Chapter 43

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"Okay listen up everyone!" I yell to get everyone's attention as we are gathered in our kitchen to discuss details with everyone working on this shoot... The room is buzzing with all the people... It is chaos and everyone is talking and laughing... But as soon as i raise my voice the room goes quiet. 

"The schedule will be like this... Mackie will be first for his solo shots... Then followed by Seb and Scarlet should be here and ready by then so she will be number 3... Then directly after that we will do group shots so Scarlet can leave after that as she has other obligations... Last will be Chris..." I say taking control of the chaos and everybody nods... I avoid looking at Chris as he is smirking at me with a dark look in his eyes and i know what that look means... 

He knows why i want him last... I want him alone... In his suit... Over the last weeks it has been torture seeing him walking around in that thing and now that he had it here in the house i was going to make sure it was being put to good use... 

"Uhm excuse me..." A lady says looking at me annoyed and i take a deep breath looking at her... "Yes?" I say not wanting to dismiss her but knowing i am not going to like what she has to say... She is from wardrobe, and she does not like me for some reason... "Why are we not doing all the solo shots first and then the group shots? That is how it usually works..." She asks in a snarky tone... 

I sigh being questioned how i run things is nothing new to me, but this woman has been on my case ever since i stepped foot on set... I had been able to ignore it but now she was doing it in my temporary home while i was running the show and responsible for the outcome that is where i draw the line... I go in my work mode... My i know what i am doing stay out of it mode...

"Because i said so..." I bluntly state trying to move on from her as everyone chuckles at my reaction... "But i really..." She starts to say... "Karen... Dont start with me... I told you the schedule now get with it or get out... You are not telling me how to do my job... Just as i am not telling you how to do your job..." I say looking at her and she looks at me fuming as everyone else is looking at her shocked... Everyone else in the room knows at a day like this what the photographer wants the photographer gets... I am never forgetting what the people who hired me want of course... But they gave me guidelines and the rest were up to me and none of this has to do with the schedule... I was looking forward to this day and she was not going to ruin it...

Everyone by now knows Chris and i are in a relationship and are used to it... We would not hide it but keep it fairly professional on set. Of course, there were the occasional kisses here and there... But no one made a fuss about it... If someone felt uncomfortable by that all they had to do was talk to me and i would stop doing it... But no one cared but her... She seems to not want to acknowledge that Chris and i were together for some reason... 

So, part of me says it to put her in her place, to mark my territory... And part of me says it as a warning to everyone else that i am in control today... What i say goes... "My name is not Karen..." She says fuming and i look at her... "Oh i know..." I say and walk away telling Mackie who is doing his best to not laugh to go get ready and Alex to help me set up... Everyone is giggling and Chris just looks at me smirking and winking at me before i walk out the room and into the garage... 

I had turned the garage into a full Studio this morning and one of the guestrooms was where they would get ready... As i am setting up the last few things Chris walks in... "Alex, can you give us a minute?" Chris asks and Alex looks at me as to ask me if i want him to leave and i smile and nod... As soon as the door closes behind him Chris pulls me in his arms kissing me passionately... "I like it when you take control and are all bossy..." He murmurs into the kiss and i chuckle... "Yeah well when it comes to my work... I know what i am doing... I dont need her to tell me what to do..." I sigh and Chris smiles and kisses me again... "She just gets on my nerves... I have been able to ignore her but her mouthing off to me undermining me in the place i call home... Well i could not ignore that..." I sigh and Chris smiles and kisses me again... "And maybe marking your territory a little bit..." He says grinning and i blush... 

"Sorry..." I mumble feeling really stupid all of a sudden and Chris grins and leans in his lips hovering over my ear... "Dont be... I liked it..." He hums in my ear in this low silky tone and i bite my lip to suppress a moan... "Just wait until we are alone and i will show you how much i like it..." He whispers and i giggle... "Holding you to that Mr. Evans..." I whisper and he grins as he starts to walk back out... Before he opens the door, he pauses and turns to me... "Oh no angel you will be calling me captain when i make you come..." He says grinning and i look at him turning bright red and he laughs walking out leaving me there absolutely stunned and a little heated...

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