Chapter 61

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"Auntie Ava... You have to be Belle..." A very serious looking Stella says to me as we are standing in the costume store... I get down to her level and smile... "And why is that sweetie?" I ask and she giggles... "Because she is Uncle Chris favorite of course..." She giggles and i smile. "And who are you going to be?" I ask and she gets the biggest smile on her face... "I am going to be Elsa..." She squeals and i laugh... "Of course..." I say smiling and i stand back up... "And who are you going to be?" I ask Carly and she smiles... "I am going to be Cinderella per Stella's request..." She says smirking and i smile... "Oh this is going to be the best birthday party ever..." I say smirking... "Yeah well please can i be there when you show Chris the beast costume..." She asks and i laugh again... "Deal..." I say smirking and she grins... 

"Wait a minute does this mean that Ryan will be prince charming?" I ask and Carly nods and i smirk... "Can't wait to take photo's..." I say and Carly smiles... "I really wanted to thank you again for that... I was a little hesitant to ask seeing as you are going to be a guest and i didn't want to give you the feeling you had to work..." Carly says and i smile... "Taking photos never feels like work... I love it... So please dont hesitate to ask... ever..." I say smiling and Carly nods... 

A few hours later we are all satisfied with our costume... Stella loved her dress so much that we had trouble convincing her to take it off but eventually she did... "So, who wants ice cream?" I say and Stella squeals... We put our stuff in the car and made the short walk to the ice cream place... It was a beautiful sunny day so after we had gotten our ice cream, we would sit down outside at one of the picknick tables... 

"Oh no..." Carly all of a sudden says letting out a groan... "Whatever you do dont look... But there is paparazzi coming our way..." She whispers and i groan to... I dont look but put on my sunglasses and Stella was confused as we got ready to leave while not having finished our ice cream... "You can finish it in the car sweetheart..." I say and she looks at me shocked... "In uncle Chris's car?" She says as if i am asking her to commit murder and i laugh. "Yes, it will be our little secret..." I say and she giggles as Carly takes her hand and we walk off...

I turn the ring in my hand as i know they will go even more crazy if they will see and we haven't even made it halfway to the car when they reach us... "Go..." I say to Carly who looks at me confused as i hand her the car keys knowing they are not here for her and Stella... She looks at me worried... "Dont worry i will be fine..." I say waving her off and she keeps walking with Stella as i slow my step a little. Carly rushes to the car so she can get Stella in without having her ambushed by all these idiots... 

"Is it true that you and Chris are living together...! Are you two seriously together... What do you say to people who say you are not good enough for him! What does it feel like to have the man everyone wants... Aren't you scared he will leave you for a woman who is skinnier... More suited for a man his physique and stature..." They yell but i dont answer... I just ignore them and keep walking as fast as i can to get to the car and to get out of here...  

When i reach the car i let out a sigh of relief that Carly and Stella are already inside... I see Carly sitting in the passenger seat and i walk around to the driver's side barely getting the door open as the swarm me pushing the camera in my face trying to get a reaction... I rip the door open not caring if it will hit someone as all i want is to get out of there... I close the door behind me and start the car slowly driving out the parking spot... I am hyped up on adrenaline but as soon as they are out of our side i start to shake... "Sorry i have to pull over for a second..." I mumble and park the car... "Are you okay?" Carly asks with a worried tone and i sigh... "Yeah I'll be fine..." I mumble taking a few deep breaths... 

"You know nothing they said is true right...?" She said and i took another deep breath... I dont want to cry... I dont want to let them get to me... But i had to admit some of the questions hurt... I take another deep breath and start the car again... "I know..." I mumble and take off again... 

"How is the ice cream Ms. Stella?" I ask looking at her through the rearview mirror... "Good..." She squeals and i smile... Chris had put the car seat in this morning... To my surprise he had one for the kids this morning... I had picked them up from Carly's house... Ryan, the boys and Scott were going to come over to Chris's place later to watch the game and we all would have dinner together later on... 

Carly is texting on her phone but i dont pay attention to it as i focus on the road while babbling with Stella who is a welcome distraction... I smirk as she is covered in ice cream... We pull up to the house and i park the car and to my surprise Chris walks out looking worried... "You told him?"  I ask Carly a little annoyed and she sighs and nods... "He was going to find out somehow sweetie..." She says and i sigh... "I just dont want him to worry..." I say and i put on a smile just as he reaches the car and pulls open my door... "Are you all okay?" He asks all tense and i nod... "I am fine Sappy..." I whisper cupping his face... I kiss him and he relaxes a bit... Chris looks inside the car to the backseat and i laugh as Stella tries but fails to hide the ice cream... "Auntie Ava said i could eat in the car..." She says giggling and Chris smirks... "Sorry they came while we were in the middle of eating ice cream..." I say and he smiles and kisses me... "I dont care even if the care would be covered in ice cream as long as you guys are safe..." He whispers and i smile... 

He gets Stella out of the car and Carly and i take the bags and we giggle as i pull out the bag with Chris his costume... "Why are you mom and Ava giggling?" He asks Stella who starts to giggle to... "Because auntie Ava is going to be Belle..." She says and i smirk holding up the bag... "Which means i am going to be..." He groans not finishing his sentence and Carly and i both laugh as he hangs his head... 

We all walk inside and i put the bags in the bedroom closet... Chris appears a few seconds later and wraps his arms around me hugging me from behind resting his head on my shoulder... "I hid the ring..." I whisper ashamed of myself... "I didn't want to drive them even more crazy..." I explain and Chris kisses my cheek... "You did good angel..." He says turning me around and kissing me passionately and i wrap my arms around his neck deepening the kiss making everything melt away...

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