Chapter 3

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"Unfuckingbelievable..." I mutter as i make my way towards the spot i told the Uber to pick me up... I shiver as my coat is not providing enough warmth for this cold fall evening... I had not planned on being outside for so long but here we are... I sigh checking my phone... I groan as Chris is blowing up my phone trying to call me... Texts asking me to come back to the house... I ignore it all... I told him to not call and to not text to leave me alone but of course he doesnt listen... I put my phone on silence and take a deep breath... 

The Uber driver is 5 minutes out... I put my arms around my waist trying my best to stay warm, but the adrenaline is starting to drain and i start to shiver even more... I see headlights appear and a car stops in front of me. A middle-aged woman with a friendly face, smiles at me and i let out a sigh of relief that it is not some creepy guy... 

"You called for an Uber sweetheart?" She asked and i nodded and opened the back door and got in... I gave her my address and she smiled... "Are you alright sweetheart?" The woman said and i gave her a little smile... "I am good thank you..." I say and she looks at me skeptical... "Are you sure because you are crying sweetheart..." She says and only then i realize tears are running down my cheeks... 

"Yeah, i am good Thanks for asking..." I whisper wiping my tears away... "Boy trouble?" She asks and i sigh nodding... "I am sorry sweetie... But you are a pretty girl, and you seem sweet so you will find someone who is right for you... Dont let anyone tell you otherwise..." She says smiling and i nod... "Thank you..." I whisper and not much later we arrive at my place... I pay her and give her a big tip and walk up to my front door... I smile as she is waiting for me to go inside for driving off...

I close the door behind me and lean against it letting out a deep sigh... Chris his words playing over and over in my mind... "I like you... I love you..." I groan and the feeling of his lips on mine flash through my mind... I shake my head not wanting to remember... I sigh and push myself up from the door... I put the locks on my door and sigh dropping my keys in the bowl... I walk towards my bedroom through the dark not bothering to turn on the lights. 

I walk to the bathroom turn on the light and get undressed dropping my clothes in the laundry basket and look at myself in the mirror... I shake my head... Once again i think about how different i look than every girl Chris has ever dated... I dont find myself particularly ugly but i have curves... a belly... thighs that touch... An ass that jiggles... An ass in general... Nothing like the skinny model like women he normally has in his bed so why he acted this way now is beyond me... 

The women who Chris introduced me to didn't even give me a second glance because in their eyes i am no threat... Because Chris could not possibly go for a girl like me... Some of them were just plain cruel... Making jokes at my expense while Chris was not around... Chris once walked in on a girl taunting me and dumped the girl on the spot and the look on her face was priceless, but she couldn't help herself telling me i was pathetic for hanging around desperately waiting for him to notice me and that Chris would never be with me because he could not possibly be seen with me that it would ruin his career... 

The look in Chris his eyes when she said all this told me she was right... Or that he felt like that to and that was the moment i had given up and told myself to let it go... He didn't stand up for me... He just kept quiet until she walked out the door... That was the moment i started to distance myself a little more and not spend the night at his place anymore... That is the moment i gave in and resided in the fact that other than friends it would never be more... I said no more often to invites and did more my own thing... It didn't help that both Evans brothers kept asking why i wasn't around so much anymore and i didn't know what to tell them... I just told them i was busy and started about something else changing the subject... But it hurt because in my eyes Chris must have known why i didn't come by as often as before... In my eyes he must have put two and two together... But nothing... It was like it never had happened. 

I sigh and brush my teeth and put on my sleep shirt before walking into the bedroom and crawl under the sheets... I close my eyes trying to calm my mind... I take a deep breath trying to think of other things and i think about the interaction with Josh... It was fun... uncomplicated... His focus was on me and as far i could see he was genuinely interested... Maybe i hadn't noticed before because i was too focused on Chris. 

I smile again thinking about the interaction with Josh the playfulness before he dropped himself in the pool... The smile on his face when i told him to pick me up tomorrow at 7... The excitement of flirting with him the feeling of his finger tracing my jawline... Not to mention he was easy on the eyes... When he pulled of his shirt i felt things... God he looked good... 

All of a sudden i sit up straight in bed when i heard loud knocking on my door... I dont move pulling my sheets a little higher... I grab my phone to check the doorbell camera and i groan seeing Chris standing there... "Great..." I mumble and drop myself back in the bed... Another series of knocks on the door and Chris now starts to yell out for me and i groan slapping my hand over my face... "Oh for fuck's sake he is going to wake up the whole neighborhood..." I mumble as he keeps knocking and yelling out for me... I sigh and get out of bed making my way to the front door not sure what to do... 

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