Chapter 42

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"Ava?" Chris says hanging up the phone as i look at him stunned and blushing... "You answered my phone?" I whisper and Chris nods... "It went off and off so i just picked up... In case it was important..." He says and i sigh and sit down still naked with the towel wrapped around me... "Ava...?" He says again and i sigh... 

"It started after we came back from Washington and our relationship went public..." I whisper softly and Chris groans... "Angel... Why didn't you tell me..." He asks and i sigh and shrug my shoulders... "I didn't want you to worry... You need to focus on your stunt work... I didn't want you to get hurt by being distracted by this... It started with just calls and nothing being said... The calls with evil laughing is just from the last week or so..." I mumble and Chris groans and sits down beside me pulling me in a hug kissing the top of my head... 

"Ava... You should have told me..." He whispers and i sigh... "I'm sorry... i didn't mean to hide it... I just wanted you to not worry..." I whisper and he sighs again... "Did you recognize the voice...?" I carefully ask and Chris looks at me squinting his eyes at me... "I didn't really listen... I was caught off guard... Why do you ask...? Do you know the voice...?" He says and i take a deep breath... 

"No... Yes... I dont know... I can't proof it..." I murmur standing up as i am getting cold and i start to get dressed... "Josh..." He says and i turn to him and nod... "I think so... It sounds like him, but it is like the voice has been altered... I just can't proof it... When we get back home to Boston i am going to change my number and then it will stop..." I say and Chris takes a deep breath... "Yeah we are not waiting until we are back in Boston..." Chris says and pulls out his phone... He is typing and when i have gotten dressed he kisses me... "Your new phone and with that a new number will be delivered to the house tonight..." He says and i look at him shocked but nod... "Thank you..." I whisper blushing and Chris smiles... "No thanks needed but promise me no more hiding things angel... I can handle it... It won't distract me... Okay?" He says and i nod...

"I promise..." I whisper and he kisses me again as he starts to take off his clothes so he can shower... But before he gets in the shower my phone starts to light up again... Chris takes it and presses accepting the call... "Hello..." Chris says and the laugh starts again and i cringe... It makes me shiver and not in a good way... It just sounds evil... "Josh... If that is you cut the crap..." Chris says and i look at Chris shocked and the voice starts to laugh harder... "You two will pay..." The voice says and the line goes dead and i just look at Chris who seems to be on a point of exploding... There is no way around it now... As the tone of the laugh seems to be altered his words were not and it was Josh... No doubt about it... I dont know why but now that i knew it was Josh, it scared me more... 

I look at Chris with tears in my eyes and he sighs and walks over to me and hugs me... "Dont worry angel... I will not let him hurt you... I will handle it..." He whispers and i start to sob... "Dont mind me... What if he hurts you..." I say my body shaking and Chris takes in a sharp breath... "Dont worry... Everything will be okay..." He murmurs and i wrap my arms around him hugging him his skin is still clammy from the heat but i dont care... When we break our embrace Chris tells me to wait inside and he will take a quick shower and i nod... He turns off my phone, so we won't get calls anymore and he showers quickly... 

The drive back to the house with Seb and Mackie is quiet... Chris and i are each off in our own thoughts and Seb and Mackie are just tired... We are all tired... The long days are taking its toll and i was thankful that tomorrow we could sleep in a little as all we needed to do was the photo shoot and we would start around noon... I was happy we would stay at the house, and we didn't have to travel but everyone would come to us... 

We arrive at the house and order dinner and after we have eaten i wonder off get changed and get in the hot tub... I let out a sigh as my body relaxes and i close my eyes... I open them when i hear someone get in the hot tub and i smile as Chris is grinning at me and kisses me passionately... "I love you Ava..." He whispers and i blush... Hearing him say that never gets old... "I love you to..." I whisper and he smiles and kisses me again before sitting down next to me and pulling me into his lap... 

I cuddle into him and take a deep breath... "Do you think he really means it..." I whisper and Chris sighs... "I dont know angel... But dont worry... I won't let anything happen..." He mumbles and i sigh not really thinking he can promise that... If Josh really wants to do harm, he will find a way... But what could we do... We could not proof it was Josh... I didn't really care about myself but i was worried about Chris... "He is jealous of you..." I murmur and Chris takes a deep breath... "He has told me once that you always got what you wanted and that i was his... That he finally had gotten something that you wanted..." I whisper and Chris takes in another sharp breath... 

"He is an idiot..." He murmurs and i hum... "Do you regret it?" He whispers and i look at him confused... "Regret what?" I whisper and he blushes... "Getting with me..." He says almost as if he is in pain and i smile at him cup his face with both hands and kiss him... "No... Never..." I whisper and a smile started to form on his face... "I dont regret one second..." I say and his smile gets bigger... "You?" I ask and he shakes his head... "No... Never..." He says and i kiss him again moving so i am now straddling him...

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