Chapter 145

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"You can't be serious... Cut me off?!" Ma yells after me as i go to open the door... I let out a sigh of relief when it is Tara. She smiles but i can't bring myself to smile back... She hugs me... "Are you okay? You look like you want to murder someone..." She whispers and i sigh... "Family drama..." I mumble and she looks past me at ma who is fuming still... 

"Hey Lisa..." She says all chirpy. "Hey Tara... Can you talk some sense into Chris... Ava doesn't want to have any more kids so he is going to get a vasectomy..." Ma says and i groan... "MA!!" I yell and she crosses her arms across her chest... "I think that is great... Tyler has had one to..." Tara says and ma's face goes white and i smirk... 

"What if he wants kids in the future... What if they get divorced... Or God forbid, she dies... and he meets someone new who still wants kids..." Ma says and i roll my eyes as i am fuming... "MA! That is enough..." I growl. "One i think it his decision, we have no say in it... This is something between him and Ava... 2, i dont see him and Ava getting divorced... They are perfect together he is crazy if he ever lets her go...Chris knows what it feels like to lose her so he will not risk it... 3, You know it is reversable... It can be undone... But still i think it is a good idea if they dont want to be pregnant again... Birth control is a pain with all the side effects and a hysterectomy for her is a big thing a friend of mine has had it and went in immediate menopause while for men it has no big changes to their body... And as you know Lisa, menopause... is no fun..." She says and ma seems to calm down a bit... "It can be undone?" Ma asks and we both nod... I had done my research and i already knew this but i hadn't told her because i was annoyed with her reaction.

"But i thought you loved Ava...? Why are you thinking about divorce or her dying... That is a little morbid, dont you think?" She asks ma and ma turns bright red... "I do... I really do like her, i actually love her... and i agree they are perfect together... I just... I just..." She says stuttering and i dont say a word letting Tara do her magic... "For as long as i know you or since Chris was about 18, you have been hoping Chris would find someone to settle down with... To have a family... And now that he has you act like this?  I am very disappointed Lisa..." Tara says and ma turns even more red and i just look stunned as she has shuts ma up completely... 

"Look i know Chris is and always will be your little boy... Maybe secretly even your favorite... But you have no right to interfere in his personal life... If he and Ava decide to not have any more kids that is their decision..." Tara says... "We are adopting... It is not like we are not going to have more kids. Ava just doesn't want to be pregnant again..." I mumble and Tara smiles... "See there will be more kids... Kids who are going to need a grandma... Who cares how they join the family..." Tara says and ma sighs tears now streaming down her face, and she sits down a little defeated... "I know... I know... I just liked the idea of little Chris's..." She mumbles and i sigh and roll my eyes... 

"Well get over it... I am not putting Ava through that again... We will adopt and it is up to you to either be involved or not... I am getting the snip... And Tara is going to help us find a place until we can move back in the house... That is how it is going to be... We need some distance because you seem to think you have a say in what i do with my family or my own body for that matter... I love you ma... I love you so much but right now i have to think about my boys and Ava... Ava who is exhausted from keeping everything going when she should be resting and recovering from childbirth after a tough pregnancy... Ava who has fallen asleep in Scott's childhood bed while crying... Ava who loves you so much seeing you as a mother... You know what she has been through..." I say and she sighs... She look defeated and i hope that the remorseful look is genuine...

"I am sorry... I know i have no right... I am sorry... I really am... Please dont cut me off... I love you... I love Ava... I adore the boys... All 3... I dont want to be cut out of your life... I dont know what i was thinking... I am just scared i won't be needed anymore... For once i dont feel lonely in this big house..." She whispers and i sigh. 

"You are lonely?" We all of a sudden hear and we look up and Ava is standing there with both boys in her arms... I hold my breath wondering how much she has heard. Ma says nothing but just looks at her fingers in shame. Tara's face lights up as she hasn't seen the babies yet. But Tara doesn't move as Ava walks over to Tara while looking at ma with nothing but concern on her face... She turns to look at Tara and smiles. "Want to hold one?" She asks Tara and Tara squeals and nods taking Owen from her... "This is Owen..." She says softly before she hands Aiden to me... She walks over to ma and sits down beside her and takes ma's hand. 

"Are you lonely?" She asks ma again and ma sighs... "Sometimes..." She mumbles and Ava sighs... "Lisa... Why didn't you tell us..." Ava whispers, and ma shrugs her shoulders... "You all have your own lives... I didn't want to be a burden...I was managing but then i came to help with your pregnancy... I loved being needed again..." She whispers before taking a deep breath breaking down crying... "The house is just not the same... It so big and empty and i think i got carried away with you all here... I am so sorry... I didn't mean to upset you or to offend you... I love you so much... I couldn't have wished for a better wife for my boy..." She says being a blubbering mess. 

Then Ava says something that catches us all off guard and has me absolutely baffled but just confirms why i love this woman so much...

"Okay how does this sound... We will stay here..." She says and ma looks at her stunned... "But with boundaries and clear communication... Then when the house is ready, we will build a little house on the property for you to live... You will have your own space but be close by... Again, with clear boundaries and communication..." Ava says and she looks at me and i have to fight back my own tears...

"Switch..." I all of a sudden hear and Tara wants to switch boys to hold, and we all chuckle the tension broken... I switch Owen out for Aiden which makes Tara smile and totally happy i dont think she is even aware of the conversation happening right now... She is lost in her own world with Aiden. 

"But Lisa... I will not be pregnant again... I need you to know and understand that. I dont appreciate you making me feel bad about that... Also, it was not my idea for Chris to get a vasectomy but i am on board with that... That is between him and i... You might be his mother but i am his wife and this is between him and i... And one more thing now we are airing everything... You will not be taking my kids out of my hands if i told you no..." Ava says letting out a sigh and ma pulls her into a hug...

They both cry and hug telling each other that they love each other and i am equally baffled by the way they fixed everything so easily and the fact that Ava wants her to life near us while i tried to get away... But i am happy... Happy that it seems to be resolved... I know that in the future there probably will be more incidents but seeing this i know with proper communication and boundaries we will be all right... Just like Ava had said. 

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