Chapter 115

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Chris pov...

After Ava has walked off rolling her eyes because i asked her to give Ms. Langston a chance i take a deep breath... King and Gary follow her and Ms. Langston in nowhere to be seen... "This isn't going to end well... You know that right..." Seb said patting my shoulder and i sigh... "Give me a break... She is pregnant with twins and walking around chaos and a stressful environment... I just want her to have the best so she can do the job she loves..." I growl and Seb shakes his head... "Dont say i didn't warn you... You should have seen the look on her face when she walked in... She was ready to kill you..." Seb says and i sigh... "That is just the hormones talking... She wants to kill me at least 3 times a week..." I mumble and Seb chuckles...  

I watch Ava in the distance and sigh again Seb his words playing in my head but i shake it off... I want the best for her and someone who knows about pregnancy and everything a mother goes through is what is best... I see her talking with Gary and King, but she is too far away to hear what they are talking about... A few seconds later Ms. Langston shows up handing her something, but she shakes her head and turns to Gary and King and Gary pulls something out of her bag handing it to her and i see Ms. Langston huff and i groan... "Come on Ava work with me here..." I mumble to myself...

My worries disappear for a moment when i see her talking with Robert and he is hugging her and rubbing her belly... They talk for a bit, and she is laughing and nodding until Robert gets called to set and i take a deep breath and go get ready for my scenes today... While i am on set i take a sneak peek at Ava every now and then who is walking around taking pictures and i sigh as i see her tell Ms. Langston to go away because she is hovering and, in her way... Maybe this was not such a good idea... Maybe i should have a talk with Ms. Langston to make sure she knows to keep her distance and to reiterate what her job is... 

I smile as we start to film the scene and Ava is sitting down on her chair happy and smiling King and Gary by her side blocking Ms. Langston... When i look up because it is time for lunch she is gone and i am sure she going to pick up Jack for lunch... I walk with the others to Robert's village and sit down after getting some food making sure there is space for Ava to sit... I smile as she appears with Jack and Ms. Langston in tow, but she seems agitated... But the look on her face changes as she sees the food and she and Jack giggle picking some things out... 

But again, the look on her face changes as Ms. Langston says something i can't hear and she looks at Jack speaks to him, and he runs over to me with his plate in hand and i lift him up sitting him between me and Seb... "That lady is not a very nice lady..." Jack whispers to me and i feel like i can't breathe his words hitting me like a ton of bricks.... I look up and Ava is saying something to Ms. Langston and everything in me tells me she is upset... I want to get up and go over to her but is see Scarlet is intervening and after a few more words Ms. Langston stomps off... Ava starts to cry and Scarlet comforts her and when our eyes meet i pat on the seat beside me to tell her i saved her a seat, but she doesn't even acknowledge me and goes to sit with Scarlet and Lizzie... 

"Still think i should give you a break?" Seb says and i look at him annoyed and i want to say something, but he looks angry at me catching me off guard... "You are only adding to the stress instead of taking some away..." Seb says and i look at him and i dont know what to say... I look around the table and Anthony, Robert and Renner are all looking at me... "I just want her to be safe..." I sigh... "We get it Evans... But she is miserable with that woman around... Plus, i have seen her almost having to physically push her away to be able to do her job... That is not safe either... She seems to like the guys though..." Robert says and i sigh and look up seeing Ava stand up rubbing her belly... Her face is red and puffy from emotions... I see Ms. Langston is lingering around in the distance watching Ava as a hawk... 

She walks over to us and i try to smile... "Can you take Jack back to class? I am going to take a nap" She asks her tone a little cold and i can see she is really tired and tries to keep it together and i know she really is not happy... I nod and want to say something, but she kisses and hugs Jack and leaves... I watch her go into the trailer and when i look were to Ms. Langston was a second ago, she is gone... I sigh and decide to deal with Ms. Langston when i see her again...

The Russo's join us and i laugh as Jack is playing with Seb and Mackie throwing a ball around and he is just giggling enjoying the playtime he has with his uncles... That is what he calls them... And they love it...  Conversations flow and i sigh and stand up and go to sit with Scarlet and Lizzie... 

They dont pull punches scolding me saying that Ava is miserable... Telling me what this woman has done and said to Ava today and i can feel my blood starting to boil as it is not at all what i had disgusted with Ms. Langston... I knew she had to go... But before i can even say something i hear a commotion and a door slam...

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