Chapter 13

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I walk into the diner and smile seeing that Josh is already there, but he looks tense... I sigh and i think that i know why because laying in front of him is the Men's Health issue... I smile and sit down, and he sighs... "You already ordered?" I ask and he shakes his head... A waitress comes over and i ask for some coffee and a menu as i am starving... The waitress leaves to get me my coffee and a menu and i look at Josh who seems even more tense... I just wait for what is to come... Josh takes a deep breath before he starts to speak...

"Sorry i dont want to be blunt but can we talk about this..." He says pointing at the magazine and i sigh... "What about it?" I ask and he looks at me as if i am crazy... "What about this? You took these..." He says almost in an accusatory tone and i look at him confused... "I did..." I say having flashbacks to the 16-year-old from this afternoon... 

"What about them?" I ask not knowing what the problem is... He knows i took pictures of Chris before and although the pictures were risqué... This is what i do... This is my job and whether it is Chris or some other man it doesn't matter... I take photos and sometimes they are not the wholesome family kind... I mean he should see my boudoir sessions... Compared to those the pictures of Chris are quite tame...Josh sighs and i look at him as he is still tense... I can see he brain trying to process all of it... 

"He is almost completely naked..." He whispers and almost hisses at me... The look on his face is serious and for a moment i want to say that it is not almost... But i know that will only make it worse... "So?" I ask looking at him even more confused... "So... You think it is normal for you to be photographing another man almost completely naked...?" He says now actually hissing at me and i look at him shocked... 

I let it sink in for a moment... Thinking about what he is saying and i start to feel myself getting angry... "Would you be saying the same if i had photographed a woman like that...?" I ask harsher then i probably should have and he looks at me. "That is different, and you know it..." He hisses and i shake my head... "No, it is not... This... " I say tapping the magazine... "This is my job... Yes, i do the usual... Weddings, pregnancy announcements, family pictures...Sweet 16 photos... Hell if someone pays me i will take photos of their pets... And i do this... for magazines... I do fashions shoots... and whatever someone wants me to take a photo off... As long as it is within the law i will... You cannot dictate what i can and cannot do... I dont tell you what you can and cannot do in your business" I say wanting to set a clear boundary right now to make sure he knows i dont take crap when it comes to my business, and he looks at me annoyed for my outburst... 

I scoff and stand up... "I will not let you interfere with my career..." I say and walk off making my way back to the car... "I know... You know..." I hear Josh his voice behind me and i turn around confused... "Know what?" I say and he looks at me as if i am crazy... "I know he wants you... He is not exactly keeping it a secret telling everyone who is willing to listen..." Josh says and i shake my head... "Well to bad for him because i dont want him..." I say and he looks at me and i know he is checking if i am lying... "Yeah right..." He mumbles and i scoff again... 

"Oh, for fucks sake... I dont even talk to him anymore... I blocked his number... Yes! He kissed me after the party when i agreed to go on a date with you... I pushed him off of me and told him basically to go to hell... I made it pretty clear i dont want a relationship with him and that i need distance..." I yell and Josh rolls his eyes as if he doesn't believe me so i turn around and stomp off to my car... But before i even reach it i feel an arm grab me and Josh pulls me in his arms and kisses me hard... I push him away and he looks confused... "No... Stop it..." I hiss at him, and he sighs... 

"Sorry okay... It is just i hear all these things that Chris is saying about you... How he wants you and come on you can't blame me for wondering... He is Chris Evans every womans dream and i am... Well, me... Plain old Josh..." He says and i sigh i know i am leaving things out but if he is insecure now it will only be worse if he knows everything... All he needs to know is that i dont want Chris and that i cut contact... I mean we are not even official or anything... We had only kissed... It was not like we were sleeping together... Am i a horrible person for not telling him everything?  I shake my head trying to think and take a deep breath and i look up at Josh...

"I think plain old Josh is great... Well i thought that until he started to scold me for what i do for work..." I say and he sighs... "I am sorry... Can we go inside and have dinner?" He asks smiling and i am taken aback by his complete change of mood... He is all smiles and charm again... Only a minute ago he was fuming and annoyed... I shake my head... "No i am going home... I need some time to cool off..." I mumble because my head is pounding and i feel a migraine starting to set in... I get in my car, but he holds my door open... "Ava come on... You haven't eaten yet... Come inside and have dinner with me..." He says trying to charm me but i shake my head... "I just want to go home i am tired have a headache and want to relax..." I say and he sighs and lets me close the door of my car... I start the car and sigh before driving off... I feel drained... 

I arrive home and drag myself inside not bothering to eat and go straight to the bedroom... I close the curtains and take my close off not bothering to put them in the hamper and i drop myself on my bed groaning... After a few minutes i crawl under the blanket and close my eyes trying to sleep as i just want my headache to go away... But my mind is spinning... 

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