Chapter 133

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"And what about flying?" I ask the doctor as he is telling me we can go home... I am anxious to go back to Boston as i just want to go home and settle into our new life with 3 kids. He looks a little hesitant... "Well only if it is absolutely necessary... They dont have all their vaccines yet and with so many people on a plane... It is a risk..." The doctor says... "We are flying private doc... I am not putting my family through the hassle of walking through and airport... That is asking for trouble." Chris says and the doctor turns bright red... "Of course... If you really must and you fly private i guess you can... Just make sure you feed them during take-off and landing or that they have a pacifier for the pressure and such." He mumbles and i sigh and nod... "I just want to go home doctor... Settle in and have family time at home..." I say explaining and the doctor smiles and nods... 

"I understand... I wish you all the best... You and the babies are in good health so i dont see any problems..." He says and we smile and thank him for everything... "Are you sure you dont want to wait to travel?" Chris asks me and i look at him with tears in my eyes at the idea of waiting even longer on going home... "I just want to go home... I am really missing home... I just want to settle in at home with our babies and Jack" I whisper, and Chris smiles and kisses the top of my head... 

"Okay just stay her for a few more days so ma and i can pack up everything and then we go home..." Chris says and i force a smile and nod while wiping my tears away... "But let's get you and our worms out of here..." Chris says and i look at with a raised eyebrow... "Dont call our babies worms..." I say and he smirks... 

He helps me get dressed and after we have packed up everything, he calls for the car... We thank everyone and leave through the back entrance to avoid as much people as possible... I sit between our sons as Chris sits in front beside the driver telling him to be absolutely careful... I chuckle as i know he rather had driven himself, but we haven't had much sleep and i didn't want to risk it... 

 We walk through the front door and the first to run up to us is Jack all excited for us to be home... Chris is carrying both boys so i hug Jack as best as i can as i am still sore and in pain... "Oh, i missed you sweetheart..." I say ignoring the pain hugging him tighter. 

"I missed you to mommy..." He mumbles and i let him go... "Grandma and i are playing twister..." He says all excited and both Chris and i look at Lisa shocked... "I am spinning the thing... He is on the mat..." She says laughing at our shocked faces and we start to laugh to... "You know who is really good at twister..." I say to Jack and point to Chris who looks at me shocked... "Can you play with us dad!" Jack squeals and i smirk as i get a stare telling me he will get me back for this... 

"Come on sweetheart... You dont want to disappoint your son..." Lisa says smirking and Chris rolls his eyes... "I will help your mother and brothers settle in and then i will come and play..." Chris says through gritted teeth and i smirk as Jack jumps up and down all excited... He runs off and Lisa and i smirk at him... "Such a good dad sappy..." I say patting his cheek and he shakes his head... "Yes, i agree..." Lisa says giggling. 

Lisa hugs me before going over to the car seats that Chris had put on the table cooing to Aiden and Owen who are awake and making little baby sounds... "They have grown already..." She whispers and Chris wraps his arm around me as we watch her coo... I look up at Chris who has a proud smile on his face... He kisses the top of my head and i hum as i lean into him. We watch her for a while as Lisa is in her own world talking to Owen and Aiden. 

"I shall feed them and do a diaper change before putting them down." I say yawning and Chris smiles... "I'll help... You feed... I change..." He says and i chuckle... "Leave it to you to be excited over a diaper change..." I say smiling and he grins. "I raised him to be an active father if he wouldn't do diaper changes i would be so disappointed... I would give him an earful if he was only going to be the fun dad..." Lisa says never taking her eyes of the babies and i chuckle...

Lisa hugs me again when she finally has teared herself away from the babies. I ask her whispering to film Chris playing twister making her giggle and she nods. We walk into the bedroom and i get comfortable on the bed as Chris hands me the boys to feed. After which he burps and changes them so i can get some rest... 

Chris puts them in the crib next to bed and waits with me until they and me are asleep. "How are you feeling?" He mumbles and i chuckle... "Like i have just given birth to 2 babies..." I say yawning again and Chris holds me a little tighter... "I want to watch you play twister but i am so tired..." I mumble my eyes closing as i struggle to keep them open again... Chris laughs softly... "I bet..." He says and i chuckle... "Dont tear a muscle... Maybe do some stretches before..." I say and Chris chuckles again... "You are enjoying this a little too much angel..." He mumbles and i giggle before i drift off to sleep. 

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