Chapter 11

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I smile as i open my front door for Josh to come in as i am not totally ready yet... He steps inside and looks around smiling... "You have a nice place..." He says and i smile... "Thank you... I'll be right back i am almost ready..." I say and walk to my bedroom leaving him in my hallway looking at my collection of photos from some of the shoots i really loved and was proud off... 

I grab my bag and stuff my camera in to take some shots if i see a nice opportunity and spritz on some perfume... I walk back to Josh who is standing in front of a photo of Chris... It is the first photo i ever had taken of him professionally on the day we met... "You have a picture of Chris here..." He says and the look in his eyes is one of... Confusion? Jealousy? I can't put my finger on it... "Yeah it is the first photo i have ever taken of him professionally... I am proud of that one... It really opened doors for me..." I say trying to justify why the picture is there... I push the guilty feeling down that started to roar its ugly head up... Guilty towards Josh for not telling what happened between me and Chris. Guilty towards Chris for not feeling like i didn't appreciate the fact he really helped me in my career and had cut him off now...

Josh nodded and turned to me and started to smile... "You look great... Are you ready for some football..." He said smirking as he looked at me in the jersey and i chuckled... "As ready as i will ever be..." I said and he laughed and took my hand and we walked to his car... "I have to be honest... I really dont know anything about football and it is not really my thing..." I said when he started the car and he laughed again... "Well thank you for coming with than..." He said smirking and i chuckled...

We made our way inside and i wondered where we were going as it was not to a regular seat between the crowd... "Where are we going...?" I whisper and he smiles... "Evans and i have a private box we share..." He said and i looked at him shocked... Josh grins thinking i look shocked because of the fact he has a private box... He opened a door and we walked into a private section... "Are you okay?" Josh asked as all the blood drained from my face seeing Chris and Scott sitting there drinking a beer looking at us as we walked in... Scott has a sorry look on his face but Chris just grins with a twinkle in his eyes seeing me...

Josh acknowledges them from a distance before he turned to me... "What do you want to drink...?" He asked... "A beer is fine..." I mumble. Josh kisses my cheek smiling telling me he will be right back and walks to the little bar in the back... Scott comes up to me immediately... He pulls me into a hug... "Sorry... Ma talked... She doesn't know what happened between you two..." He whispers and i sigh... 

"Can you keep him in check a little bit... Please i dont want drama..." I ask and Scott sighs... "I dont know... I'll try my best, but he is really struggling with this whole you and Josh thing..." Scott said. I swear i was about to have a heart attack as Chris walks over to us and when he reaches me, he pulls me into a hug... "This is a nice surprise..." He whispers in my ear not letting him go and i am stuck because i dont want to cause a scene... "Cut the crap Evans... You knew i would be here..." I mumble and he hugs me a little tighter and i hear Josh behind me clear his throat so i pull back... 

"Josh!" He says greeting him and Josh steps beside me as Chris takes a few steps back... "Evans... Didn't know you would be here... Thought you had family dinner..." Josh says draping his arm around my shoulders his tone of voice tense and i feel so awkward as it seems Josh is staking some sort of claim and Chris turns even more tense... "Yeah well was feeling like going to a game..." He says and i roll my eyes... "Well, we will be over there... My date knows nothing about football and i promised to explain it to her..." Josh says and Chris looks at me... "Yeah she doesn't... I tried to explain it once but i guess it didn't stick..." He says his eyes boring into me...

"Well, if you need help explaining anything just ask..." Chris said smirking before turning around and getting back to his seat... Scott smiled but the smile didn't reach his eyes and followed his brother who had sat down looking annoyed and i could see he was brewing on something.

Josh led me to our chairs, and we sat down... He handed me my beer and he smiled at me... The game started a little later and he tried his best to explain it all and although i enjoyed it i couldn't help but feel Chris his eyes on me every now and then... When there is a break and Josh goes to get us another beer and a snack, Chris walks over and sits down beside me... "Ava... What are you doing here with him... You hate football..." Chris says and i roll my eyes... "He invited me and i decided to go... Let it go and please Chris dont mess this up for me... He is nice... uncomplicated..." I whisper and Chris sighs again... "I can't do that Ava... We both know he is not me... You and i... That is how it should be... I should be the one explaining everything to you... I should be the one kissing you and  i should be the one holding your hand..." He says taking my hand in his and he plays with my fingers and i roll my eyes again pulling my hand back... 

"Chris stop it... I beg you stop it..." I say and he shakes his head, and we sit in silence for a few seconds... "Evans... You are in my seat..." We hear behind us, and Chris stands up... "Just kept your girl warm for you..." He says patting his arm before walking back to Scott... 

Josh hands me my beer and snack and i smile at him and he kisses my cheek again... "I am really happy you are here..." He says and i smile at him and lay my head on his shoulder... "Me to..." I whisper and i can feel him smile as he kisses the top of my head... The game starts again and although i still not understand one bit i enjoy it as i see Josh get all excited... I decide to just focus on Josh and ignore Chris... 

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