Chapter 146

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Chris pov...

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are gray.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away..."

I smile as i hear Ava sing to our boys through the baby monitor. It is a few days after all the drama, and everything seems good... I look at ma who is reading a book... Ava seemed to be over all of it. She seemed more relaxed and happier. She had set boundaries with ma and that was that. I love that about Ava, she would talk about it and then it was done... Forgiven and in the past... I felt bad for having Tara come by for nothing, but she waved it off saying that cuddling the babies was even better.  I thanked her profusely for talking to ma as it really had helped. Tara and Ava had gone out for lunch the next day and a little shopping seeing as Ava hadn't had any time for herself since the babies were born... It had done her good... 

Our contractor is really happy with us. First fixing the house. Then the extension to the house and now a little house on the property... He was a great guy though. We were going to build the sort of guesthouse in the same style as the house to not have it stand out. It would be all ground floor so ma never had to walk the stairs again, she could live here until God forbid her time would come... 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms an open living space with her own kitchen to her liking and a washroom. The only thing ma wasn't sure about was selling this place as she had lived here like forever and there were so many memories here... We would have a family meeting tomorrow to see if one of my siblings wanted the house... I think Carly might. I know Scott wouldn't want it. Shanna i was not sure about but it made sense for Carly to get the house as she has kids. 

I had suggested to ma if no one wanted it to sell the house so she can just enjoy life and not have to worry about the place. She could travel and just do things she would like. It made sense why move as you wouldn't sell. 

The doorbell rang and i get snapped out of my thoughts. I walk to the front door and when i open the door the blood drains from my face... On our doorstep stand Ava's parents... Great... Just what we need... I think to myself... 

"Helloooo" Her mother chirps, and she wants to step inside but i stop her... "What do you want..." I ask keeping my tone cold and distant... Just as her mother want to say something Ava appears with Aiden in her arms... She looks at her parents, and her face turns bright red and i swear i could see steam coming from her ears... Ma appears to and looks confused. Ma knows about her parents but has never seen them... But she seems to understand what is going on... 

"Lisa, could you feed Aiden? Preferably upstairs..." Ava asks ma. Ma nods taking Aiden disappearing into the kitchen to make him a bottle... "Why are you two here...?" Ava asks. Her face is stern and the look in her eyes cold... "We are here to see our grandkids... We heard you had twins..." Her mother says looking past Ava towards the kitchen to catch a glimpse of Aiden... 

Ava scoffs... "Yeah that is not happening... You need to leave. I have no interest to have contact with you both. You made your choice, and you will never be part of any of my kids' lives..."  Ava says stepping forward ready to push them out... "Mommy! Can i go play in the yard...!" Jack yells while he runs in oblivious to what is going on... But when he sees Ava's parents, he gets shy and hides behind Ava... "Sure sweetheart... Wear your boots and put on a jacket..." Ava says and Jack quickly runs off... 

"That is your eldest son?" Her dad asks shocked... "Yes... But again, it is no concern of yours as you will never be part of their lives..." Ava says the warm look and tone she had towards Jack replaced again with a cold look and tone... "You heard her... Time to go..." I say as her parents dont move... 

"Now hold on a minute... We want to get to know our grandkids... We have rights you know..." Her dad says and Ava starts to laugh... "Rights?  You think you have the right to our kids... After treating me like crap for years... I reached out and all you had to say were vile things... Why on earth would i want people around my kids who never said anything nice to me my whole life... Who blamed everything bad that happened on me... A kid... I was just a little kid... Then an adult who would have done anything for your approval... But it is never enough..." She shouts and i see ma slip upstairs with a bottle and Aiden. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that the twins are out of their reach. 

"You are just ungrateful pieces of shit... What is it what you really need? Money? Or is it because i have boys and you have some twisted idea of replacing Aaron with one of them..." Ava said growling a dark look on her face making her mother look at her in shock and her father got angrier by the minute so i made sure i was ready to jump in when needed. But i knew Ava needed to say this herself. She needs to deal with this herself... She needs to take her power back... The power her parents took away gradually over time...

"We will sue for grandparent's rights..." Her father growls and to my surprise it doesn't scare Ava but she starts to laugh... "1, with what money? You got nothing living of your pension barely keeps you afloat... I dont give you money anymore... So, you will not be able to afford an attorney... 2, You have no right to grandparent's rights... You never met them... You are no part of their lives... I looked into it because i knew one day you would show up... I knew you would try and weasel you way back. But it is not happening... You are dead to me... I have no parents and my kids have one grandma... That is enough... Just think of me the same as Aaron... Dead... God knows you have been wishing i was the one who died instead of Aaron... You have no kids... And definitely no grandkids... Now leave and dont ever come back or i will get the police involved..." Ava spits at them before shutting the door on them... 

She is breathing heavy leaning her forehead against the door... I take her arm and wrap her in my arms... "You did good angel..." I murmur and she starts to cry...

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