Chapter 5

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I look in the mirror making sure i looked okay in my dress... I had woken up to a call from Josh confirming our date and that he was looking forward to it... I was nervous... I had no idea where we were going but he told me to get all dressed up so i did... I never had dated much and i had no idea what i was doing... No idea what to expect...

I had done my makeup and hair and i put on some heels... I was just about to spritz on some perfume when the doorbell rang... I quickly spritzed and grabbed my purse walking to the front door... I opened the door and smiled blushing a little bit as Josh was standing at my door looking handsome in his suit and maybe just as nervous as me... "Wauw you look amazing..." He stammered and i blushed... "Thank you... You look very handsome to..." I said and he smiled... "Are you ready to go?" He asked and i nodded and grabbed my keys locking the door behind me before we made our way to his car... 

He opened the door for me and i smiled getting in and he closed the door walking around the car... God why did i feel so nervous and awkward... Josh got behind the wheel and started the car and drove off... "So have you warmed up a little?" I ask and he laughs... "I have..." He says grinning... "I was sober immediately..." He said grinning and i chuckled... "But you were gone all of a sudden..." He said and i nodded... "Yes... The alcohol started to hit me and i just wanted to go home and go to bed..." I said and he smiled... "Thank god i thought you ran because of me..." He said smirking and i shook my head... 

He told me how happy he was that Scott had chosen me as a partner for beer pong because he had been building up the courage to talk to me... That he was so disappointed that i wasn't at the party Chris had held a few weeks before... I smiled at him and scolded myself on the inside thinking i had been on his radar for longer than i thought but was too preoccupied to notice... 

We arrived at the restaurant and after Josh had offered me his arm, we walked inside... I smiled as the restaurant was one of my favorites and i wonder if he knew... We got seated and i ordered a glass of wine and Josh ordered an alcohol-free beer... I smiled grateful he was not drinking because no way i was getting in a car with him if he was... The waiter handed us our menu's and we talked about what we would like... He told me i could order anything i wanted but i told him there was no way i was letting him pay for my meal... All he said was... "We will see..." 

After the waiter had brought our drinks and took our order we toasted and i smiled as he once again said i looked beautiful... Talking to Josh was easy and i just smiled as he told me about his family and his work as a contractor... I told him about my work as photographer and he asked if that was how i met Chris... I try not to freeze at that question and i nodded... I told him the photographer who was supposed to this shoot with him had canceled last minute and his team had asked me to step in... We had fun and just became great friends... I didn't tell him about last night... I was not going to tell him i had ended the friendship last night because it would only result in more questions... 

Luckily, he changed the subject and i was surprised that the conversation flowed so naturally... I dont had many dates to compare this to but in my mind, it went great... He was easy to talk to, funny.  He didn't talk about himself all night but asked questions and i showed him some of the pictures on my phone from my portfolio.... I did not get player vibes...Chris had probably lied telling me that to stop me from going out with him... But then again was i really the best judge of character...? Only time would tell i guess i just made a mental note to be vigilant... Dont get dragged in just because he pays attention to you...

But that was going to be hard... He was sweet and charming and God he looked good... Especially because i knew what was under that suit... "So how did you get so good at beer pong?" He asked and i smirked... "Lots of practice in college..." I said smirking and he chuckled... "I should have known Scott was way to giddy having you as his partner and we know one thing about the Evans boys they are competitive..." He said smirking and i chuckled nodding...

After we finished our delicious dinner, he paid while i protested but he wouldn't hear of it... We walk to the car my arm in his and i smile as he opens the door of the car for me again... He drove me home walking me to the front door... "I really had a good time..." He said looking all nervous kicking against some rock with his hand in his pockets and it was really cute... "Me to..." I said smiling as i was fumbling with my keys... "I was wondering if you would want to go to the Patriots game with me as my date..." He said and i blushed... "I dont really know anything about football..." I whisper and he smiles... "Dont worry i will tell you when to cheer..." He said smirking and i chuckled... 

"Okay... Sounds fun..." I said feeling all giddy inside and his smile grew... "Then i will pick you up Sunday for the game..." He said and i nodded... I smiled as he kissed my cheek and he said again that he had fun and was looking forward to Sunday... He said goodbye and as he walked of it looked like he had a spring in his step and i smile opening my front door closing it behind me... I leaned against the door with a big smile on my face... Happy i said yes as i really enjoyed myself...

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