Chapter 32

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I wrap my legs around his waist clinging onto him as he deepens the kiss, and he moves us so i am pressed between him and the edge of the pool...  Our tongues do their dance, and we get lost in the moment... I moan as his hands roam around my back finding its way under my shirt and i shiver... But i freeze up when he moves one hand into the front... He noticed and immediately stops pulling his hand back and i blush putting my head in his neck... "Sorry..." I whisper and he lets out a sigh moving me so i have to look at him... "No need to be sorry Angel... If you are not ready... You are not ready... I can wait..." He whispers smiling running his hand through my wet hair and i sigh... 

"Trust me i want to... I really do... but..." I say letting out a little sigh as my voice getting soft and he looks at me... "Angel can i ask you something and please dont be mad..." He whispers and i look at him and nod... "Did Josh...?" He whispers so soft it is barely audible... "No... God no..." I say and cup his face and kiss him as he looks so worried... "It has nothing to do with him or you for that matter..." I murmur after we break the kiss our foreheads pressed together... "One punch was all he could get in before i kicked him out..." I whisper and i can hear him let out a sigh of relief but getting tense at the same time as i mention Josh punching me... 

I kiss him again and he smiles into the kiss as he pushes us off the wall of the pool and we drift to the middle me still wrapped around him... I moan into the kiss as he deepens it again, but he sticks to the boundary i had stated earlier and somehow i hate myself for it... I want him so bad but i just freeze up every time he takes it a step further... Every fiber long for him... Kissing him is better than i ever imagined over the last few years and i just wish i could do it all day... The way it feels when he touches me is exhilarating... 

So why do i freeze up am i really that insecure deep down or have i hyped it up in my mind so much that i am scared it will disappoint or is it that i am scared i won't be good enough lord knows he had enough practice... I am driving myself crazy but i dont want to give in just for the sake to get it over with... I want it to be special because i have literally dreamed about this for forever... Am i putting too much pressure on this? 

I can feel him move us towards the edge of the pool and he smiles giving me another kiss before i let him go and he pushes himself up out of the pool... I bite my lip watching his muscles work and i let out a little sigh as it does thing to me... He stands up the edge of the pool holding out his hand but i shake my head and make my way up the stairs and he sighs... 

I give him a small smile and he takes my hand pulling me into him and kissing me passionately and i melt into him as it literally takes my breath away... "Angel... You know i love every inch of you right... There is no need to be insecure... You are perfect and when you are ready i am going to proof how much i want you... How much i long for you..." He whispers and i blush but i feel my eyes water up and he pulls me in hugging me as the water drips of our bodies the wet clothes clamming onto us... 

"I'm sorry... I dont know why i keep freezing up..." I whisper and he sighs cupping my face with both hands... "It is okay we will take it slow one step at a time..." He whispers and i close my eyes as he gives me a sweet kiss... "Come on let's get changed and order some dinner and have a lazy movie night..." He says and i smile as he takes my hand pulling me in front of me and while hugging me from behind planting kisses everywhere he can he walks us to my bedroom leaving a trail of water... I giggle as it is the cutest thing ever and when we arrive in the bedroom i turn in his arms and kiss him with everything i got before going to get changed... 

I am standing in my underwear in the closet and sigh... "One step at a time..." I murmur and sigh and i hesitate for a second... "Chris...? Could you help me with something..." I ask and he walks in stopping dead in his track his eyes popping out and a grin appearing on his face... I blush and he steps closer to me and i look away feeling all insecure again all of a sudden... I put my arms in front of me, but he takes them and pulls me against him and puts my arms around his neck and kisses me while his hands glide up and down my back... 

"One step at a time...?" He asks in a soft tone just checking in and i blush nodding and he grins as he steps back looking me up and down again and letting out a little groan... "Or maybe two steps..." I whisper as i take a deep breath feeling my body heat up under his gaze and i start to feel a little more comfortable... He pulls his shirt over his head and i groan making him grin even more... He steps towards me and i put my hands on his chest feeling his muscles twitch under my touch as he takes in a sharp breath... 

He kisses me his arms finding its way around me again pulling me close and i moan at the skin-to-skin contact and i wrap my arms around his waist running my hands up and down his back as we make out getting lost in the moment...

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