Chapter 132

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Chris pov...

I watch as Ava is asleep... My amazing angel... She was exhausted fighting to stay awake long enough to see Jack. "We will go home now sweetheart..." Ma whispers to me with the biggest smile on her face as she puts Owen back down. "Congratulations... They are perfect. Just like Jack." She says kissing my cheek and i smile proudly at her. "Thanks ma..." I say and wink at Jack who is sitting on my lap... I hug him a little tighter... "Be good to grandma, okay bud." I say and he nods and hugs me back. 

"Your mom and i have to stay here with your brothers until they tell us we can go home..." I tell him and he looks a little sad but when ma tells him they will play boardgames he jumps off my lap excited... "Can i say goodbye to Owen and Aiden?" He asks and i nod smiling... 

I take like a hundred pictures as he says a long goodbye to his brothers probably because he doesn't want to leave yet... Aiden had woken up and was making little sounds at him. Jack had the biggest smile on his face and i can't feel anything but love and pride... I put my arm around ma's shoulder as she is tearing up again watching the absolutely adorable moment of my 3 sons...

"Why is only Aiden awake... They are twins shouldn't they both be awake..." Jack asks his voice full of wonder and i chuckle... "Yes, they are twins bud, but they are still each their own person... They dont do anything the same..." I say and he nods like he understands... "Oh, Owen is waking up..." He whispers with the biggest smile on his face and i chuckle...

"We have to go sweetheart... Mommy has to feed the babies soon and then they go back to sleep..." Ma said and Jack looks sad... "I want to see them eat..." Jack says and ma smiles and looks at me and i shrug my shoulders... Ava is out like a light sleeping through it all and i dont mind them staying so it is up to ma if she wants to stay... 

"Okay sweetheart. But after that we have to let your mom sleep again..." Ma says and i nod in agreement and Jack gets the biggest smile on his face... Aiden starts to cry, and it makes Jack jump a little bit... "I didn't do it... I didn't make him cry..." He says looking at me scared and i crouch down to his level as this is something that is a remainder from his past... It is a lot better now, but it breaks my heart every time seeing him apologize for something that he has no control in and should not have to apologize for.... "I know bud... Babies cry when they are hungry or need a diaper changed or just want to cuddle..." I say and i hug Jack who relaxes again...

"I think Aiden is hungry..." I say smiling and i stand up after kissing Jack's cheek and gently wake Ava who is all groggy... "Sorry angel but the babies want to eat..." I whisper and she wakes up more pushing herself up... "Yeah sure, sorry... I must have dozed off..." She mumbles and i smile and kiss her... "It is okay angel..." I say and she hums... I walk over to Aiden lifting him out of the crib and put him in her arms... Jack eyes grow wide when she puts him on her breast and ma smirks nudging me as Jack looks absolutely shocked and is bright red... 

I take Owen and put him in her arms helping her to get him to latch on at the other breast. "Babies eat... like... that...?" He says and Ava looks at him smiling... "Yes sweetheart... They drink milk coming from my breasts..." She explains and he looks shocked again... "Like a cow...?" He says and i look at him horrified for basically calling his mother a cow, but Ava seems to find it hilarious and laughs until tears roll down her cheeks so does ma... "Yeah basically..." She says and i let out a sigh of relief... 

"Yes, sweetheart but it is not nice to compare your mother to a cow..." Ma whispers in his ear when she stopped laughing and he blushes... "Sorry mommy..." He says and Ava chuckles... "It is okay sweetheart. I know you didn't mean it like that..." She says winking at him, and he giggles...

About an hour later Jack and ma have gone home and we are alone again... I had taken Owen from her to burp, and she has Aiden already burped and he was sleeping again in her arms... She has the biggest smile on her face watching him and i think i can see little hearts in her eyes... She is a natural... She was with Jack and now with our little babies... 

"Still saying never again?" I say smirking and she looks up at me and sighs... "Yes... Sorry..." She says blushing and i chuckle... "But i am always open to adopt another one..." She adds and i smile... I never really thought about that which is idiotic as we have adopted Jack. But maybe that is because i dont think about Jack as adopted... He is our son and that is that... "Adopting a girl?" I say smirking and she shrugs her shoulders... "I dont care boy... Girl... When we are ready, we will see... I think we have enough space and love to adopt again but for now i am happy with my boys..." She says and i nod smiling... 

After they are both back asleep i put them in the crib and crawl on the bed next to Ava who cuddles into me... I show her the pictures of Jack, Owen and Aiden and she smiles... I tell her what happened when they cried, and it only confirms to the both of us that we have to stay vigilant to keep him involved and not make him feel like an outsider... He was already 8 when adopted so it is no secret and sometimes, he is just unsure and scared it is not forever... 

I smile as Ava has fallen asleep again... A nurse walks in to check up and i wake Ava again who is a little annoyed at her timing... The nurse smiles picking up on it and tells us that she is sorry, but the doctor will be by soon and we can probably go home tomorrow as both boys are in perfect health and so is mom... We thank her and she leaves and not long after that Ava is asleep again...

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