Chapter 40

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We are back on Set in Atlanta, and it is hot... I am just wearing shorts and a tank top and i feel sorry for the guys as they are fully suited up and look miserable... My assistant Alex keeps bringing me ice cold drinks whenever i want... I still dont fully understand why they assigned me an assistant... I liked him i really do but it was the easiest job in the world for him... As Chris and the others their assistants were running around doing everything, they asked while mine was just sitting in my little trailer reading a book waiting until i wanted something to drink or eat... 

The other thing that had changed was the fact that Chris and i were photographed on our way out of the restaurant after our date and it was all over the news... There were some positive headlines but of course some nasty ones to... I would be lying if i said it did nothing to me but i just try to ignore it... 

My phone rings and i sigh as it is an unknown number... I hesitated for a second but i knew i had to answer just in case it is work related. Ever since our date someone had been calling... I would answer... They would say nothing and just breath heavy through the phone and then either i would hang up or the person on the other end would. I hadn't told Chris... He was already worried enough about me with all the headlines and he was scared it would get to me... He was wrong i have never been happier... Yes, it is no fun to read that people dont think you are good enough because you are not a size 0 but as long as Chris did not mind why would i care what they thought... 

"Ava..." I said answering the phone and there was nothing and i sighed... "Dont you think this is a little pathetic... Either speak up or stop calling..." I said my tone cold as i was getting fed up with this idiot... I hear someone scoff at the other end and started to laugh... It sounded familiar but i couldn't place it... I had heard that laugh before but were... I quickly hang up and put my phone away... But that laugh was not letting me go... I couldn't place it and it was driving me crazy because it sounded familiar...

I pushed it to the back of my mind and went on about my day... I was taking pictures of the set up and Chris, Seb, Mackie and Scarlet waiting to play the scene... I had learned that acting was a lot of waiting... I walk up to them, and Chris puts his arm around me kissing my temple and i smile... "What's up Angel?" He asks and i shake my head. "Nothing..." I mumble and lean into him as he kisses my temple again... "Sappy? Can we just relax tonight the two of us..." I whisper and the others start to chuckle... When they found out about the pet name, they were in hysterics... Like Chris had predicted he would not hear the end of it... But he would only react to it when i called him it and when Mackie, Seb or Scarlet called him that he would ignore them... 

"Of course... But are you sure you are okay?" He asks and i nod... "Yeah... Just tired and in desperate need to relax..." I whisper and he smiles... "I can help with that..." He whispers in my ear and i giggle... The days were long at the moment filming stunts was a long process... "Oh that reminds me... Tara send over a few more houses to us to look into..." He said and i smiled... Chris did not want to wait with starting to search for our dream home and had called Tara to ask her to start looking... The houses she had send us were all not what we wanted. "How is house hunting going?" Scarlet asks and Chris and i both sigh... "It is not... The houses are either too small or we dont like the neighborhood..." Chris says and i chuckle and grin... "Meaning it is too far away from mommy..." I say chuckling and they all laugh and Chris groans... 

"Dont worry Sappy... We will find a house we both like... Maybe one of you mom's neighbors are willing to sell their house..." I say winking at him, and Chris rolls his eyes... "Yeah Sappy... Can't you just buy out one of your mother's neighbors...?" Seb said smirking and i giggled as Chris rolled his eyes... "Do you see what you have done..." He murmurs but with a smile on his face and i look up at him and grin... "Hey we can always go back to Captain little ass..." Mackie said and i looked at them stunned... "I am sorry Captain what now?" I said and looked up at Chris who sighed and hung his head in defeat as the others laughed... Chris was about to say something when they get called back and he kisses me as the others chuckle... 

I take a picture as they all walk away from me... I smile and look at my screen... I watch as a team of people poke and prod at them to make them look perfect for the scene... 

When they are finally done it is time to go home... I am waiting for Chris to get changed and i sigh as my phone rings again and again but i dont feel like answering... "Aren't you going to pick up...?" Seb said appearing behind me and i jumped a little... "Oh no... It is not important..." I mumble and Seb looks at me worried... "Ava... Is everything okay..." He asks and i put a forced smile on my face and nod... "Everything is good... Just ready to go home and relax..." I say and he smiles catching me by surprise hugging me... "Sappy not ready yet?" He asks when he lets me go and i nod... Just then Chris comes out of his trailer walking over to us... "Mackie not ready?" He asks and we both shake our head... We wait another few minutes until Mackie shows up... 

"Let's go people... Lets go!" Mackie says and we all chuckle and walk to the car where Alex is waiting for us to take us home... I put my phone on silent so i dont notice the calls anymore and shake the calls off of me thinking about having a relaxing night with Chris...

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