Chapter 45

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As soon as the door closed, and we were alone Chris rushes over to me with a smirk and hungry look on his face... But i stop him dead in his tracks poking him in his chest.... "Ah ah ah aaah Captain....Work first then play... Dont want to mess with the whole aesthetic..." I whisper waving my hand over him in my sweetest voice, and he groans... "Angel..." He growls in a low dark tone pulling me closer and he starts to kiss my neck... I have to bite my lip to suppress a moan... 

I gently push him back and point to the place he needs to be... "I know you know how to take orders captain... So be a good soldier..." I say and he smirks... "Yes ma'am..." He growls saluting me and i giggle... I smack his ass as he walks away from me, and he looks over his shoulder with a smirk... "That is not very professional Ms. Watts..." He growls and i giggle sticking my tongue out at him... 

"Aren't you forgetting something?" I ask and he looks at me confused and i point to the shield in the corner and he blushes a little and walks over taking the shield and walking back to his spot. I chuckle and shake my head and we get to work... He is being goofy between poses and i smile at my screen as for every serious photo i have a silly one... About an hour in i am done... I got some great shots... But Chris is being a literal 5-year-old making silly faces and goofing around... I look at him and just smile as i keep taking picture after picture... He is egged on by the fact that i can't stop laughing... God i love this man i think to myself as i keep snapping away... 

Finally, i put my camera down and walk over to him... I wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips on his... "I love you know that..." I say smiling and he grins... "I love you to angel. Are we done...?" He whispers and i chuckle... "We were done half an hour ago..." I whisper smiling and i barely had the words out or he kisses me again this time with a new found hunger... I smirk as he walks me to the table in the middle of the room...

We reach the table, and he kisses me again before he reaches behind me and pushes everything off the table... "Christopher! That is expensive equipment..." I gasp looking at the stuff on the floor in shock before i look back at him... "I'll buy new equipment for you angel..." He growls before lifting me on the table kissing me passionately making me forget all about my stuff on the floor... 

I moan into the kiss, and he smirks. He breaks the kiss for a second as he takes the hem of my shirt and i put my hand in the air so he can pull it over my head... He reaches behind me and i start to giggle as he tries to open my bra... I can't help but let him fumble a little bit... But he is getting frustrated and i reach behind me and take his hand away taking it and put it between my tits... "It opens on the front..." I whisper and he groans blushing a little making me giggle. I take his face in my hands and kiss him again while he finally was able to get the bra open setting my tits free from there prison... 

I moan as the bra still hangs around my shoulders and he doesn't bother taking it completely off as his hands immediately find my tits... "God i love these..." He groans as he leans down kissing while softly squeezing them... I moan throwing my head back and i run my hands through his hair... I moan even louder as he sucks on my nipple releasing it with a pop before moving to the other... His hands roam my body as his mouth toys with my tits sucking nipping and kissing me all over... It feels like he is worshipping my body and fuck it feels good... 

He pushes me down on my back and i gasp as the cold table hits my back... But i dont have a lot of time to focus on that as he immediately pulls on my pants taking them off followed by my panties... I am now laying naked on the table while he is still in the suit, but he doesn't bother taking it off as he spreads my legs and dives in... "Oh fuck... Chris..." I moan and he stops standing up smirking at me... "What did you call me angel..." He growls and i whimper... "Ca... Captain..." I mewl turning bright red looking at him and he grins diving in again... He is really sticking to this whole captain thing...

I moan as he is toying with me... His tongue running up and down my slit... He is humming as if i am a 5 star meal and every now and then he flicks my clit with his tongue sending little jolts of electricity through my body... My body takes over as the pleasure start to build... I am dripping wet, moaning and try to close my legs on instinct but i can't as he has a tight grip on them and keeping them spread wide... When i look down i whimper as he is looking at me while going down on me a twinkle in his eyes and i know he is smirking... The sucking sounds filling the room...

"Captain..." I whine and i can hear him chuckle... "You taste so good angel..." He murmurs before he sucks on my clit and i whimper... I can feel i am close as my legs start to tremble... But just as i am about to come he stops... "No why..." I whine and i feel him grip me pulling my off the table and flipping me over my feet now on the floor and my chest on the table... "Want you to come around my cock angel..." He growls and i can hear him quickly unzip the pants of the suit and i scream out as he without saying a word thrusts into me filling me balls deep while groaning... "Fuck so fucking tight..." He groans in a low dark tone... 

The feeling of being filled so quickly sends me over the edge and i come around him making him growl... "Fuck, fuck, fuck that feels so good angel..." He growls breathing heavy as my legs tremble and i just moan slamming my flat hand on the table as my orgasm washes over me... "Good girl..." He groans and i whimper in response...

I am just moaning as he starts to move fucking me through my orgasm prolonging it... "O yes, O yes, O yes..." I whimper and i let out a little yelp as he smacks my ass... "Oh shit..." I moan as another wave of pleasure washes over me...  "Again captain... Please..." I mewl begging him and he does it again the sting of his hand landing on my skin is feeling so good making me even wetter...

He is showing no mercy as he is absolutely destroying me slamming into me over and over again chasing his own release... "Fuck angel your ass looks phenomenal bouncing on my dick." He growls in a strained voice... "Going to fill you up angel... The captain is going to fill that pussy of yours..."  He growls and i whimper as he smacks my ass again making me squeeze around him even harder... "Captain..." I moan as i can feel the pleasure start to build again... "That's right I'm your captain and you are the captains little toy..." He growls and i gasp as those words go straight to my core... "Yes captain... All yours..." I whimper and he grunts... 

He pulls out flips me over and lifts me on the table again. He kisses me laying us both down and he sinks back into me our bodies pressed together and i wrap my legs around his waist... He takes my hands pushing them above my head lacing his fingers with mine. As he trusts into me over and over the table creeks and i am not sure if it will hold us but i dont care... The sight of him still in the top of his suit his pants probably around his ankles is amazing... God, he looks good in that thing... The feeling of the rough fabric against my skin is amazing... 

His trust get sloppy and i am so close again... I tighten the grip on his waist with my legs pulling him deeper and he just snaps his hips forward... "Fuck, fuck, fuck... You are going to be the death of my angel..." He groans and i moan... "Please dont stop... Just like that... Oh Captain please i am so close..." I mewl.  He thrust a few more times into me before burying himself as deep inside of me as he can finding his release and the feeling of him finding his release inside of me sends me over the edge and i come again... My pussy squeezing him milking him for every last drop... 

He lays on top of me breathing heavy and after a few minutes he kisses me with a smile on his face... "Can i call you Chris again..." I whisper shyly smiling at him and he grins kissing me again... "Of course, angel..." He whispers and pushes himself up and i smile as he pulls up his pants before pulling me to sit up and he takes the bra still hanging on my shoulders closing it again in the front making me giggle... He takes my clothes and i giggle as he puts my panties and pants back on my legs and helping me off the table so i can pull them all the way up... He hands me my shirt and i giggle as he helps me put it on... 

"Like nothing happened..." I whisper and he grins... "Yeah i dont think we can get away with saying nothing happened..." He says and i look at him confused... "You are loud angel..." He whispers before kissing me and i blush and groan burying my head in his chest... 

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