Chapter 50

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"So, i lied a little..." Tara yells at us as we walk up to her at the meeting point. I look at Chris confused, and he shrugs his shoulders... We all hug her, and she can't stop grinning... "So, what i meant was... I dont have one house... I have two..." She says still with that grin on her face...

"Two?" Chris asks and she nods... "Yeah two... I am going to show you both... They both have everything you asked for, but one is a little... Well i dont think it is both of your styles but i dont want to not show it to you... Styles can be changed... The other is more in your style a little less space but still a lot... Lots of privacy at both homes and still in Sudbury..." She says and i smile and wink at Scott who blushes... "Okay... Just show us..." Chris says and she smiles... "Okay you guys follow me in the car..." She says smiling and we nod...

We follow her and i smile as on our right is The Assabet River National wildlife refuge... All i see is green and trees... But then she pulls into a little road... We drive up to this big, massive white house... She is right this is not my style at all and i look at Chris to see what he thinks... "It is big..." I whisper and Chris chuckles... "Well, we wanted space..." He says grinning... "Yes, space to both have an office and guestrooms a gym for you... not space as in i have to call you to find you..." I mumble and Chris, Lisa and Scott all chuckle... "Let's just check it out angel... We dont have to buy it... But who know maybe it will surprise us..." He says and i sigh... "Okay open mind..." I say and he smiles taking my hand kissing the back of it before we all get out of the car and walk towards Tara...

"Okay before we go in... 5-bedroom, 8-bathroom, Office spaces and a basement... There is room for 15 cars to be parked indoors and well a lot of space... The interior you have to look through as i know it is a little bit outdated. But it has a lot of potential... If you wanted, you could move your studio to the house... Your studio now is a half an hour drive from here so is the family..." Tara says and we both nod... I dont want a studio attached to the house... I need space away from the house to work seeing as people come to my studio and i want to keep work and private separate as best as possible... I just want an office to work on photos and projects but keep the studio for the photoshoots...

 I just want an office to work on photos and projects but keep the studio for the photoshoots

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We walk inside and it looks even more massive on the inside... Tara is right i have to look through the whole interior as it is not at all what i like... I look at Chris who isn't looking to excited either... Tara shows us around and all i could think is how would we ever fill this space to make it feel like a home... All the rooms are too big there is not a cozy nook in sight and all i think is that this is not what i want... Chris and i could live her and never see each other... Tara's voice echoes through the rooms as she talks and that is with furniture and decorations everywhere... The kitchen is hideous and in order to make it to our liking we would have to redo the whole house... She is right that it ticks of all the boxes but i just hate it...

"So, what do you guys think?" She asks us while smiling and before i even can say something Chris answers... "I think it is a no... Yes, we want space... But this is too much..." He says and i nod agreeing with him... Tara chuckles and nods...  ."I thought so... Still wanted to show you guys just to make sure..." She says smirking and we both chuckle following her out and get in the car following her to the next house... To our surprise after just a few miles she pulls in again and we follow her up a driveway... A gate opens up and this seems to make Chris happy... Something gated off from the outside world...

We pull up to this beautiful house and as soon as i see it i gasp and fall in love in an instant... I can hear Chris chuckle and he takes my hand and kisses the back of it... "Now this is more to our liking." He whispers and i nod as i can't keep my eyes off of it... It looks more like a home... Still big but i already see more options and places were i could imagine myself sitting down drinking coffee in the morning... It a ranch style home and i am absolutely in love with it...But i try to temper my enthusiasm a little as we still have to see the inside...

We get out the car and Tara smiles at us... "What did i say... huh..." She says smiling proudly and we all laugh... "It us about the same price range as the other one even though it is smaller... But this house is newer and more modern... It has stabled a garage that holds 5 cars and room in total for 12 parking spots it also has a spa and gym... And still two decent office spaces... The house is a bit smaller with 5 bedroom and 7 bathrooms... But it is spacious but not massive like the other one... The only thing you should have to change here will be for esthetic and personal preferences... I think this one really could be it..." Tara says smiling and i nod as Chris squeezes my hand smiling as i am already looking at the house in awe... 

"Stables..." I whisper and i can hear Scott and Lisa chuckle as Chris groans... "I see horses in your future Evans..." Tara says punching his shoulder with a grin... "Oh no... Not horses... Donkeys..." I say with a twinkle in my eyes and while Chris looks at me in shock the other double over laughing. "Why dont you guys go in alone first... We will wait outside..." Tara says and we both nod...

Chris takes my hand, and we walk inside, and Tara is right other than a few minor esthetic changes it is amazing... "Chris..." I whisper as i feel tears starting to come and he chuckles wrapping me into his arms kissing me... When we break the kiss, we walk around and there is not on room i dont love... "What do you think?" I ask as Chris hasn't said a thing yet... "I love it... I really do... So... I think... I think we are home..." He whispers pulling me into him again kissing me passionately... 

"So, what is the verdict

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"So, what is the verdict...?" We hear and see Tara, Scott and Lisa walk in... We both smile... "We will take it..." Chris says and Tara smiles... They all hug us, and Lisa and Scott walk around as we talk details with Tara... Tara will be putting our houses on the market... But we are in no hurry to sell... We both have money and can pay for this house... Chris and i agreed to each pay half... I didn't want him to pay it all... I have money maybe not movie star money but i am doing very well... "Are you sure you want to pay half?" Chris asks me and i nod smirking... "You of all people should now Marvel pays very well..." I say and he chuckles... We make an appointment with Tara for signing paperwork... 

After one more walk through we leave to make it to dinner... Shana and Carly and her family texted they were already on their way, so we needed to hurry... 

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