Chapter 46

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"Welcome home angel..." Chris said smiling as we walked through his front door and i smiled a little shyly at him... We had talked about it for a long time with Chris saying he rather not have me go back to my old place... The calls had stopped because i got a new number, but Chris did not want me alone in my home... I didn't fight him on it... I had no desire to be back at my old place either... 

Tomorrow Chris and i would go over and get me some of my stuff... The day after we would see his family... The day after that we would be on a plane again off to have 10 days of nothing... Chris and i had decided on a remote cabin in Alaska... Just him and i tucked away in front of a fire in this little cabin surrounded by nature... No other people... Maybe a few hikes but the rest of the day spend cuddled up in front of the fire... It sounded like heaven to me... 

"Come on let's put the stuff in the bedroom..." Chris says and i follow him with my suitcase... But as he walks in i can't seem to step foot over the threshold and into the room... I look at his bed and i can't help but cringe at the idea of all those women laying in it... The sounds that had come from this room... And i know it is not fair to him... I mean we were not together but still the thought of it made me sick... I could feel my stomach turn and i took a deep breath trying to shake it off... But i just couldn't... The bed was tainted in my mind... The idea of sleeping in the same room were those women had... The women who looked at me in disgust... I just couldn't...

"Chris? Can we sleep in another room...?" I whisper blushing looking at the bed and cringing again as i am still standing in the doorway... Chris turns around and looks at me confused and looks at me and then at the bed... It is like he can read my mind... He takes a deep breath takes his suitcase and walks over to me... "Sure angel..." He says pecking my lips and i can't help but feel a little guilty... "I'm sorry..." I whisper as he caresses my cheek, and he smiles and shakes his head... "I want you to be comfortable angel..." He says and i take a deep breath... "I just can't stop picturing..." I start to say but he shuts me up by kissing me again... 

"It is okay angel i understand... But that is all in the past... All i want for the rest of my life is you..." He whispers and i kiss him hard somehow i needed to hear that... Chris smiles takes my hand and drags me to the guestroom i normally slept in when i stayed over... "This better?" He asks and i nod... 

He kisses me and i start to pull on his shirt making him grin... He does the same to me and i giggle as he looks at my bra to see if the hook is in the front... I reach behind me and unclasp it and he grins... "You are not going to let that go, are you?" He whispers and i giggle shaking my head before he kisses me again taking the bra off of me... 

He cups my breasts, and he is just about to kiss them when we hear a door open, and slam shut... "Yo Bro!! Are you home!" We hear being yelled and Chris groans resting his head against mine... "Stupid brother..." He murmurs and i giggle... He grabs my shirt helping me put it on... "To be continued..." He growls and i smirk... He puts on his own shirt takes my hand and pulls me out of the bedroom... 

"Yo... Where are you...!" We hear Scott yell as we approach him his back turned to us... Chris wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me into him and i blush as he clears his throat... His family knew we were together, but nobody knew we were going to life together... Scott turns around and he looks at us a big smile forming on his face... 

"Now this is what i like to see..." He says walking over to us pulling me out Chris his grip and hugging me tightly... "It took you guys long enough..." Scott says releasing me from the hug before hugging Chris... "Dont fuck it up... Or i will kick your ass..." Scott says and Chris grins... "Right like you could..." He says teasingly punching his brother and i laugh as the runoff chasing each other... The Evans boys still little kids at heart... I know Chris has missed his family a lot and part of me felt guilty for going on vacation leaving again but Chris was adamant that we both needed it... 

I shake my head chuckling and make my way to the kitchen and make some coffee... It is still early we had flown home late... I see my work bag and smile pulling out my laptop and while the coffee runs, and the boys cause a ruckus in the house i decide to do some work... 

I can't stop smiling as i go through all the photos from the last few months... It has been exhausting but amazing... All of a sudden Chris comes into the kitchen his phone in hand the biggest smile on his face... 

"Tara called... There is a house that is not on the market yet but ticks off all our boxes... If we want, we can take a look today..." He says and i smile... "Okay..." I say and he walks over to me and kisses me... "You guys are buying a house together?" Scott asks walking in, and we look at him breaking the kiss... "Yeah, i asked her to move in together..." Chris says and i blush thinking back at the romantic dinner... 

"Wauw... That is... Why not move in here?" Scott asks and i blush... "We want a fresh start... All new..." Chris says wrapping his arm around me pulling me into his chest and sigh... "Are you going to move far away... I mean we all life so close now... Besides what is the rush... Are you pregnant... Is that why you are moving in so quick..." Scott says and my heart starts racing... Scott does not seem to be happy about this news... "No Scott she is not pregnant... We just want to live together and we dont know Scott... Maybe it will be a little further away but we dont know... We just want a house that ticks of all what we are looking for..." Chris says as i stay quiet my mind starts racing... Maybe it is not such a good idea to move in together already...

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