Chapter 54

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I stretch myself out in the big bed in the cabin.... We had gotten here this morning and hadn't even unpacked, or Chris had thrown me on the bed and fucked me into oblivion... And i had fallen asleep right after in his arms... The morning had been stressful... People saw him at the airport and had gone crazy... Paparazzi showed up out of nowhere and it came up to a point security had to step in... He had clutched my hand so hard that i had been scared that he would break it... He was scared that we would be separated so he just held on to me for dear life... Thankfully security showed up... They had led us somewhere private and when it was time, they had let us board the plane first... 

I had let him take all the stress and anxiety out on me in the bedroom egging him on to fuck me harder and now i was deliciously sore but God it had been amazing... I lay there with a smile on my face before i got up. I put on a shirt and i walked down the stairs to see Chris in the kitchen cooking... I smiled as the kitchen was a mess as he was trying to make dinner... I think... 

He was with his back turned towards me not wearing a shirt just sweats... I smirked and as quiet as i could sneaked up to him and he jumped a little as i wrapped my arms around his naked torso... "It is just me baby... No one else is here... No need to be scared..." I murmur smirking a little before planting a kiss on his back. He turned in my grip and he smirked before kissing me passionately... 

"What is for dinner?" I asked and he blushed... "I am attempting to make lasagna..." He whispered and i giggled... "Attempt?" I say and he sighs and nods... "I am not really good in the kitchen..." He says and i smirk... "You have to relax baby... No need to stress about dinner... It will be fine..." I whisper and kiss him again... "Besides i am not with you for your cooking skills..." I murmur into the kiss... "Oh really?" He murmured back his hand finding its way on my lower back pulling my against him as his other hand cupped my face while he pressed his lips on mine again kissing me passionately... "Thats why..." I whisper letting out a soft moan and he has the biggest grin on his face...  "Besides... I can always eat something else..." I whisper and he grins again...

I reluctantly let him go as a timer goes off... I push myself on the counter and i watch him chaotically cook. But i can see his brain working overtime and he still looks so tense... I dont interfere just letting him be for a bit... I am enjoying this little slice of normalcy after the chaos of the airport... In my mind it was behind us... Just a little hiccup... Chris had been tense... He hated it and i can't imagine what it must feel like that every facet of your life is news... People always wanting something from you even if you are having a bad day or just want some time in privacy with the people you care about... Chris was always friendly to his fans almost never refused to take a picture... With the paparazzi he didn't react he just kept walking... Some of the questions they would yell were ridiculous and just downright rude... All i could think when i was with him and heard them yell is that they were delusional... No person in their right mind would answer those questions... They were intrusive and rude... I get that they could sometimes get under your skin...

"You know i dont hate for what happened at the airport right... That i dont mind if you stop to take pictures with fans and i am not scared or put off by the paparazzi..." I all of a sudden say as i felt like i had to say it and he nods but doesn't look at me... "Chris..." I say trying to get his attention to have him look at me to see that i am serious... But no reaction... "Hey come here..." I say as i see a tear running down his cheek... I pull him between my legs... "Chris..." I whisper as i cup his face between both hands and wipe away the tears running down his cheeks. 

"I know that craziness comes with your live sometimes... We know each other for a while now so i know... It doesn't scare me... It doesn't deter me to be with you... I love you... And all that doesn't make me love you less... Because God i love you so much... You are worth all the craziness... You really are Chris..." I whisper before pressing my lips on his... 

I just hold him as he cries... I just let him cry... To get it all out as he clings on to me... I reach over to the stove while he is still crying and turn off the gas so we dont start a fire... "It is okay... It is okay baby..." I whisper holding him... I smile at him when he finally calmed down a bit... I push him back a bit and jump of the counter and take his hand leading him up the stairs to the bedroom... He says nothing just follows me... 

My heart breaks as i look over my shoulder...  Seeing him so vulnerable and tired as if he just couldn't keep up the facade anymore and i didn't want him to... I wanted him to know it was safe to let out all his emotions with me... He didn't always have to be the tough guy around me... It worried me to see him like this... He all of a sudden just seems so tired and a little empty...  I pull him on the bed and pull him close holding him his head on my chest just wanting to hold him comfort him...  He is tired and the last few months have just been draining not only for me but for him to... He never complains... Always works with a smile that makes you forget sometimes that it had been exhausting for him to... 

"Just relax baby... Just relax i got you..." I whisper as i lightly massage his scalp helping him to relax... I just want him to relax give into the exhaustion... He is always taking care of me... Now it is my turn... My turn to be there for him... To take care of him...

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