Chapter 136

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Chris pov...

I walk through the front door the detective following me... I sigh so far i had seen it, but the further i get in the house the more my heart drops... It is the whole house... No room has been spared... Furniture has been destroyed walls have holes in them the word whore written everywhere... Nothing is in its place... The picture frames with Ava's work are all smashed on the stairs and i want to cry when i see the most important picture off all smashed to... The picture of Jack's biological mother... I can see the kitchen and all the cabinets are open its content scattered over the floor smashed to pieces... So are the dining room chairs... Everything is just destroyed... The wedding picture hanging above the fireplace is slashed and destroyed whore written over the white dress Ava had been wearing... Thank God we have back up's form all the pictures... I sigh and turn to the detective... "Upstairs?" I ask and her face says it all... I groan and run my hand over my face... "My son's room?" I ask and again the look on her face says it all... 

"Mr. Evans... Chris... It is every room..." She says softly and all of a sudden, my face drops and i start to run to Ava's office... I let out a sigh of relief when i see the panel of the wall were the safe is hidden behind is still intact... Still i need to check knowing what is in there... So, i open the panel and open the safe with the code and fingerprint scanner... I let out a sigh of relief as i see everything is still there... All Ava's back up hard drives and more important the USB with the pictures she took of me naked are here... The important paperwork is still there...

I thank God that Ava had insisted on having the safe nicely hidden. "Is everything accounted for?" The detective asks and i jump a little as i was so in my own thoughts that i didn't hear her follow me... "Yes..." I say letting out a deep sigh... I close the safe again. I close the panel and turn around and only then it settles in that her office is utterly destroyed to... All her equipment smashed...

"Chris...?" She says again and i sigh... "The cameras?" She says and i nod and take a deep breath and walk back downstairs... "Sorry i just needed to check..." I mumble and she nods... I walk to the back of the house to the hallway closet which holds all the security stuff... "Detective... The guy from the security company is here to see how they got in without triggering it..." An officer tells her, and she nods... I can see that the door is damaged as the intruder tried to open it, but it was reinforced steel and only to be opened with a code... 

A guy appears and i recognize him as the owner of the security company. "Mr. Evans..." He says letting out a sigh... I give him a nod as i try to control my anger as i know it is not fair to take my anger out on him even when he said that his system was the top of the line. It was supposed to be full proof... 

He explains that he checked at their office, and it said that the security system has not been triggered but that they are still looking into what happened on their end.  But that the system had been fully functioning. That the last time it had been used was when ma had closed up the house... "I need some air..." I mumble and walk outside leaving them to do their thing as i felt a rage come over me... 

All the destruction was getting to me and i wondered if Ava ever wanted to come back her or that we had to go look for a new place... I wondered how to move on... So many things running through my mind... But above all my heart was broken that i couldnt give Ava what she craved most... A peaceful place to bond with our babies and just relax and heal from giving birth just a few days ago...  I make a list in my head but i know i have to talk to Ava first to see what she wants... If she doesn't want to come back i have to call Tara to find us a new place. I know ma wouldn't mind having us around but i also know it is not ideal as we are a family of 5 now. 

I sigh and sit down on one of the chairs outside and put my hands in my head... "Chris?" I hear and i look up and ma is standing in front of me looking worried... "Hey ma..." I say and stand up and she hugs me.... "Ava asked me to check up on you..." She says and i give her a forced smile because i know if i dont i am going to cry... "It is bad ma... The whole house... It is destroyed..." I mumble swallowing the lump in my throat and she sighs... "You can stay with me for as long as you guys need or want..." She says and i force another smile... "Thanks ma..." I mumble and she nods...  

All of a sudden, the detectives both walk out and up to us... "So, we have good news... We have footage of the perpetrator... The bad news is that we think he has gotten help from someone in the security company..." The male detective says. I forgot his name and i look at them... "Who was it?" I ask and they both look at me... "We were hoping you could identify him..." Grace says and i sigh... "We got lucky that the security cameras are on a closed system and could not be tampered with..." Grace says and i nod... 

We follow them in the house again and ma gasps looking around... We walk to the system and my eyes meets the owner's eyes and he looks like he is about to burst into flames... He is on the phone with someone ordering him to give the police full access to the personal files... At least he is cooperating. 

An officer rewinds and then plays the video and i sigh as we are waiting for the guy who did this come into the frame... I see in rewind a guy climbs the fence... He stops the footage when the guy is clearly visible... And i take a deep breath and the male detective looks at me... "Do you recognize him?" He asks and i nod... "Yup... That is him... That is Josh..." I say and the room goes silent... I can see him climb over the fence a baseball bat in one hand a backpack on his back... 

When we see him appear on the camera at the back door, he has an evil grin on his face as he just waves at the camera... He doesn't seem to be bothered that he is on camera as if he is just sure he is going to get away with it... Then he goes inside and i turn away as i dont want to see what is coming next on the few cameras we have inside... 

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