Chapter 48

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The brakes are really not working no matter what i try... I am starting to panic wondering what to do... I know that an intersection is going to come up with stop lights and all of a sudden it hits me just let go of the gas and pray that the car will stop in time... The last thing i need is to stop in the middle of the intersection but i dont know what else i can do... I look at the speedometer and slowly but surely it goes down.... The car slowing down... It didn't help that i was driving faster then allowed as i just wanted to go out of there to get away from Josh...

The car had finally stopped... Just in time as i was coming up the busy intersection... I had steered the car to side of the road. I took a deep breath when the car stopped moving leaning my head on the steering wheel... How is it possible that the brakes were working fine on the way to my house and now... All off a sudden i hear a siren and i look behind me and groan... This day couldn't get any worse... I rolled down the window and made sure my hands were on the wheel for the officer to see... I tried to keep my emotions in check as i was on the verge of tears the adrenaline wearing off but i already could feel a tear escaping rolling down my cheek... 

"I'm sorry officer i know i am not supposed to park here but..." I start to ramble as the officer appears at my window... "Calm down calm down... Are you okay... You are not in trouble... I saw something was wrong..." He says and that is when i break down and start to cry... "Ma'am... I need you to calm down..." The officer said with worry in his voice... "Sorry... Sorry... My brakes didn't work and..." I start to say looking up to him and the officer looks at me confused... Chris his car is brand new, so he is probably confused how that is possible... "Ma'am... What do you mean they dont work... This looks like a brand-new car..." He says... "I dont know... They just dont work..." I say letting out a sob.

"Can you pop the hood and step out of the car for me..." The officer says and i nod and i do as he says and get out... I wrap my arms around me feeling my adrenaline starting to subside even more and i start to shiver... He waves me over to the front and he opens the hood looking down humming... He then lays on his back and crawls under the car and a few seconds later he comes back up... "Ma'am... Do you know anyone who might want to see you hurt?" He asks and i look at him shocked... 

"Wha... What..." I whisper and he takes a deep breath... "It looks like the brakes are tampered with... I think we have to have this investigated..." The officer said and all the blood drains from my face and my legs give out and the officer is just in time to catch me... 

Everything after that had happened in a daze... The officer worried for my wellbeing had called an ambulance... He had called in some reinforcements... When he had asked if there was someone, he could call for me all i had done was hand him my phone and told him Chris Evans... He had looked at me thinking i was joking at first but when he found Chris his number, he had looked at me shocked but called him...

I was now sitting in the back of the ambulance with a blanket around my shoulders as i was so cold...  I was in a trance looking at everything happening... The car was going to be towed... Something about evidence... 

"AVA!!!  AVA!!!" I all of a sudden hear and i look up snapping out of my trance and i see Chris running and i start to cry again... He gets stopped by an officer and they talk but his eyes are fixed on me... But i can see he is getting angry... The officer walks him towards the ambulance and when he is finally at my side, he wraps me in his arms and i start to cry hysterically... "The brakes di... didn't work..." I say sobbing and he holds me tighter... "I heard angel..." He whispers kissing the top of my head over and over again... "I just wanted to get out of there Josh stood in front of the house just waving and i just wanted to get out of there... But then i couldn't brake..." I say sobbing... 

"What do you mean... Josh was there?" Chris asks looking at me as he holds me at arm's length... "He... He... He was standing... Across... the road... Just smiling and waving at me... I just wanted out of there i was so scared..." I say sobbing... "I am sorry who is Josh...?" The officer said and Chris explained as i just was crying unable to speak hiding my face in Chris his chest... 

Another man joined us but i was just numb not wanting to let Chris go... They talked for a while but i was zoned out... "Come on angel... I am going to take you home..." He whispers and i can feel him help me up and with his arm wrapped around me he helps me to his car... He opens the door and helps me in before walking of coming back with my stuff that i had grabbed from my house... I look at the car i had driven which was now being loaded onto a flatbed... 

I feel numb... The officer said i did the right thing letting it roll out... That it was the best thing i could have done... I wonder what they are going to do with the car. I watch as Chris gets stopped by a man in a suit and gets handed something... The car is now fully loaded and gets secured and Chris walks towards me and gets in the car... 

"Let's get you home angel..." He whispers as he starts the car. "Can you please check if the brakes are working..." I whisper and he smiles a little and does saying the brakes work and i will be safe...

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