Chapter 21

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"Do you want a tour?" Chris asks and i sigh... "No... I want a shower..." I mumble and Chris chuckles. "Come on I'll show you to your room..." He said and i nodded grabbing one of my bags with my stuff... Chris took the other one and i followed him... "We will put your equipment in your temporary office while you shower..." He says as he put my suitcase down on the bench at the end of the bed... I sigh... "I can do that Chris..." But he shook his head and i gave in...

"I am in the next room... And Seb is in the room after that..." Chris said lingering a bit and i smiled and nodded... I walked over to him and hugged him. "Thank you..." I whisper and he takes in a deep breath... "No problem, Angel... Anything for you..." He whispers and i smile and let him go... "After your shower i will show you your office..." Chris says and i nod...

Chris leaves and i sigh looking around the room... This will be my home for the next 4 months but i am happy i kept my hotel room just in case... My emotions are still over the place and the fact i am loopy from the painkillers is not helping... But it was nice to feel so much pain and Chris was right i didn't have to work today or tomorrow so i could take them. I just had to watch what i was saying because i already made a fool of myself on the plane... Although the shock on Chris his face when i said i kept the pictures was worth it... 

I sigh and open my suitcase and get some clean clothes and walk into the bathroom... I am shocked looking around me it is massive but what did i expect... The bedroom was luxurious and massive to... I smile and look around getting a little bit excited this must be better than the hotel room, right? 

I look at the shower and smile and turn it on and get undressed and step under the scolding hot water and i can feel my body relax... My face stings a little when the water runs over it but i ignore it and just sigh letting the water run over me...

When i finally drag myself out of the shower i get dressed and wonder into the house finding it empty... The doorbell rings and i walk to the front door and a courier asks if i am Ms. Watts and i nod... He hands me an envelope i have to sign for and after he left i walk into the kitchen... "Jesus this is a dream kitchen..." I mumble wondering how much we would actually use it... I open the envelope and it is my contract and the NDA... There is also a list with things they want me to photograph and to come meet them on the first day... I get an apology for not meeting them earlier, but they are busy. 

I go over the paperwork reading it all and sign it and the NDA... I smile looking at my signature... It is official... I am officially the photographer for this movie... I call the number on the envelope to have it picked up and send back to them and i keep the copies for myself... I hear footsteps and look up and Chris appears in the kitchen... 

"It is official..." I say smiling and he smiles back... "Congratulations... You deserve it..." He says and i blush... "You really had nothing to do with this right? You wouldn't lie to me about that right?" I ask and he shakes his head... "I swear on my mother i haven't..." He says and i know he would not swear on his mother if he wasn't telling the truth... "Come... I'll show you your office..." Chris says and i smile and follow him to the opposite side of the massive mansion... We pass a gym where Seb is working out and i roll my eyes...  "This house is massive..." I mumble and Chris chuckles... He opens a door to a spacious room filled with my stuff. 

"This is nice..." I say and Chris smiles... "Just make yourself at home..." He says and turns around walking out... "CHRIS!" I yell after him and he turns around... "Thank you... Really..." I say and he smiles and nods and walks off and i sigh... I start to unpack my stuff and putting a bag together that i will take with me every day... All the other stuff will be for the official photoshoots... I wonder what they want for that... I put my laptop on the desk and check some emails... I smile as there is an email from Melissa wishing me luck... 

There is a knock on the door and Chris is back again... He smiles looking around... "You already unpacked..." He says and i nods smiling... "We wanted to order lunch... Anything you like...?" He says and i shrug my shoulders... "Doesn't matter to me whatever you guys like is fine with me..." I say knowing that they have strict diets now. Chris is leaning against the doorpost... "Dont move..." I say and he smiles as i lift my camera and take a picture.... 

"Dont you have enough pictures of me already?" He says with a boyish grin on his face and i snap another one... "Never... The camera loves you..." I say and Chris chuckles pushing himself off the doorpost... He walks over to me and puts his hands on the desk leaning towards me and i look up at him and grin... "We are going to have a talk later about the little secret you told us on the plane..." He says and i giggle... "I have no idea what you are talking about... Besides... I was under the influence of drugs... You shouldn't take what i say serious while under the influence..." I say and he squints his eyes at me... "So, no naked pictures?" He asks and i shrug my shoulders... "Maybe... Maybe not..." I whisper and he leans closer and grins... "I think there are..." He says and i chuckle... "You will never know..." I whisper and he stands back up as Seb knocks on the door... 

"Oh sorry..." He says but i shake my head... "What's up..." I say and he sighs... "I need to eat so have you guys decided what to get?" He asks and i chuckle... "I dont mind you guys' order and i am sure it will be fine..." They both nod and leave my office Chris looking over his shoulder and grinning and i chuckle...

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