" He asks and i shake my head... "Didn't want to eat alone..." I whisper and Chris shakes his head...

"Okay let's eat..." He says standing up and lifting me with him making me giggle... "My big strong man..." I whisper and he grins a little blush appearing on his face... I smile as he puts me down on the counter and takes the lasagna putting it in the oven to warm up... I pull him between my legs and kiss him with a smile on my face... "Feeling better now?" I ask and he nods... "Yeah... I was just exhausted i guess... This vacation was right what i needed..." He mumbles and i smile... "Trust me we both needed it... The last few months although fun and exciting were exhausting..." I whisper and kiss him again and again and again... 

"So, if they would ask you again you would say no?" He asks and i smile... "If it is a project, you are in... I will say yes in a heartbeat..." I whisper and he grins... "I liked having you around..." He says and i chuckle... "I liked being around..." I say and he smirks... 

We eat both sitting on the counter and i just smirk... When we are done eating Chris puts everything away and leads me upstairs cuddling into bed with me and i smile as he closes his eyes and soon is off to sleep again... I close my own eyes and just take a deep breath slowly drifting off.

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