Chapter 128

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Chris pov...

I am looking at Ava as she is waddling through the house... She can't seem to settle down and can't seem to get comfortable... I hate it... I wish there was something i could do... She is grumpy and just fed up... I know she is not at ease because she wished we were back home in Boston. I know she was done being pregnant. Tomorrow we were having another appointment and if the babies were strong and ready, we would make a plan for a c-section. 

Ma was playing a board game with Jack... I smile as they both are giggling. Jack loves to play boardgames with my mom... He loves having her around. I hear Ava let out a big sigh and groan before waddling to the other side of the house again. I look at ma, and she looks at me. I can see she is worried to... Whatever ma and i have tried it is not helping... And sometimes leaving Ava alone is the best we can do because everything seems to be too much right now...

Ava pauses takes a deep breath rubbing her belly before walking on and ma squints her eyes... "What?" I ask ma when Ava is out of ear shot... I know that look on my mother's face and i want to know what she is thinking. "She seems in pain... Maybe she is having contractions..." Ma says and my eyes grow wide and i drop what i am doing and make my way after Ava... If this is true, why the hell wouldn't she say something. 

"Angel? Are you okay?" I ask her and she turns around almost tumbling over as she is unsteady on her feet nowadays... "Do i look okay Christopher..." She bites at me and i take a deep breath. "Angel, are you having contractions?" I ask her, getting straight to the point... "No..." She said letting out a deep breath trying to breathe through the pain she was obviously having. "It's just Braxton hicks..." She mumbles and starts to pace up and down. 

I take a deep breath to calm my nerves... "Are you sure?" I ask and she groans... "Yes... I am sure... I think..." And i take another deep breath... "Angel, why dont we go to the hospital just to make sure..." I say and she shakes her head... "Chris... My water hasn't even broken yet..." She says stepping towards me and she wraps her arms around my waist. I sigh and wrap my arms around her and smile kissing the top of her head... "There is something you can do for me..." She whispers and i kiss the top of her head again... "Anything angel..." I mumble and i can feel her smile... 

"Come take a nap with me..." She mumbles and i chuckle. "Okay angel..." I whisper and text ma that i am taking Ava for a nap and i walk Ava to the bedroom... "Can you help me?" She asks a little shyly and i smirk and help her get out of her clothes. I rub her belly and she hums... I lean down and kiss it... "I am sorry you are feeling miserable angel..." I whisper and she sighs... "I know you are sorry but please dont... I know i have not been easy... I am just uncomfortable... But i am sorry i take it out on you so much..." She whispers looking down blushing....

"It is okay angel..." I say putting my finger under her chin making her look up at me... "You are doing all the hard work... I am not bothered... I love you and i can take it..."  She sighs and i can see tears running down her cheeks. "Dont cry angel..." I whisper and i lean down and peck her lips. "I am just so done... And i feel guilty about that... What kind of mother am i going to be as i am so done with being pregnant..." She whispers and i sigh... 

"Angel i am not going to pretend i know what you are going through... Because i dont... But you are not a bad mother because you are done... You are tired and uncomfortable which makes you irritable which is understandable..." I whisper and peck her lips again before taking her hand and walking her to the bed helping her get in... 

I walk around the bed and take my clothes off getting in beside her... I help her get comfortable as i pull her in my arms... "You are amazing... I love you so much..." She whispers and i smile... "I love you to angel..." I say putting my hand on her belly and rub it... "Chris... Can we agree that we are going to ask for a c-section if it is okay with the doctor... I dont think i can take it anymore..." She mumbles and i kiss the top of her head... 

"Okay angel... Whatever you want... You're in charge..." I mumble and she sighs... I watch her doze off as i rub her belly and i am happy she gets a little rest even if it is going to be for a short time... I watch her and i know she is done but she has never looked more beautiful in my eyes. 

I can feel the boys kick, she groans and i kiss the top of her head again still rubbing her belly... They kick hard and i know it must be uncomfortable... "Come on boys... Be kind to your mommy let her sleep for a few hours..." I whisper and she groans again... "They already dont listen..." She mumbles half asleep and i chuckle... 

"I can't wait to meet them..." I whisper and this forms a smile on her face... "Me too... Can't wait to see Jack being a big brother..." She whispers and i smile at the thought of that... "He is going to be amazing..." I whisper and she nods but it is immediately followed by her breathing heavy... 

All of a sudden, she moves and pushes herself up with difficulty... "What is wrong?" I ask her worried and she pulls the sheets away... "My water broke..." She says in shock and i shoot upright..." 

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