Chapter 103

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"We are gathered here today to celebrate Chris and Ava... Two people who belong together... Two people who bring the best out of each other... Two people who love each other... Two people who secretly already got married and now are pleasing all of us by doing this... Because everyone who knows Chris... Has hoped and prayed that one day, we would see him stand up here..." Robert says and everyone chuckles... Chris blushes and i just giggle.

"And i think that i speak for all of us as i say we couldn't be happier that it is with Ava..." Robert says and Chris gets the biggest smile on his face and i match his smile as we just look at each other as lovesick puppy's.  

"So... Here we go..." Robert says and i smile... I had no clue how much i wanted this until it was time... The fact we are doing this in front of all the people we love makes it somehow even more real... 

"I was told they both have a few words prepared... So, Christopher... Take it away..." Robert says and Chris takes a deep breath... 

"Ava... Angel..." He says the biggest smile on his face... "Words cannot describe how much i love you... From our first official kiss i knew there was no way back... This was it... For me there was no one else... My only regret is that i did not realize that earlier... No one ever compares to you... You are so amazing... You ground me... You are the calm in the storm... Every morning as i wake up next to you i can't help but smile and i know it is a good day because you are here... I fell in love with your beautiful smile... Your sense of humor... Your passion and the way you care for others... How you care for me...  With you i can be myself and you have no idea how much that means to me... I fell in love with you all over again when we brought Jack into our home... You are the most amazing mother any kid could ever ask for... You are the most beautiful woman on earth... God i love every inch of you..." He says and he leans forward with a naughty smirk on his face... 

"Especially that ass of yours that absolutely pops in this dress..." He whispers but loud enough for everyone to hear and i blush turning bright red as everyone chuckles...  "You are perfect... in every way... There are so many other amazing things i could say about you but then we would be here all day and night... I am just so lucky i get to call you mine..." He says and i smile at him with tears in my eyes... 

We both look at Robert who is wiping a tear away to... "I didn't know you had it in you Evans... That was beautiful..." Robert says and everyone including Chris and i chuckles... 

"Ava sweetheart... Your turn..." Robert says and i smile...

"Christopher, Chris... Sappy..." I say and everyone laughs and Chris blushes... "I loved you from the moment we met... And for years i just told myself that it would be never more than friends... I hated it... But i rather had you in my life as a friend than not at all... Looking back on that i am thankful that we started out as friends... I think it makes our love and relationship so much stronger... You are my best friend... My love... all in one delicious package..." I say and everyone chuckles.

"You are my rock... In your arms i feel save and loved... Living with you... Being married to you feels like a dream and every morning i pinch myself just to make sure i am awake... You are my strong man with this o so sweet and sensitive side... The man who can always make me smile when i feel down and picks me up when i fall... Sometimes literally..." I say making everyone chuckle and Chris smiles at me his thumb is running over the back of my hand... 

"Sappy... I love you so much... And i am so happy we get to show all our loved once how much we love each other... Marrying you is the best decision i have ever made... But... There is one more thing and for that i need our son..." I say and i smile as i get down to Jack's level and he smirks as he walks over to me... 

Jack hands Chris the little box just as we had rehearsed and i lift him up and we both look at Chris who is utterly confused... Everyone is confused as to what is going on... "Angel... What is this...?" He whispers and i smile... "Open it dad... It is a surprise..." Jack squeals as he is all excited and the only one who knows the context of the box... Chris looks at Robert who shrugs as to say... dont ask me... He shakes the box making everyone chuckle and i smile... 

"Just open it..." I say and opens the box, and his eyes grow wide... "No!" He yells all in shock and i smile and nod my head... "Noooo..." He says again and i smile... "Yes..." I say and he pulls out the pregnancy test and ultrasound photo... "It happened a little earlier than planned..." I say and all our guests go wild... 

 Chris takes Jack from me... "No more heavy lifting for you..." He says and pulls me against him and kisses me passionately... Everyone cheers and claps, but Robert clears his throat and tells everyone to sit down again and Chris puts Jack back down handing him the box back for him to hold while we finish up... He smiles and looks at us both... 

"There is still one more thing to do..." He says and both Chris and i nod smiling... 

"Do you Christopher Robert Evans... Take Ava Watts to be your wife...?" He asks and Scott hands him the wedding band we picked out... "I do..." He says with the biggest smile on his face and takes my hand pushing another ring in front of the engagement ring...

"Do you Ava Watts... Take Christopher Robert Evans to be you husband...?" He asks me and i smile... "I do..." I say and i take Chris his wedding ring he had taken off before the ceremony and slide it around his finger again... "It is my honor... To pronounce you husband and wife...." He says...

We both look at Robert who smirks... "Seriously... Now you guys are waiting for permission to kiss?" He says and we both giggle and nod making everyone laugh... "Hey Dorito... You may kiss the bride..." He says and Chris wastes no time pulling me in his arms sticking one arm in the air to claim victory and kissing me passionately... 

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