Chapter 113

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"Can i ask you two something..." I say turning around to King and Gary and they both nod... "We are here to assist you in anything you need Ms... Ava..." King says and i smile... I like Gary and King they seem to be nice guys... "Am i over reacting?" I ask and Gary chuckles and King smirks... "I dont know Ava... But after having 3 kids with my wife i can tell you that you dont come between a pregnant woman and her cravings..." He says and i chuckle... "Good answer... Very diplomatic... Now be honest... You guys are not assistants are you..." I say and they both laugh... "No... Security... But your husband pays extra to help you out... So, it is not a total lie..." Gary says and i chuckle... My chuckle turns into a groan when i hear Ms. Langston behind me... 

"Your iced tea and donut..." She says her voice strained and i turn around and she has this sour look on her face... "Sorry the craving is gone..." I state and she looks at me in disbelief... "Gary in my bag is an apple and a bottle of water can you hand me those... I had packed them this morning for when i wanted a snack..." I say still looking at Ms. Langston who is ready to have a fit...

I walk over to Gary and King who are trying really hard not to laugh to a point King has to turn around in order to keep his composure... "Here you go Ava..." Gary says putting emphasis on my name and i chuckle as he seems to enjoy all of this. He pulls the apple and bottle of water out of my bag and i smirk taking it from him and i smirk taking a bite of my apple before walking back to set... 

I smile and take a deep breath looking at all the chaos surrounding me... And right here in this moment i knew i made the right choice taking this job again... People wave at me, come up to me to hug and congratulate me... I smile as Robert comes up and pulls me into a hug and looks me all over... "Can i...?" He asks pointing at my belly and i smile and nod... Word got around that we are expecting twins... It was no longer a secret... "Hey little ones... I am your uncle Robert... Team Iron man the best team..." He says and i laugh... He stands back up straight and hugs me again... "How is Jackie doing?" He asks and i smile... "All excited for his first day of school here..." I say and Robert smiles... "Good..." He says and i smile again... 

Robert gets called to his place but not for he says we will have lunch at his village and i nod. I ask Gary for my camera which he hands over to me and i walk around taking picture after picture... I have the biggest smile on my face as i realize how much i have missed this... I love my family time and i love spending time with Chris and Jack but i really have missed this... I take picture after picture and i have to tell Ms. Langston to get out of my way a few times as her hovering gives me not enough space to do my job... 

King folds out the chair for me as they are starting the scene so i can sit down and i smile at him... "Thank you..." I say and he nods... The day progresses i have been ignoring Ms. Langston as best as i can as she has been hovering. Around lunchtime i make my way to the little classroom to pick up Jack... "Mommy!" Jack squeals running up to me and i hug him as i can't lift him up anymore... "Hello my sweet, sweet boy..." I say hugging him and kissing him all over his little face making him giggle... "Did you have fun?"  I ask and he nods with a big smile on his face... I hug him again and give him another kiss before we make our way to Roberts village for lunch... Gary and King go to have their break... But i can't shake Ms. Langston... 

My mouth is watering as i see all the food and Jack and i giggle as we pick some of the things, we like... "You should pick something healthier...." Ms. Langston says in a snarky tone and i look at her and take a deep breath... "Go sit with dad sweetheart..." I say and Jack nods and runs off to go to sit with his dad... "You can go and take a break Ms. Langston..." I say trying to keep my voice calm and steady miserably failing but she shakes her head... "No... I have to stay with you... That is my job..." She says and i roll my eyes trying really hard to stay calm... I am just about to say something when Scarlet steps in... 

"I can do that... Take a break Ms..." She says and she leads me away... "Thank you..." I whisper and she chuckles... "You looked like you were ready to blow up at her..." She says and i nod taking a deep breath feeling like i finally can now Ms. Langston is not hovering over me... "I was... She either been treating me like some stupid little girl telling me what i can and cannot do... Or been in the way walking in front of the camera or demanding me to sit down... I mean i get that i have to take it easy, but this is only adding to the stress... She constantly wants to decide what i eat or drink... For fuck's sake i dont need someone to babysit me... She is just out of line... Calls me sweetheart of dear... So, degrading... Like i am some dumb little girl who can't take care of herself and is a bad mother for wanting a fucking donut..." I whisper as i am almost in tears... 

"I am sorry sweetie..." She says hugging me... I look up and my eyes meet Chris's who is sitting at a table with Jack, Seb, Mackie and Robert... He scoots to the side and pats the seat on the bench next to him as to say i saved you a seat but i ignore him and follow Scarlet to sit with her and Lizzie... I am to upset with him right now...

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