Chapter 84

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I hear him curse and curse in my office and i get dresses and quickly run over as i dont want him to scare Jack... Chris is cleaning up some stuff and i look at him confused and scared... He looks... Angry...? Scared...? Annoyed...?   I can't put my finger on it... Maybe it is all 3...

"What is going on..." I ask Chris and he stops pacing up and down and runs his hand over his face... He looks at me and sighs... But he says nothing... He now just looks at me worried and scared... I know that look... That is a look i can put my finger on... He still says nothing he just looks at me with pain in his eyes... "Chris... You are scaring me... Please talk to me..." I whisper and he turns away for a few seconds... I can see he is taking a deep breath and i walk over him and wrap my arms around his waist hugging him from behind resting my forehead against his back... He takes my hands and turns around and i can see he has tears in his eyes...

  "I knew something was off... I just knew it..." He says and i start to get scared... "Chris can you please be more specific..." I ask and he sighs again... 

"She was not here for a checkup and even if she was they do not need to see the whole house and snoop around... I knew something was off... I called her supervisor... I wanted to make a complaint about her behavior... The fact that she didn't even get his name right and apparently barely knows anything about his medical background... She wasn't even scheduled to work today... They had no idea about her coming out here... And they..." He says but stops as he tries to fight his tears... "They... They... Oh god i dont know how to say this..." He says no fully in tears...

"Angel..." He says with tears in his eyes cupping my face, and it get heavier to breath... "Angel... They didn't even know we were fostering him... It might not be legal... There might be a chance that..." He starts to say and i step away from him... "NO... NO!! Dont you say it... Dont you dare say it..." I say and i sink down to my knees... "Angel... He might have to go back..." He says kneeling down next to me but i push him off... "No! That is not happening over my dead body... We have the paperwork... He is ours... He is not going back... He is ours... He is ours... He is our sweet boy..." I yell. 

"Angel..." He says now fully crying as he is trying to get me to calm down... But i dont want to hear it... "No! You call your fancy lawyers... Call the foster people back and say we are not giving him back... You are Chris Evans... Everyone loves you. You can fix this, charm them use your influence... We are what is best for him... They have to know that... What do they want to do sent him back to that hospital... No one else wanted him... You must do something because we can't give him back... He is ours... We love him... We can take care of him... I dont care pay someone off... Please dont let them take him away... He is settling in... He loves it here... Please dont make them do this... Please it is not our fault... She played us... Why... Why did she do this... We went to her office... How can it not be legal... We have the paperwork... It is all in writing... Why would she give him to us illegally... How could she do this... We were in an official office... At the foster agency... You need to fix this... We need to fix this... They can't take him away... He will think we dont want him... He will think he is a bad kid again..." I say completely losing my mind... 

I finally let Chris hold me as i am crying... "Please i love him... We love him... He told me i feel like a mom... I dont want to let him go... I can't... I won't survive that... He belongs with us..." I whisper clinging onto Chris. "I know angel... I will fix this... I will do everything in my power to keep him... I promise i will try..." He whispers as he holds me... We are both crying until i hear a door open and shut... "Jack is awake..." I whisper wiping away my tears... "We can't tell him... He will be scared..." I whisper and try to hide the fact i have been crying...

I stand up and take a deep breath and walk out of the office... "Hey sweetheart... Did you have a good nap?" I ask picking him up and he smiles and nod... "Ava can we play with the Legos..." He asks and i smile and nod... "Yes... But first we are going to get a snack... And what do you say we order pizza for dinner tonight..." I say and as i walk passed my office i hear Chris on the phone again... I dont want Jack to think anything is wrong so i quickly walk downstairs... "Pizza!" He squeals and i laugh... "Yes pizza... But what do you want for a snack first?" I ask and he smiles telling me that he wants an apple... That was his go to afternoon snack... An apple with a cookie or some ice cream... 

I cut the apple for him and put it on a plate with his cookie. I grab him some juice and put it in front of him... He had gotten on the barstool himself and that only shows how much stronger he had gotten since he got here... 

They can't take him from us... They wouldn't pull him away from people that love him right... Why would she have done this to us... She knew how much Jack meant to us... Had i really been so blinded by the fact we could so easily take him... Had my urge to take care of him clouded my judgement of the whole situation... Should i have asked more questions about the fact we could pick him up so quickly?

I watch Jack as he eats and my heart breaks at the thought, we have to bring him back to an environment he definitely is miserable in... I shake my head forcing myself to think positive... I can't let Jack see me all sad and scared... I have to be strong for him... We have to fight to keep him in our family...

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