Chapter 92

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"Dont let me go dad..." Jack says with a little fear in his voice as Chris is holding him up in the water teaching him how to swim... "Dont worry bud, i wont..." Chris says smiling... I am lying on one of the sunbeds in a bikini... While Chris had been in the pool with Jack i had put the gifts in my suitcase and changed... I had made an attempt at reading but i had given up after reading one page for a third time and just put it away and closed my eyes enjoying the sun... 

Every now and then i peaked at Chris and Jack who were splashing around in the pool... "Come on bud jump... I will catch you..." I heard and i looked and Chris had put Jack on the edge of the pool and was in the water ready to catch him. It took him a minute, but he jumped in Chris his arms and squealed... I smiled as he squealed that he wanted to do it again, so Chris obliged and put him on the edge again... I pulled out my phone and filmed it as Jack would jump in the pool Chris would catch him and then he would put him back on the edge again to do it all over... 

I put my phone away and closed my eyes again a smile on my face... "I need to go to the toilet..." Jack squealed and Chris put him on the edge of the pool, and he ran inside... I gasped when cold water dripped down on me and i opened my eyes seeing Chris leaning over me... "You are teasing me again angel..." He growls putting his hands on either side of me on the sunbed leaning down and kissing me...He traced the lines of my bikini with his finger and i giggled as it tickled... 

He was just about to kiss again when we heard a loud crash and Chris and i jumped up and ran inside... In the hallway Jack stood next to were normally a big vase stood on a side table, but it was now in shatters on the floor... "I'm sorr... I'm sorry..." He said sobbing completely in tears his little body shaking. "I didn't mean to... I am sorry... Please dont be mad. So... sorry..." Jack kept saying in a panic and my heart broke as he looked so scared... He was crying and shaking and i walked over making sure to not step on any of the shard's as i was barefoot. 

"Shhh... Dont cry sweetheart... It was an accident... Accidents happen..." I say lifting him up, holding him and rocking him back and forth... "Are you hurt...?" I ask but Jack just cries telling us he is sorry over and over again and it is absolutely heart breaking... "Take him to the kitchen to check him over... I will clean it up..." Chris says kissing his little head and i nodded... 

"Come on sweetheart i need to check that you are not hurt..." I say and i carry Jack to the kitchen... I put him down on the counter and cup his little cheeks. "It is okay sweetheart... We are not mad... We are just worried that you are hurt... So, i am going to make sure you are not... And if you are i am going to take care of it... Okay?" I say and Jack nods and i wipe away his tears... 

"Does it hurt anywhere?" I ask and he shakes his head... I check him all over and other then a bruise on his arm there is nothing... "What happened sweetheart?" I ask... "I ran out of the bathroom and hit the table... I tried to catch it, but it was to heavy..." He says sobbing and i wrap him in my arms... "It is okay sweetheart... It was an accident... Dont worry about it... Accidents happen..." I say again and Chris comes into the kitchen and throws the shards into the trash.

"Is he okay?" Chris asked worried and i nod... "Just a bruise where he hit the table..." I say and Chris lets out a sigh of relief... "It is okay bud... Everything is cleaned up... Like nothing happened..." He says and Jack looks at him with tear filled eyes... "You are not mad?" He whispers and Chris smiles... "Did you do it on purpose?" Chris asked and Jack shakes his head... "Then i am not mad bud... Accidents happen the most important thing is that you are okay... That will always be the most important thing..." Chris says and Chris lifts him up from the counter i had put him on... "What do you say we go swimming again..." Chris says smiling and this makes Jack smile a little bit... 

He then whispers something in Jack's ear and Jack giggles... "Mom you need to swim to..." Jack says and Chris grins and i roll my eyes... "Really?" I say and Jack nods... "Well fine..." I say and Jack cheers the whole incident forgotten already...

I lower myself in the water and whimper a bit as it is cold... Chris and Jack are already in and splashing around... "Try to swim to mom..." Chris says and i push myself off the edge fully submerging myself and i smile as Jack tries to swim over to me with the thing Chris had taught him. I met him halfway as he struggled a little bit and panic was setting in... He wrapped his arms around my neck and i smiled... "Good job sweetheart... Now swim back to dad again..." I say and Chris smiles as Jack makes his way over to Chris... We do this a few times and he get more confident, and we let him swim a little further... 

After a while i let him play with Chris and i get out and lay down on the sunbed again to let the sun dry me... I smile at the sounds of Jack squealing and giggling happy he had forgotten all about the accident and happy he is smiling again... 

"What do you say we throw some burgers on the grill..." I hear him say to Jack and Jack cheers again and i smile... "I'll go get everything... You boys go dry off and start the grill..." I say and Chris nods and i get up and walk inside... 

Jack barely can keep his eyes open during dinner as he is all tired out from spending the day in the pool... But he fights it, and he runs around the yard pretending to walk Maggie and it is adorable... But it is getting late, and he needs to go to bed... "Okay time for bed bud..." Chris says smirking but Jack protests and i chuckle... Chris ignores it and lifts him up... He kisses me and i wish Jack a good night before he carries Jack inside to put him to bed. We were going to try to have him sleep in one of the other bedrooms... I go inside to clean up everything from dinner... I smile thinking about today and i just can't believe how happy i am... 

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