Chapter 25

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I am still setting up in the garage when Seb and Chris walk in looking so handsome in their tuxes. I had put on a green screen and some lights and all those kind of things... I look at Chris and Seb and smile as they patiently stand there waiting for me to be done. 

As i put up the last light i stand up and smirk... "This is all needed? All of this... to change the settings of your equipment...?" Seb said and i smirked... "Yes..." I said blushing... "Really?" He said raising his eyebrow and i chuckled... "Yes..." I said trying to look as innocent as possible... "Come on Seb we are already changed no going back now..." Chris said winking at me and i smiled... "You fucking ow me Evans..." Seb mumbled to him softly thinking i couldn't hear him and Chris chuckled. 

I ignored Seb his remark and told them to stand in front of the green screen and they did... They looked at me a little awkward and i sighed... "Come on... This is nothing official so can you 2 please relax and just be your goofy selves... No one is going to see these pictures so please be yourself..." I said smirking and Chris looked at me squinting my eyes... "Are you saying that us being ourselves is not fit to be seen by other people Ava?" He says with a dark undertone and i giggle and keep snapping pictures... "Yeah what are you saying Ava..." Seb says joining in and it makes for great shots as they both look at me waiting for my answer... I just smirked moving around for different angles... 

All of a sudden Chris his phone rings. He walks over to his phone and i continue with taking some pictures of Seb alone who was now showing off and i giggled... "Yeah of course sounds fun... Come on over... One request though... Wear a tux..." I heard Chris say and i turned around looking confused... "Yes, a tux... I'll explain later..." Chris said and i turned around looking at him confused... He looked at me and smirked... "What are you up to?" I asked and he chuckled walking over to me... "You will see..." He says kissing my temple and i blushed at this little show of affection... 

"Okay..." I said softly and Chris joined Seb again and he whispered something in his ear and i took a few shots of that moment smiling looking at the screen as they looked like two schoolboys with a secret like they had been bad... They were almost giggling, and it just made for great photos. 

"Okay Seb take a little break..." I said and Seb smirked at Chris stepping aside and Chris rolled his eyes putting his hands in his pockets... He looked so nonchalant so effortlessly beautiful sometimes i think it is not fair... It was all in the way he holds himself... And the eyes... Those baby blues with a twinkle in them... He stared at the lens with a smirk like he had done in our previous session and i smirked back at him... 

After taking a few more shots i told Seb to join him again and the loosened up and i kept taking pictures as they were goofing around... All of a sudden, we hear a car pull up to the house and a door slam shut... Chris walked to open the garage door... "Over here..." He yelled at someone... And i started to smile when i saw Anthony Mackie appear... Wearing a tux like Chris had said over the phone... Chris and Mackie hugged, and they exchanged some words Seb and i couldn't hear as they were out of ear shot. Mackie looked around Chris towards me and i waved with a smirk on my face... 

"Well, you all can step aside Mackie is here to save the day... No need to waist photos on these two anymore..." He said smirking and walked over to me and pulled me into a hug while Chris closed the garage door again... "Nice to see you again Mackie..." I said hugging him back and he looked at my face when he pulled back... "Please tell me the other guy looks worse..." He said and i sighed looking at the floor... "No... But it is done he is gone, and won't ever step back in my life..." I mumble... "Good..." Mackie said turning around looking at Chris and Seb... 

"Now step aside and let me show you how it is done..." Mackie said and i giggled as Chris and Seb rolled their eyes but stepped aside as Mackie stepped in front of the green screen showing off... I couldn't stop laughing as he was being a total idiot and had no shame. I said Chris and Seb to join him, and it was hilarious... As i looked at the screen you could almost feel the joy and camaraderie, they have... 

"Okay boys now some serious shots..." I said and they tried and i got a few but they were unhinged Mackie being the instigator most of the times... Chris was a goofball but Mackie even more... "Okay i want another round of solo's..." I said and first up was Seb... After ordering him around for a bit i asked Mackie to join him to have some of him and Seb together without Chris. Then i told Seb he was done and could go change if he wanted to and he let out a sigh of relief making me smirk... Seb left and i smiled as i took some pictures of Mackie who was to my delight taking it very seriously... "Why are we doing this anyway..." Mackie asked and i shrugged my shoulders... "I was bored..." I say smirking looking at Chris from the corner of my eye and he looked at me squinting his eyes and i giggled... I asked Chris to join Mackie and he did and i took some photos of the 2 of them together and i laughed at their antics... I then excused Mackie leaving Chris and i alone again... 

"Bored huh..." He said a dark look in his eyes as i kept snapping pictures and i giggled again... I lowered the camera and looked him over... I walked over and stepped in front of him, and he looked down with a small smile on his face... I pulled on his bowtie, and he held his breath... I opened one button of his dress shirt and stepped back again... He just looked at me with this dark look in his eyes as i kept snapping pictures. Fuck he looks good like this... I swallowed as he was now really posing showing off making it hard to concentrate... 

"Can you sit down..." I said trying to sound not affected... He did and leaned against the wall i smiled getting down to his level taking a few close ups from his face... After a few more poses i told him i was done and walked to the table putting my camera down and when i turned around Chris was standing close and i look up as he was towering over me... He cupped my face running his thumb over my cheek again and i smiled... "Thank you for this..." I whisper and he nods... "Anything to make you smile..." He says and i blush... 

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