Chapter 105

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"Hello everyone... I am Scott... Or better known as Chris his little brother... Or Chris his gay brother..." Scott says smirking and we all laugh... Chris smirks shaking his head and i squeeze his hand a little... Chris smiles and me and winks before he leans in and kisses me... 

We hear Scott clear his throat and we look up at him and i blush... "I am sorry is my speech boring you already?" Scott asks smirking and everyone looks at us and i giggle resting my head on Chris his shoulder in an attempt to hide... "Just keep going..." Chris growls and i sit up again looking at Scott resting my head on Chris his shoulder...

"I want to warn everyone today... Chris and Ava... Are nauseatingly sweet... I mean he calls her angel... And she calls him sappy...My brother who plays this strong and tough superhero is in real life this big old softy especially when it comes to Ava... She can say jump and he will not even ask how high. He will just jump...  But Ava loves him so much that we know she will never make him jump when it is not safe or take advantage of his willingness to do so... And yet as i look at them and see the love they have for each other and for Jack their amazing son... I see the love i strive to have in my life one day... And i am so happy for you both... Ava... You gave my brother what he craved the most in life... Love... and a family... And in return we are yours... Good luck with that... No take backs... We threw away the receipts..." Scott says and everyone laughs... "Now... I have a special treat for everyone... A glimpse into our lives with Chris and Ava..." Scott says with a smirk on his face... 

Chris and i look at each other wondering what is to come both holding our breaths... That is until Scott starts a video... It is Chirs being scared by me and Scott making him jump out of his skin followed by him chasing me around the yard ending up being thrown in the pool and Stella pushing him in afterwards... Followed by a video of Jack, Chris and i sitting on a bench in Lisa's backyard having a little family moment... 

We smile at Scott, and he winks at us... I rest my head on Chris his shoulder again and let out a deep breath... 

Dinner continues and i take a few bites of Chris's as i dont like my own and i smile as he switches our plates... We have our first dance and i have a dance with Jack while Chris dances with his mother... Chris had said he didn't need to do the mothers son dance but i was adamant... I didn't want them to miss out on that just because i couldn't... I said i would dance with Jack... Jack was all excited and loving the attention he was getting... 

Then the dancefloor is open to anyone and i smile as everyone doesn't hesitate and the party really takes off... I dance with Seb and after that with Mackie and i hug them thanking them each for walking me down the aisle and more importantly for not making me fall... I laugh when Chris cuts in and Mackie mocks him that he got to kiss me first today and i couldn't resist... "Why are you so proud... You are not the first to kiss me today... Seb was..." I say and Chris and i look at each other and burst out laughing at the look on his face... 

While Chris dances with Scarlet i dance with Robert and i thank him for everything... For leading the ceremony. He had been perfect keeping it light and fun... Robert smiles and spins me around making me giggle... 

Then it is time to cut the cake and i take a little bite as he feeds me but as much as i loved it when we picked it out it doesn't taste good to me now... Chris chuckles as i swallow the little bite and he kisses me passionately... "Do you want me to get you some water to wash away the taste...?" He whispers and i blush and nod... He waves over one of the serving staff asking them to get me a bottle of water and i blush as the young man runs off only to return to minutes later with a cold bottle of water... 

The staff we had hired cuts the rest of the cake handing it out to anyone who wants some and i smile as Jack and all the other kids are first in line... I look around and just love all the people here at our wedding... But above all i am grateful i feel good enough as i was so sick yesterday and was desperately trying to hide it... But the look on Chris his face when he found out that i was pregnant was worth it... 

"I love you sappy..." I whisper as we dance and Chris smiles "I love you to angel..." He says and we both giggle... After dancing for a little while longer i need a moment to sit down and Lisa sits down beside me, and she smiles at me taking my hand... "Are you happy, sweetheart?" She asks me and i look at her with the biggest smile and nod... "I am... Thank you for everything... You have no idea how much that means to me..." I say and she blushes... We both look at Chris who is laughing with Mackie and Seb about something and i blush... "Thank you for making him the man he is today..." I say and Lisa smiles... "You have had a hand in that to you know..." She says and i blush... "Maybe... But you put in the groundwork..." I say and we both laugh... Carly and Shanna join us, and we talk about the pregnancy... 

They are so excited for adding another addition to our family and it makes me smile that they never dismiss Jack in this equation... That had been a fear of mine... That now that there was a bio kid on the way they would toss Jack aside... 

It was already late and i was beat... I was so tired sitting in Chris his lay cuddled into him my eyes closed already half asleep... Carly and her kids had gone home already, and she had taken Jack with her so we could have a proper wedding night but i didn't know if i was going to be up for that as i was exhausted... I felt a little guilty but i was so comfortable as sleep took over Chris rubbing my back didn't help... 

"No, we are going to bed... You all continue but Mrs. Evans is almost asleep, and she needs her rest especially now..." I hear him say and i hum... "Not sleeping... I'm okay..." I mumble and i hear people chuckle... Chris says goodnight and i protest but he shuts me up by kissing me and lifting me with him as he stands up and i giggle as he carries me inside and upstairs... 

"Sorry..." I mumble as he puts me on my feet in the bedroom and he smiles... "Sorry for what angel?" He asks with a little confusion in his voice... "I know this is not the wedding night you had in mind..." I mumble and he chuckles... "It's okay angel... We have the rest of our lives for that..." He says and i giggle... "I am going to help you out of this dress and then i am going to cuddle with you and that is more than enough angel... Holding you is the best thing in the world..." He whispers and i smile as starts to help me out the dress... I watch him drape it over the chair and he then tucks me into bed before undressing himself before crawling in and pulling me in his arms... I smile as he plays with my hair and i slowly drift off to sleep.

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