Chapter 19

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"Your face... Your beautiful face..." Chris says still in shock... The look on his face is one of pain and worry... "What the fuck happened?!" He asks again and i look away with tears in my eyes... "I... I had a little run in with a door..." I mumble looking away as a tear runs down my cheek... But when i look at him again i can see he doesn't believe me... He sighs and runs his hand over his face... "A run in with a door...?" He says looking at me skeptical... I nod and he sighs again... "Ava we both know you are lying..." He says and i look away... He steps closer to me and puts his hand on the left side of my face... gently turning my head to look at him.  

"Did Josh do this?" He asks and i look down leaning forward and rest my head against his chest trying to hide... Now that he asked it outright i didn't know if i could keep up the lie because only mentioning his name brought tears to my eyes... "Please dont..." I whisper and he wraps his arms around me letting out a deep breath and i put my hands on his chest grabbing the fabric of his shirt... "Please dont make me say it..." I beg him... "Ava... What happened..." He asks again and i start to sob... "Please i can't... I can't..." I beg him and he rubs my back up and down trying to calm me down as i am losing it... I dont know why but Chris comforting me has broken the dam... I can't stop crying as i cling onto him... 

"I am going to kill him..." Chris mumbles and i lose it... "No, you can't it will ruin you... Please i already kicked him out told him to never come back that we are done... Please... Please i dont want to be responsible for you losing everything you worked for... Please dont leave me alone..." I say sobbing as panic sets in and i am hoping that begging him to stay with me is enough to stop him from going over to Josh and kill or seriously hurt him... My legs give out and he lowers me down to the floor and pulls me into his lap... "Shhh calm down Angel... I am not leaving you alone... Shhh..." He says softly rocking me back and forth in his lap his hand rubbing me up and down my back.

We hear a car door open, and slam shut... "What is going on?" I hear Sebastian ask Chris but i keep my face hidden... "That asshole Josh beat her up..." Chris mumbles... "He did what now...?" Seb asks in shock and Chris sighs... "You will see later but her face is black and blue..." Chris mumbles and Seb sighs... "Please can we just go... I just want to get out of here... I dont want to be here anymore..." I say between sobs and Chris sighs... I can feel he is tense and i can feel he is trying to keep himself calm, but his heartbeat and heavy breathing shows me that he is anything but calm... 

"Can you put her bags in the car? I am going to help her freshen up and then we can go..." Chris says and i hear my bags being picked up and Seb walking off... "Okay Angel..." He says and he helps me on my feet before standing up himself... His jaw is tense as he sees my face again... "Did you see a doctor?" He asked and i nod... "I went to the ER..." I whisper and he nods... "And the police?" He asks but i shake my head and Chris sighs... "Why? Ava... He needs to pay for what he did..." Chris says irritated... 

"Chris please... I dont want to deal with him anymore i just want to forget it... I just want to go to Atlanta and work..." I mumble and Chris sighs... "Okay... But can i take a picture... Just in case you change your mind?" He asks and i groan... "Please Ava..." He says and i sigh and nod giving in hoping that he will let it go after that... Chris takes a few photos and puts his phone away again... "And why didn't you call me... I could have gone with you..." He says looking at me with pain in his eyes... I shrug my shoulders and i want to say something, but we get interrupted by Seb walking back in...

Seb freezes on the spot and i turn away... "Can you get the last bags..." Chris asks... "Yeah sure... Ava... Are you okay?" Seb asks me... "I am fine..." I mumble and turn back to him and Seb sighs... "Oh sweetheart... I will call the crew of the plane to get some ice packs for pain relief and we get you some arnica cream on the way there it will help with some of the bruising..." Seb says and i give him a small smile... Seb is always so sweet and caring... "Thank you..." I whisper and he nods and grabs the last of my bags walking to the car... 

"Okay let's get you cleaned up..." Chris says and i nod... He takes my hand and walks me to the bathroom... He dampens a towel and he start to gently dab my face wiping my tears away... I wince as he gently dabs the bruises... "Sorry..." He whispers... "It is okay..." I whisper back and he sighs... "No, it is not..." He says looking at me with sad eyes... 

"I will be fine..." I whisper and Chris sighs and nods... "I know but i hate seeing you like this... I hate seeing you in pain..." He whispers and i sigh... "It doesn't hurt that bad..." I mumble lying to him because i dont want him to feel bad... "Didn't you get painkillers?" Chris asks and i nod... "Yeah but they make me loopy so i am only taking them to sleep... Can't work with them..." I say and he sighs... "Well, you can take them now... We won't be working today or tomorrow so you can be loopy..." He says with a small smile and i let out a little chuckle regretting it immediately as it hurts...

"Okay but dont blame me for anything that comes out of my mouth as i am on them..." I say and Chris grins... "Angel, you know it doesn't work that way..." He says smirking and i groan... We walk back and i grab my purse. "Dont you want to take your painkiller now?" He asks and i shake my head... "It will already be bad enough for you guys to be seen with me like this... Let alone as you have to carry me on the plane because i can't walk on myself..." I say and Chris sighs... "Dont mind what people think Ava... That is the last thing on my mind now... Okay..." He says and i sigh... "Okay..." I say and he takes my hand and i grab my keys so i can lock up the house...

We walk out the door and after i locked it i look around me... I am going to miss my home but i am happy to get out of here for a little while... When i turn around Chris is typing on his phone, and he looks up smiles and puts it away... "Let's go Angel..." He says and i smile... "Yes... Let's go..." I say and i take his hand that he holds out for me, and he walks me to the car... "Seb can you drive?" He asks Sebastian who is leaning against the car and catches the keys Chris is throwing at him and Sebastian nods... Chris holds the back door open and i get in and Chris tells me to scoot and gets in beside me taking me by surprise... 

about an hour later we arrive at a landing strip. We had stopped at a drug store along the way and Chris had gone and got me some cream... Sebastian drives up to a guard who points us in the right direction, and he drives on parking next to this massive private plane... "Holly shit..." I murmur and Chris chuckles... "Welcome to the Marvel family..." He whispers and  i smile... 

Our bags are being brought on the plane and i let out a sigh of relief as they handle my bags with care as Chris told them it was sensitive and breakable... One of the crew looks at me and she gives me a sympathetic smile... "I got the icepacks ready..." She says and i nod thanking her... Chris takes my hand and walks me onto the plane followed by Seb and i look around me... I feel giddy and excited as i never flown private before... 

I sit down in one of the seats and Chris asks if he can sit beside me and i nod... He helps me with my seatbelt and i chuckle... "I can still do things myself you know..." I whisper and he blushes... Seb sits on the opposite side of us, and Chris takes my purse handing me the bottle of painkillers and a bottle of water... "Time to get loopy..." He says and i sigh but take a painkiller... 

After takeoff i can feel the painkiller starting to work and i rest my head on Chris his shoulder... But soon i scoot down and lay my head in his lap closing my eyes humming as Chris is running his fingers through my hair and it does not take long before i am asleep...

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