Chapter 23

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I wake up and look to the side, but Chris is not there... The bed is cold and i think he must have gone back to his own room as soon as i was asleep... I walk into the kitchen, but Chris is not there and i hear muffled voices coming from the gym so i make my way over there wanting to ask i i should order breakfast for them to... 

The voices get clearer and i hear my name but the rest i can't decipher... I get closer and i know i am rude by eavesdropping, but my curiosity is getting the best of me. 

"I just think you are not making it easier on yourself by crawling in bed with her..." I hear Seb say and i hold my breath... "I know... But it hurt to hear her trash around and all i wanted was to hold her... Comfort her..." I hear Chris say and i smile hearing this... 

"I know you love her, but you are torturing yourself... Because you feel guilty for what happened with Josh... You are torturing yourself because you think you deserve it for hurting her over the last few years... I mean we all told you to stop fucking around and tell her how you feel and stop hiding behind al the fucking excuses... And maybe you deserve to suffer a little bit... You can't blame her for not taking it seriously and being scared that you will move on within a week breaking her when you do... But it is not your fault what happened with Josh... He is an asshole... No matter how upset you are with a woman you dont punch her and leave her looking like Ava looks now..." Seb said ranting at Chris who was i think lifting weights as he listened to Seb...

"I know... It is just if i hadn't pushed her away she never would have dated Josh and her face would not be bruised and she would not hesitate every time i try to do something nice... I  I just need her in my life... What if i am too late?" Chris says and Seb sighs... 

"You are not... She loves you i can see it in everything she just needs time... She needs time to admit that she is not over you and to deal with the whole Josh thing... But her and Josh was never going to work out... I mean that guy was so focused on her, and you that it would never have worked... He saw her as the price, and he finally had one up on you... I mean he kept calling you to rub it in lying about sleeping with her while we both know she is not the type of girl to jump into bed with a guy that quick and Scott told you she said they were taking it slow..." Seb said and i just couldn't believe what i was hearing... How could i have been so wrong about Josh... 

"But she is in love with you, and everyone can see that ... I mean she is here isn't she... No matter how big the job is if she was really serious about Josh and not wanting to do anything with you anymore than she would have stayed home... Her business is doing great from what i heard... Esther had a photoshoot with her for this fashion brand and everyone loved her, and she most definitely would get more work out of that... You just need to proof that you are serious about her... It might cause you some blue balls though..." Seb says and i can hear Chris groan and Seb start laughing. But i stand there frozen...

Is he right? Would i have stayed home... Was the reason i was here partly to be around Chris? Was i lying to myself when i said it was because the opportunity was too good to pass up... Was i just a price to Josh as to stick it to Chris... Had i been fooled by that to... My head was spinning so much information and i had no idea what to do with it... I take a deep breath and as they are now talking about other things i walk into the gym... They both stop what they are doing and look at me... "What?" I ask faking innocence and they both shake their heads.  "I was going to order some breakfast... You guys want anything...?" I ask and they seemed relieved. 

They tell me what they want and i walk to the kitchen and place an order. I am deep in my own thoughts when Chris and Seb walk in but i dont notice until Chris puts his hand on my back and i jump... "Easy... It is just me..." He says shocked and i look at him like a deer in the headlights... I shake it off and hug him tightly and i can feel that he is confused... But he closes his arms around me and holds me and i hum as he rubs my back and i can hear Seb chuckle... "Breakfast will be here soon..." I mumble and i want to pull out of Chris his arms, but he doesn't let me... 

"I am going to take a quick shower..." Seb says and walks out of the room leaving Chris and i alone neither one of us saying a word just hugging each other as i settle in his arms again feeling content but confused and wondering if i am foolish for fighting this. Maybe i should give us a chance... He obviously wants it but maybe Seb was right and i needed time... Time for Chris to proof he indeed was serious and time to deal with the whole Josh thing...

I sigh and Chris plants a kiss on top of my head and i hum holding him a little bit tighter... "Did you sleep okay?" I ask and i can feel him smile... "Like a baby..." He said and i chuckled... "You...?" He asked and i sighed... "I slept good thank you..." I whisper and he takes in a deep breath... "Anytime Angel... Anytime..." He whispers and the doorbell rings... He lets me go and tells me he will get breakfast and i start on some coffee...

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