Chapter 27

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The doorbell rings and i look up. "Come on it is time for dinner... Seb and Mackie ordered pizza..." Chris says and i smile... "Dont let Marvel hear that... It is not on your Captain diet..." I say smirking and he chuckles... "Well, we better keep it a secret then..." He says and i chuckle... Chris stands up and i close my laptop and we walk to the kitchen. 

I sit down at the counter and chuckle as the 3 men look so excited about their pizza's... I just sit there listening to their antics as Chris has his hand on my thigh giving me a little squeeze every now and then and it makes me smile... It is just a little gesture, but it is like he needs to be in contact with me... 

"Are you excited?" I ask Mackie as this will be his first-time filming for Marvel and he nods... "I am going to nail this shit... Captain America who...?" He says and i laugh... "He is going to be trouble... I know with Mackie on set productivity will be down..." Chris says smirking and i laugh... "Well can't wait to take pictures of it all..." I say and Mackie looks at me... "You better get my good side or you and i will have some words... You know what i am saying..." He says giving me a goofy stare and i laugh again... "I thought every side was your good side..." I say smirking... And now both Seb and Chris chuckle... 

"What time is the car coming to pick us up?" I ask and they all sigh... "We have to be on set around... 6 in the morning..." Chris says and i groan... "Great... Well i better put my stuff together because i will forget stuff if i have to do it in the morning..." I say and stand up... "Need help?" Chris asks and i shake my head... "No..." I say and he looks disappointed and i smile... "But i wouldn't mind some company..." I say and his face lights up and he follows me to my office leaving Seb and Mackie to clean up the mess...

"Why isn't Mackie staying here?" I ask as we walk into my office and Chris shrugs his shoulders... "I dont know... It never really came up..." He says and i roll my eyes...  "There is enough room..." I mumble and Chris smiles... "Do you want us to ask him?" He says and i shrug my shoulders... "Not my place... That reminds me... I need to help pay for this place..." I say and Chris starts violently shake his head... "Nope... No way is not happening..." He says and i look at him with a little bit of shock... "But..." I start to say but he puts his finger over my lips... "Nope... Now let it go..." He says and i sigh... "Fine..." I mumble his finger still on my lips and i start to smirk and kiss it making him chuckle... 

"Now sit... So i can pack my stuff..." I say and i grab the bag i already packed but ransacked for our little photoshoot... Chris is typing on his phone and starts to laugh when Mackie appears a few seconds later... I look up confused... "Ava has something to ask you..." Chris said smirking and i look even more confused... "She wants to ask if you want to stay here during filming instead of the hotel..." Chris says and i smile as i look at Mackie... "Ah you want a little chocolate in the house... I feel you we all need a little chocolate in our lives..." He says grinning and i laugh... "I just asked why you were not staying here... But yes, i agree you should stay here it is ridiculous that i didn't asked you in the first place..." I say and Mackie grins... "Have i told you i like her..." Mackie says making my blush and Chris grin... "Once or twice..." Chris says making me blush even more...  

"What is going on?" Seb says appearing in my office and i chuckle... "Hello roomy..." Mackie says patting his shoulder smirking and Seb looks at him for a second. "Nooooooooooo..." He yells dropping to the floor overly dramatic and i look shocked for a second before i see the grin on Seb his face and i start to laugh hard... Chris starts to laugh to while Mackie just looks at us rolling his eyes... "You guys' suck..." Mackie mumbles and i laugh even harder and i just can't anymore the look on Mackie's face is priceless... 

Sebastian stands back up and pats his back... "Let's go get your stuff Mackie..." He says grinning and both of the walk out bickering... "You better get ready for that.... 24/7..." Chris says and i grin... "Well at least it is not boring..." I say and Chris stands up and walks over to me hugging me and i let out a sigh... "I really should get my stuff ready..." I mumble... "In a minute..." He whispers and i smile... 

After i have packed my bag and Mackie and Seb returned and Mackie got installed in his room i decided to go to bed as i was just so tired and we had to be up really early as the car would be here at 5... Chris said he was going to bed to, and Seb and Mackie smirked and i blushed as Chris followed me and got changed in his room while i changed in mine... A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and told Chris to come in... I feel a little awkward when he walked in and i dont know why... He slept here last night... But i just felt nervous... I crawled under the blankets and so did Chris pulling me against him and i sigh as i cuddled into him getting comfortable neither one of us saying a word... 

"Are you nervous for tomorrow?" I ask breaking the silence and Chris sighs... "A little... Just healthy nerves... Are you nervous?" He asked and i sighed... "Yes... Not about the job but my face..." I mumble and Chris sighs... "It is going to be okay... Trust me..." He says and i take a deep breath... "Okay..." I mumble and close my eyes... Chris plays with my hair and that in combination with his steady heartbeat and breathing makes it i quickly drift off to sleep...

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