Chapter 49

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"Your mother is here?" I ask surprised as we pull into the driveway... "Yeah she arrived just after you left..." Chris says and i sigh... Chris gets out of the car and walks around opening the door for me and he helps me out... "Are you okay?  Can you walk...?" He asks and i give him a little smile and nod... "Yeah i am doing better it was just the shock of it all i think... I am better now that we are at your place..." I whisper and he sighs... "Our place angel..." He whispers pushing a strain of hair behind my ear and i blush... "Before we go in i just want you to know i dont care what my brother thinks... I gave him an earful... Ma gave him an earful as she walked in on us arguing... I want you with me angel... I love you... My family loves you... Even Scott does... He is just scared of change... He will get over it... He has to get used to the fact that i am not alone anymore... Please... Please dont change your mind..." Chris pleads and i smile... The fact that his mother is okay with it gives me a little more confidence as i know her opinion carries the most weight.

"Let's just go look at the house this afternoon..." I whisper with a smile before i kiss him and i can hear him let out a sigh of relief... "Are you sure you are up for that...?" He asks and i nod... "Yeah... I am not going to miss out on our maybe dream house because of this..." I whisper and Chris sighs hugs me... "It will be okay angel... We will get to the bottom of this..." He whispers kissing the top of my head and i wrap my arms around his waist letting out a sigh of relief... I am alive... I am not hurt... And i am save... In Chris his arms i am save... 

Chris releases me and wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me into his side as he leads me inside... "OMG sweetheart are you okay?" Lisa says walking up to us as we enter the kitchen... "Are you hurt... What happened... Chris said you were in an accident and ran out the door..." She said still hugging me making it hard to breathe... "Can't breathe..." I barely get out and she lets me go... She looks me all over... "You dont seem hurt..." She says and i blush... "It was probably not an accident mom... Her brakes are tampered with at her place... We can't proof it yet, but it looks like it was Josh... He was there and her brakes were fine on the way to her house..." Chris says his face tense anger radiating off of him...

Lisa is stunned as we sit down and tell her everything that happened from the moment, we had left for Atlanta... To my surprise Chris had not told her about Josh hitting me... She was just in shock and kept rubbing my back as she looked so said and worried... Scott said nothing he just sat there and every now and then as i looked at him he looked back with a sad look... 

"Scott can i talk to you for a second... In private..." I ask as it was driving me crazy... I didn't want to start living together with Chris and have this hang over us... We both get up and i give Chris a little reassuring smile before i kiss him and follow Scott out of the room...

We walk into the entertainment room and i sigh... "Okay Scott out with it..." I say not wanting him to beat around the bush... "I am sorry... I didn't mean it like that... I was out of line... It is just all so new. I am happy for my brother he finally grew a pair and i am happy he is with you... It is just... Chris is a stable part of my life and someone i just could always go to, day and night and i was being selfish thinking about how this all would affect me..." He whispers and i sigh... 

"Scott... You still can... Just dont wake me up in the middle of the night..." I say smirking and he chuckles... "I am going to be honest with you Scott... I can't live in this house... I can't even sleep in the master bedroom... The idea of what had happened in there makes me sick and i know it is not fair but i just can't... I love your brother so much but i can't sleep in there knowing who else all slept there... We want a place new to us both and we are looking close to the family... I never want to take that away from him... I know family is important to Chris and to you and your mom... I dont want to come between that... But you will always be welcome... I will never take that away from you... But we are happy... The last couple of months have just been... Heaven... He makes me happy and i think i make him happy... But if you need more time to get used to this... Tell me now than i will take a step back and find my own place..." I say and Scott looks at me shocked... 

"You would do that?" He says and i sigh... "Do i want to do that... No... The thought of waking up next to Chris every day makes me smile and happy... But again, i dont want him to lose his family over it... If you need time than yes i will take a step back for you to get used to us dating..." I say and before i know what is happening Scott pulls me into a hug... "Please dont... I love that you are my sister-in-law now... I really do... I was just being selfish... I want my brother happy, and he told me you made him happy... I am so sorry..." He says and i sigh... "I am happy to... He makes me happy..." I whisper and Scott smirks... 

"Do you want to come and take a look at the house with us?" I ask Scott and the smile on his face grows... "I love house hunting so YES!" He says and i chuckle... We hug again and we walk back to the kitchen... "Lisa do you want to come and look at this house with us to?" I ask her and Chris smiles as Scott and i are arm in arm... "If you are okay with that..." She says a smile appearing on her face... I nod and smile... "Let's turn it into a family event and invite Shanna, Carly, Ryan and the kids out for dinner afterwards..." I say smiling and Chris his face lights up at that suggestion... "Sounds like a great idea..." Scott says and i smile as Chris is starting to call his sisters winking at me.... 

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