Chapter 60

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Chris and i both start to laugh... It is not Lisa... Or Scott but Shanna... Who notices the ring... "Yes... Yes, it is..." Chris says taking my hand holding it up pulling me closer into him and i smile... "I asked Ava to marry me, and she said yes..." Chris said with the biggest smile on his face and i blush smiling as Chris his prediction was right, they all jumped up squealing... "Told you..." Chris whispered in my ear before kissing my temple... 

We stand up and the first one to hug me tight is Lisa... "Welcome to the family..." She says with tears in her eyes as she finally releases me and i smile... "Thank you..." I whisper blushing and show her the ring... "It is beautiful..." Lisa says and i nod and smile... "He did good..." I whisper getting a little emotional... 

After that Scott hugs me picking me up swinging me around... "Now you are really going to be my sister... The sister i always wanted..." He said laughing... "HEY! We heard that...!" Both Carly and Shanna yell as they are still hugging Chris and i giggle... "That was not very nice Scott..." I say smirking... "Oh, shut up..." He mumbles and hugs me again making me laugh... Ryan comes over to me and hugs me after he had hugged Chris... "Hope you know what you are getting yourself into... This family is crazy..." He whispers with a grin from ear to ear and i laugh making the Evans's look at us like we are the ones crazy...

Shanna and Carly hug me next as Lisa hugs Chris tightly and starts to cry... He comforts her and for a second i am worried she is not happy but when they pull apart, she has a smile on her face and pats his cheek... "You did good son..." She says and i smile at their little interaction as they both are a little emotional... 

The kids come running in due to all the commotion... "What is going on...?" Ethan asks looking worried and Chris steps next to me wrapping his arm around me resting his hand on my hip rubbing circles on my hip sending little tingles through my body... 

"Ava and Chris are getting married..." Carly says running her hand through her boy's hair... "Really?" Stella asks and we both nod at her and she squeals... "What do you say Stella... Do you want to be our flower girl?" I ask her and she squeals even harder... "YES!!!" She yells and we all laugh... "And you boys will you be our ring bearers..." I ask and they both smile and nod... Chris kisses my temple and i smile looking at him and he kisses me... I know we hadn't discussed that but i know he loves them so much and wouldn't have want it any other way... 

"Oh, this calls for champagne... And you all laughed when i said i was going to safe it for a special occasion... Well see there is one now..." Lisa says walking to the fridge all giddy... She comes back with a flesh of champagne and a child version for the kids... She goes and get some glasses. Shanna, Carly, Ryan and Scott look at us... "What?" Chris says a little hesitant... "So, tell us about the proposal..." Carly says and i turn bright red... 

"Well i got down on one knee... And asked her to marry me..." Chris says and i chuckle and blush even more as the memories play through my mind... "That's it...?" Scott says a little disappointed and skeptical... "Yup..." Chris says smirking... "No, it is not... Look at Ava she is red like a tomato... Something is off... Chris normally would tell every little detail about something important..." Shanna says and he chuckles... "It is none of your business..." Chris says and i bury my head in his chest and he wraps his arms around me... "What is going on?" Lisa asks as she walks in with the glasses... "They won't tell us how he proposed..." They say smirking having some sort of idea why we won't tell...  

"Why not...?" She asks us, looking a little confused and i groan... Chris just starts laughing... "Because it was just an intimate moment that is none of anyone's business... We are getting married that is all any of you need to know..." He says and Scott starts to laugh... "Translation... He asked her after or during sex..." Scott yells and he gets punched by both sisters on each of his shoulders "Scott behave... That is rude..." Lisa says... Scott just grins... "Maybe... But i am right about it..." He says laughing and takes a glass from Lisa... We all get a glass and then she hands Chris the bottle... 

Chris smirks and pops the champagne while Ryan pops the kids bottle pouring a little bit in the kids their glasses Stella all happy with her fancy glass putting up her pinky... "Wait we have to toast first princess..." Ryan says to Stella as she wants to take a sip... 

After everyone has champagne, they look at Lisa as it was her idea to get the champagne... "To Chris and Ava... That they live happily ever after and give me many more beautiful grandkids..." She says smiling and i blush as Chris just grins... "I toast to that..." Chris says and i nod... We toast and after we all took the first sip Chris pulls me into him and kisses me passionately... 

"Okay, Okay safe that for back home lover boy..." Scott says making me chuckle in the kiss... Everything settles down and while i am talking dresses with Carly and Shanna Stella crawls in my lap... "Are you going to wear a princess dress when you get married to Uncle Chris...?" She asks... "I dont know sweetie... I have to try on a lot of dresses to pick one out... Do you want to help me with that?" I ask her and she nods excitedly... "Well tomorrow we are going to pick out a dress for your party and then after your party i will make an appointment so we can pick out a dress... And we can go pick a beautiful dress for you to... And for your mom, Aunt Shanna and your grandma..." I say and she has the biggest smile on her face... 

"Dont you want to pick out a dress with your mom sweetheart...?" Lisa asks me and i sigh... "If i let my mom help i will end up in a dress that covers me from head to toe and is not flattering at all... She will say... O but sweetheart you can't wear white... Only good girls can wear white... She will be making passive aggressive remarks... Even if she would like a dress i like, she will say she hate it just to spite me... I dont even know if i want to invite them... But having them involved in the planning of our wedding is a big no... I dont want my dad to walk me down the aisle... If i invite them then just as guests... Chris and i will have them over dinner first at the new place when we have settled in to test the waters and make a decision after that..." I say and Lisa hugs me... 

"I am sorry sweetheart... I dont get why your parent are not more supportive or proud..." She says and i sigh... "After they lost Aaron... They have lost their golden child... He was the one who could do no wrong... Until this day they are still in denial about the fact that he OD-ed... Yet i am the one who has never been good enough... You know i just gave up... Even now that i am the only child i am still the embarrassment... The black sheep... I am still the daughter who is insane because i take photos for a living because it is no way possible that i can life of that... Even though i made more at one job then my dad made in a year... Did you know that to this day they think i am doing something shady on the side...  My brother stole from them... Cheated people out of money... He used and abused them... Did literally everything for a fix but no i am the one who does shady things..." I say and Lisa sighs... 

"Well, you are not... It is just a shame that they dont see how much of a wonderful person you are and how well you are doing... You have a great career... You have a stable life and well you are marrying my son... Call me biased but i think you hit the jackpot..." She says winking at me and i chuckle and look at Chris who is laughing and joking with Scott and Ryan... "Yeah i really have..." I say smiling and take in a deep breath as it all is a little overwhelming... "Dont cry Auntie Ava... We are your family now to..." Stella says putting her little hands on my face and i start to smile through my tears and hug her tight... "Thank you Ms. Stella... That makes me really happy..." I say kissing her cheek and she giggles... 

After we had dinner and played a few boardgames with the family it is time to say goodbye... We are in the car and i turn to Chris... "You know we have a problem right..." I say and he looks at me confused... "Problem?" He asks and i nod... "Who won the bet...?" I say and Chris starts laughing slapping his own chest... 

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